Show club hat has bright future tho magnificent ont membership ali showing that the denver beavor club is in making ia tit one of tile tho most conel evi that tant the citizens citi zeni zeng of bearer have suddenly realized the need fur for untied united effort to bring us to the front it alea shows that tile organization ii k bocog aired na as tile iho nici liuro through which allio of good call lo be 10 this club propaganda Is Q ft a themo theme tho the press has burn boon per advocating for years tia as tim moat effective eff toivo means of bringing tho of our wonderful resources iod and opportunities properly prop orly before the ali world there Is cort tinly ft a bright future for the club and its of At useful neep will eventually extend beyond the boundaries of tile the coutv and irwill it will be C como come a factor in tho the building up of a greater at detato ate it will require it ft wise of at the affairs of tile the club arid tho the united support of its men ibern in at laining the desired result and nd from the eli elichus thus laam apparent amerig tho tha officers and members there is nothing to I 1 fear on this score the club starts out with the hearty rood good wishes of every one to back it and there is ie no earthly reason why its labors should not be at 0 immense bylue V ti the bounty county iou nty |