Show INDICTMENTS AGAINST SANTA FE RAILROAD Lo 1415 Angeles Cn Cal Jan te federal grand jury whIch rendered It its II Onal report today returned two indictments Indictment the Santa ire o raIlroad the corporation with vIolating the tho law against granting concessions Ind re rebates rebates bates omi for foreign In 76 In Instances stances Numerous other Indictments charging ImplIcation tn In the same samo yb 10 lations or of the law were presented hut but the majorIty or of the e will vIll not be e mudo until tho ha named are placed under arrest Tim first Indictment against Santa SantaFe Fe contains 66 counts for or granting con COil to John L I nod the Grand Lime Cement corn com compan pan In the shipment ot of limo ron Nel Ron Roil to Southern Call Coli points Tho second contains 10 counts for rIv gIr rIvIng log Ing rebates to the grand Canyon ColIon LIme Cement COlli company pam the rood road haYing having accepted the till rull and then reo re remitted a part ot of It There Is nn an Indictment containing six counts against the ho Grand Canyon Conon Limo Cement company for tor accepting re hates and another 17 counts for tor accepting c concessions from coin the lie San tit tat Fe In time tilt shipment of lime All the Indictments are brought for fora or ora a vIolation ot of the tho of the El Elkins kins act Under time the provisions or of this law the railroad If convicted mo may imo be lined fined from rota 1000 to 2000 for or each ot of enro or Il am total of It If the tho hIghest penalty he be imposed On the slime same basis the cement ho bo fined Ir if II a tie John S tUt cr ot of th the Grall 1 Is III made 1 a co In ill the limo bitt o rime Tho It Its II R Itt Nelson On amid Ind lii In this cIty All 11 to 10 ha been icell find lC In Sl gb the Grand Cement a 11 mate on I entaIl or of Iliac It was Willi 1 afternoon lint Ih which hM 1 been rn In or some WhIch In III s but thief thin tho tiei lIeW grand rIl I many be In time limo after next would take tip II timis amid other matters it II lire Hot to |