Show SALT LAKE TO NE NETHE THE WEST WESTIn In Seven Days Sheep Men From All States Will Gather Here THE PROGRAM IS ARRAN ARRANGED E EI EIt It Calls for a Smoker I lo Cun pu cert stud a Trip to as ine Social s sT T Thursday Jan 1710 a m tion opens In Armory hall entrance through Commercial clUb buildIng p m Trip to for tor vIsitors under auspices of at en entertainment t committee I p m Organ recItal and consort In the tho cle and afternoon on ses aes slop slon or of convention ot of convention and smoker In the evening at the tho Commer Commercial clan cial club headquarters Title is the manner In which th the time Is to ho ha spent jn In Salt Lake LIlke Committees sire ure now at aty work getting the tho tong long green s ne ar y for tor the large time tho music necessary I CO tor a II splendid tabernacle concert the service to for Cor an afternoon visit and the program t for r a smoker on Saturday Satur ay evening these rhese will be tho social events unless some detail G Is changed d whIch W will mark the tho hospitality towards its guests at the first convention of wool growers oer eer held helel here hereOf Ot Of course another Item Iii is being looked after and Itle It Is the tho tine Ino tilt fat shop sheep show which the Utah wool men will have on exhibit during the tho convention down nt at the fall fair grounds It will bo be open all the time and will ho be informally visited by the delegates nt at their leisure PrIzes donated hy by various organizations organizations beginning to arrive and so on onto onto to the tho exhibit nt at the tho Commer Commercial cial club Incidentally delegates are straying into Inlo the city and the tho hospital sty Ity Of oC the Commercial club Is III being ex extended extended tended to them From now On thero therm will he be no rest for tor anybody with the big convention until it Is over The financIal committee appointed yesterday afternoon In composed ot of the following members John S CrItchlow chairman James G McDonald Adolph Richter W J Halloran William II If Heber M ellS Charles S Burton Gerge D Alder A J 1 Davis R H J Evans E vans C F Warren n It ItE nE E Miller r A II H Crabbe Charles D George Georgo W Morgan and Ind Leon SWeet LIST OF PRIZES The list ot of prizes already received an and don an e lion lit at the tho Commercial club Is as follows Best Dest 30 hand band grade ewes any age or breed Kansas City Stock StockYards StockYards Yards com company pan 50 Bust 30 band coarse wool lambs any Iny age qt breed Union Stock Yards com coin comPany pang Pany South Omaha Bust 30 band flue wool lambs any age ugo or breed Denver Union Stock StockYards StockYards Yards company compan Best Dest 30 band grade coarse wool lambs Oneida County era a association Best Dest 30 band grade grado fine Ine woo wool iambs Union Stock Yards com company corn pany Salt Lake Sweepstakes best hest s five Ove rams any age agoo or breed bread silver 10 loving cur cup Com club Salt Lake CIl City Sweepstakes best five eves any ago age or breed loving cup National association Sweepstakes best 30 band fat lambs any age ase or breed silver loving cup Union StockYards Stock Yards oS Trust company Chicago |