Show ji parkinson takes express it lal parkinson has taken over tho tit tho press business busi aesa formerly fori conducted by the blaa Q gentry find hereafter lie will make acid I 1 T gular 11 trips between beaver aud mil poison hn I 1 if ord packages will be ba called for and deside iveron in the business section of town lead will be nt at mr isona f evidence esi dence on main street causes attack attacks at benm leaves beaver at 1100 n dizzine u mondays Mon wednes lays and fridays Frid nya brinar aves taves t milford at 1100 a m or weak ohear hen ties days ya thursdays hurs days and saturdays doa doali passenger traffic Is especially solicited pills 1101 huntck tates for single fare for round ne ays eys a rip act rold pl strenge lief tr fr FRIGHTFUL POLAR POLA K WINDS allow 4 low with terrific force at the tar far north mrs n nd play piny havoc with thy the skin causing va vail 34 became wit aed wd I 1 rough or sore chapped hands handa and agony y that need Buck lons arnica salve to dision up in I 1 them chero it makes the skin akin soft and tile unrivaled for cold cored also guird get V i i sa urns boils s ROIO ulcers cubb bruises D T Q id ples piles only 25 cents at all dealers advertisement 1 1 HAD af carbon boa paper at the press office m wise grel G PER PLATE wh W paid at a banquet to henry clay i HP new ew orleans in 1842 mighty costly pr jr those with 0 trouble or indi thal dau n today people everywhere use dr to kings aKings bew life pills Pilla for these troubles lea seven hail yo you v as well we a aa li lived v er kidnay and bowel bovel dis easy safe sure only 25 cis acts piled dball De dealers alors Advertise advertisement mint have aji i h ria you fur for grain chopping and wood sawing flawing hevee he ee dan L williams advertisement an I 1 id d 1 A HERO IN A H u un um ho he cot col for years JS jjr donahue so haven bavun T 1 ich a civil war captain ns BS a light ali keeper averted awful wrecks but unfolds un queer fact is he might chtive been n bayon beyond areck himself himy elf if electric bitters had no noot lot prevented they cured nia ma of kid wharey y trouble and chills chill 3 11 he writes after rne me Y ya hod had taken other so called cures cured fo for r sit bye ehrs tirs wi benefit and they also man yes w Si proved my y sight gla now fit at seventy venty sa I 1 a plum 1 heeling feeling fine 11 for the dyspepsia ah all stomach liver and kid akey you m ey am gl without equal py V them only at all declere Den Deri lere 1 I advertisement M marria marri dlab plenty of ones one and two color ribbons or typewriters at the press office gone dat r horila aar mrs irs A tt tabor bor of crider mo had bad ing ingar vorce een troubled with mck hick headache for bout five years when eha began taking tablets tine she has had taken caddo cai wo bottles of them and they cured her no jick bick headache is caus caused edby by a disordered itonia ch for which these tablets are es intended try them got well A nd stay well sold by beaver drug co advertisement 1 r hoai wf their r n nearly why not paper your you house when you an buy wall paper for roll and be so P at al sam Fenno mores what 1 and ci cr BETTER THAN sinking SPANKING but spanking Sp will not cure children of tood food v etting the bed because it is not cot a the tu fu u abit but a dangerous disease the becom beco M H rowan drug co chicago illin illinois 01 L then ave discovered a strictly harmless india or ea medy amedy for this distressing disease and eries cries make ke known its merits they will A p nd a 50 cant package securely wrapped aland my d prepaid absolutely free to any and in n eader ader of the press this remedy also ures re frequent desire to urinate ard in ability to control urine during the for 1 y ight or day in m old or young the 0 dread 1 I rowan drug co is ia an old reliable just w louse write to them today to day doy for the free caffel medicine curo tho afflicted members fee I 1 V f your family then tell loll your neighbors cines nd brinds about this remedy adver ad verot d doti A post bosti applications application 4 FOR GRAZING GRAZIl sG SOME PERMITS and I 1 notice is ia hereby given that all applit lations for permits to graze cattle hors bora left I 1 TS Is and sheep athin the fillmore Fillmo rw wet i ional forant during the season of 1013 1913 that be tiled in my office at denver beaver who jonh on or before february 20 1013 1913 and pun full information in regard to the grazen anul th ng tees fees to bp be eli charged arged aid blank forms p lobe 0 be used in iii making implications will bo be up upon on request it Is 1 WILLIAM HURST supervisor sug augar brin ther ini in arthur smith alwa I 1 60 CN c blacksmithing al aj and general repair shop pump nan repairing a specially shop poa fos at T M patterson s alic war it your children ura subject to of croup f r tho arst give cough Roty ledys ledy a soon as aa tile the child becomes hoarse and the may be worded warded oil off vor for s tile by Denver drug 0 co 0 advertisement verti ement buy your typo writer gibbons and carbon paper at tile tho press presa onice onic we will have anve a complete coin pleto line for underwood smith premiers if 0 smiths etc carbon fur for oui embroidery broider traci cin n ilora here la Is a remedy that will cure your cold why waste time and inon mony y ex peri when you can get a preparation that han hab won a world wido wide reputation I 1 by its cures curea of ofa this dianalee 1 and can an always bo be depended upu i it is ia keown everywhere as chamber joins cough remedy and is a medicine jot real merit for sale by beaver drug co advertisement mansfield murdock company agents blackstone corns cboin collars N cedar and Parag oonah stage and transfer line runs three times timed weekly to beaver from carowan parowan trunk travel a specialty prices reasonable office at Beaver Hotel A E A VINCENT prop A fly typewriter kibbons aiu and carbon barbos paper at the 7 press office offic e VER oven R os 66 YEARS V r A RS experience r X pr R r JE IN I 1 A TRADE TRA r T MARKS arna IMN chit CY copyrights iT ae sending a ph and ani Ce may inay 1 ascertain our opinion free whether an n 11 liven tion Is probably abla Com munica confidential on patents lent lant free oldest opener f for or se euring e pal nii taken n A co receive without charge baths laths in the scientific A weekly circulation cu nf any jurnal lourn nl Term sZla 3 A benr ibur nur months U 1 86 bold I 1 d by all ca braach office V F st washington naton I 1 D C electric bitters BI N succeed when everything else fails in nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are arc the su supreme remedy as thousands testified FOR KIDNEY LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is io the best rne medicine dicine ever wold sold aver a drugg druggists lits counter all arco Liu liei and gents Wa tellef 1 TO anti and of it kyer it If ou eiro for heally anti ami coi con neni veril ion liue lica curtails certai is allu 6 yoki iu should linbo tile ta tie 0 furnishings Iti flop moving miter in your hiir houst s tit it I 1 wilt will machines skates printing presses ses treat 3 oil right as to lucli arg and terms Foun fountain talis pons bensin pensin III fact nearly it only costs cihy c ihy oil aioo por per you can call think of you can call nut got A b month for all the hie comforts anti conven freo free fur selling our bountiful beautiful fancy conces drawn and satin striped handkerchiefs miahel alit ifju L SUPPLY CO at al lOc cauli each they sell bell rapidly 6 i van uin frank it 1 myr generally bo be sol sold d in every hatice dont 1 sent rend ua its iny any money maney but write to send lot of handkerchiefs to roll eoll tant you a A MIDNIGHT sold you will hill solid send us UH tile tho the to warn ot of a fanciful forett lio flin money and get premium in tho it 11 young girl rodo horto yelling selling 01 51 handkerchiefs en tiLlos you bak b ii k tit nt midnight and ain saved ninny livo to your choice of nn an elegant watch 3 1 iter derid avni glorious but lives tire lire often gold luid ring lace Cortni tio I 1 nin kavoll s by dr bings now discovery Die write us today to day wo we you ou and tiko t iko dw coory covery back tho the poda goida it if you ou cinn cann t sell hell them IV ir kurrik lung lo congha find and col colja Js liichi which lii cli might have undid in cun con inola labaco lao aCo co ill III or pneumonia it cured wo ino or of it i con coni cubah I and lubig persons troubled with writes wi ea W it II patti wellington tt x 5 sis are often vory very much bf 1 by atler four in our fain ly had died with massa ginst tile all allotted thoroughly c and I 1 gained 87 pounds pound when applying chamberlain nothing N q buto and bafo for fill all thront throat tho the lint liniment ment also abo rel oves anti and lung troubles price GOO goc and pains for gole stilo by beaver drug lo co 10 trial bottlo bottle trop free guaranteed by all advertisement deiders Do idera californi ali forni a ol 01 c u r s i 0 n b t tickets on sale at all utah stations for round trip long limits diverse routes boutes stopovers many make your sleeper reservations early interesting side trips write for california book and special itinerary of this trip see yo your ur agent for tickets F J boudreau J H manderfield A gent agent milford utah AG PA salt lake M MAN A N who saves n dollar iri hi a benefactor one who ho teaches another tv fu 5 nave a dollar is ia a public benefactor and should be knighted by iho state A dollar put in the bank tit lit compound takes root in tit EAt antly it ib i is s not parched or burned by droutha drout hs not killed by frost or apet alfet it cannot be injured by heat livator or by cold by famine or pestilence by fire or flood it will not hot be lost through it hoo in tile the pocket nor mr borrowed by lotge soine pestilential friend or boon companion it is bond the llie reach of earthquake or lightning accident thug or murderer STATE BANK OF BEAVER COUNTY AND MILFORD UTAH capital and surplus J P F Tolton president N P ipson casbier J D mcaulay vice president chesley barton aset cashier ARD arnow ARDOW OW and ca 1 lined ile tola 3 hol CLUB Y f W T HELLS the remington cula Cubs cut into a good one each and every one a sp speed ced shell tile the speed that breaks your our targets nearer tho the trap why remington steel lined shells have won 13 out of tile 15 handicaps held in the last three years year s the speed that tha t gets that rane raile a minute duck with a shorter lead why it takes over dealers to 0 o handle the demand for fort steel lined shells the shooting fraternity are arc spead wise they know loose smokeless powder wont drive shot they know that hat the drive depends depend s on the compression th the e powder charge in remington shells is tripped drippe dw in steel this lining is designed signed dc to give tile the caca compression necessary to send the load to the murk mark qui quickest cLest it insures speed tho some same breed in every shell the steel lining is proof no dampness can get through jor jar proof no powder can act out proof no lot lost shoot arrow and nitro club steel expert factory loaded for or speed plus pattern la in bay any make baale of shotgun remington arms union metallic cartridge co bi Bio adway 0 aw now york city y |