Show HEN GENI GROSVENOR UNMILITARY ON GLORY He Cals Calls the ManeUvers of Beg ulars ular and Milta MilitIa a Conglomerate orate erate Performance NOTHING LIKE THEM IN WAR C cd to StrIke Ont Omit V for Washington Tan Jan 9 V 1 a vote voto of at 2 27 to 60 tine tho hou house e In committee of time the whole today having tn the army bil bill under consideration rt cc fused to strike out on an Item ot of for tor the purpose of paying the expenses Of regiments squadrons and ot of the organized to participate 11 in such or divi 1011 as many be C Cd for tor time the field neld instruction ot of time tho troops of at the army hay of el said that 10 so far lI as the maneuvers hele held In Virginia er concerned the they were 1 a farce of OhIo enlivened tho th house by relating the story of them the bold mer l near ar hil his home In Athens O 0 OHe Ite He sai said that after atter getting the tho regulars into they had tWO or three daYs maneuvers Ild then a asham asham sham bite battle He said he had served four years and upwards in to the army at I a tune ot of act active Ive war at und and that wih with a lon ho had lever never any either In CUIP camp or In batoon battle ott any an ot of thc tho plans and detail they undertook to perform nt nit his honne I do know ho hc said what other peoples experience nt at time the town where e I 1 lyo was but I know that we never Walt want to see any regular elate crate performance such I as that wa come near us again lie Ho said there was nn an Iria ton tion and conflict between farmers son sonant ant amid cheeks all amid men of time tho regular army Some trouble ed Ht at Athens ald 1 a soldier of time tho regular batory battery was arrested tor or being drunk ont and disorderly A friend located hint him himIn In Jai jail That nIght 60 50 or 75 members ot of the battery ter to whIch the be belonged longed slipped out ot of camp marched up to town Into the jai jail and us as they were unable to atack attack n a guard gUrd ot of tim In fantry by n a young omeera I a corporal 01 or n a sergeant ot of the tho state them to built Fifty guard ordered Fity or 60 shots were vere tired ansi hue he tol fell dod dead There never WaS a man punished for tor anything connected with It said Mr Grosvenor There neer never Was 11 an called 01 on to report old there was any report report made mado by the orce ot of that regular battery and the feeble 1 of the local authorities to punish the men who committed that murder was utterly fute for tor reasonS that I 1 do cure to go Into He charged that th thus war department In addition to the tho regular regula and men amen hail had taken up the cudgel In sion to to the authorities and In ton Lion to tle the mita ot of the state Representative Hepbur Hepburn of Iowa thought the million appropriation was an absolute waste of at money lIe He was In favor of greater efficiency in target practise During the Mexican war Mr Ir Hepburn said 70 cartridges were ox ex expended to produce a resul result at the tho bat battie tie of at Murfreesboro 19 cartridges wore te expended to produce n a resul result at the battle of Santiago GO 00 cartridges were bate used to produce a result ho he had been told by an n who participated In that battle A point of order was made mado amid sus sustained tamed agaInst te the paragraph in the bi bill abolIshing the grade ot of lieutenant general wih with the retirement of Gen MacArthur tho present ot of that grade Among ae the o hor Items strIcken out were the tho GivIng them tho officer emcee It at army posts 0 of headquarters or offices of chief of stat staff authority to appoint clerks and other othor Ilg hug the tho sale of surplus subsistence stores In Cuba and the Philippines permitting tine the construction and opera Lion ot of laundries at military pasti postS providing for tor the tho sale ot of fuel uel to officers on the tho active list prohibiting the ex cx of at any money for tor brIgade posts except authority ot of Congress Mr SmIth or of Iowa reported the tort fortt appropriation bi at p m in the house adjourned |