Show 1 L AMUSEMENTS J Roberte Hobert engagement from the hn box point of oC vIew cot con ln an overwhelming success Last nights audience was greater than ever ovel mall many parts of at the tho being sold out by the tho time the curtain rose Curiosity to se see the entirely no new pla play Marla Rosa Hosa was the Impelling magnet and the tho audIence had JIG Ito curiosity full fully d Without wishing to be severe on this painstaking und and hard working actress It must bo be said sald that her talents ought tl to be better employed than In t exploiting such morbid and not to say sensual dramas as tarla Marla Rosa Hosa That she leans vcr very strongly In such directions cannot be dented denied when we recall the many sImilar productions production with whIch hero here name nume has been linked In seasons past r I Marla Rose Roso Is as uncomfortable n a stud study and ns as revolting a memo mean ory as one would care to see seo upon the boards It Its 15 s no JO palliation of at the tho 0 of offense tense to say that the play was finely rendered the star and hOI her leading man I Mr 11 Dorten Borgen slid 1111 some excellent work mid It if Mr Bergen HerRon rather I 1 d WAs as n not t entirely tho trea free from of ot hesitation III her hor dialogue Mt Mr HIm Ilon I dortlOn dorson os as acted a ell eli shoved his hili strong directing hand In the I splendid stage Mr Ir J ent ns hunch n a strong plc pIc u I turn ture while Mr 11 and Ind UR Miss Rob Inson dId some sOmo comedy work The play goes gees for tor the tho la last t time lime to 10 I flight lilt there therl will ho he no signals ot of distress hung out at the theater In con I sequence S bill Is un tor next anny Ito and her hor dancing dolls J C Nugent and company pan In fl a good comedy and Fany In n little heart hoort drama Tough rOUSh Love Mlle 1110 and her I dancer Charles Serra In nn an let het Job Joo Whitehead And AM that Misses Grierson Fooling the tho ling JIg business pro this week I S e I first presentation ot of th that thrilling melodrama entitled A t Man of I will ho be rendered b by lit wife lit at the tho G rand Grand this ovee eo ning IJ Detective con I to draw good audiences end nd wit run out the tho we k with a 0 Saturday mill math I nee Pu ruck k to be jeal ous ot of his No wander lIe Ho has haR to pa pey 1111 man mall mare than ho CI earns himself |