Show SEVEN CHARRED BODIES AT MORGUE Twelve Badly Burned and Crip Crippled pled Men Are iii the Hospital DIGGING FOR MOIE VICTIMS ll Lo Lost t TheIr Lives or of Furno c Co 1 ta I II i ti Of bur Jan l A rm last of dl on teut ot of the Jone the charred trunks or of 1 CI mop inca arc at the morg 12 l ng 1 hr the tho while are aro diggIng through 1 a InU el anal lt f the bo bodie le cInder for r ol who ore are still three will probably dl die dieThe The h lwis d or r of tl unfortunates tc ho lost their In lives II iii the l l TInO sot of the vie Ic tirns burned and almost Ul on recognizable but despite this fh pr af the lied sevens taken talen out have beell Ident Supt le that In hi line was s caus caused d by ot of one or ci the steel hainds about the bottom of ci tie furnace I It fell feU null that made that portion or of the shel shell wEak The rhe great ot of th thin steel charge and gas against tf th weak resulted ln Inn 1 a plate giving awn away und and other plates naturally affected Theta helo were 10 Ions or of steel In the at the lie time TIne Tho lose to the tho company compall wi not bo be less than bait OOOO and may greatly that al as the entro entire furnace bottom Is said to ho bo The c ot of damage In Includes eludes tine the value alue o of tho thi Il ha and small buildIngs which weli ero destroyed by the Ire tire lot tol lowing th the explosIon According to the of oC one of the lo the accident happened at cue of tine the worst possible TIne Tho shifts vera tro and about 40 men were ore Ii in tine the vicinity when the furnace broke At Ic least sl 23 of oC tle the 40 have been ac for I If this estimate Is correct It wil have hao th the effect ol oC making tine tho Us lis o of dead 01 or missing much largel than It at l Fire Chief Snyder who was Injured durin darting the 11 Is said to be In Ill 1 it reported ns rious condition Ulan hiatt WI vans tt at I It Is eared Its he is internally hurt |