Show properties of B beaver eaver county coun ty are producers moscow has splendid record the rebel wild bill montreal and majestic make good showing during tile the month of december the moscow mining company shipped chipped a total of seventeen seven toon carloads of 0 ore or approximately SW tone from the beaver county property As the ore averages 1000 to the car that figures a gross production for tile the month of near this rate of production has boon beebi maintained for several months and has haa continued so BO far into the new year which means that the company is earning not net profits tar far in excess of its ita dividend requirements the recent dividend of 1 cent a share will bo be paid next wednesday ant and calls for a distribution of about other neighboring ininee are fast coining to the front two important pieces of work are now under tinder way in the moscow mine mine alse so are easterly drifts on the and MO foot levels the drift on the is mulling making to a get under ander the rich ore shoot opened on the level this ore ran sowe BO we il that the v vein ot th was named the glory in that ore shoot a force of two to three men was able to mine half a carload a day this new drift will rive give feet of hacks backs on this vein which on the level showed a width in places of 32 12 to lo 10 feet on oil the alie level the east drift is ia out 1000 feet from the shaft the object of this s is to catch tile the silver shoot opened on the level the faco face is now nearing the interesting point where it is expected that the ore will be cut late word from beaver is that the od d rebel mine which was tho the foundation stone in mathew culland Cul lend leala fortune is looking particularly goad good this property yielded abundantly years ago from a groat gedat rich deposit near the surface although tl it has been developed de eloped more or less since then yet it has not reacted a r regular issos production A stage sige that fortunate turning point in its career I 1 iff s now reported to bo be imminent leasers leaders on the wild bill property have sent out another carload of 0 ore it is that this will run much higher in values than the one marketed maib eted before the recently discovered large surface deposit on the montreal is said to be behaving having ba in a most satisfactory manner giving up riches unexpected by the dis coverers cover ers two months or so ago the majestic mints mines continues continue to hip heavily tile the total for tho cho past three months making the largett largest quarterly production in the history ol 01 the mino mine it is IB reported from ye that tho the old cactus has made a strike that may develop into something of importance Ro republican publican |