Show MINES AND MINING silver averaged cents an ounce in 1012 tills this was tho the boat best average lit in bearis comparing with cents in 1911 couts in 1910 and bonts in 1909 in ili iv it fe low more days thy the stamps will bo be drop dropping ping at the sheep slice rock hock mill grinding out tho the gold from tho the ore ores s at 0 sliced rock and adjoining 0 in ili deaver beaver county utah during dining 1912 Illon tonopah opall mines produced tons tona of ore tho the value ot of which was fa an all increase of 0 tons and an increased value ot at over tile tho previous year word was sent from rochester nov it a few lays days ago that the owners of 0 no 2 lease on oil tile tho rochester minos company hod had disposed of their interests for tho the tidy sum of sometime lit in march it a new ton mill will bo be started up tip near tile tho mouth ot of little cottonwood near salt lake city the will Is now under cons construction truo on tho the property of the wasatch utah mining company in the december statement of tho copper producers association given out at now new york it 11 Is shown that there Is an increase Inci easo of at pounds of visible copper and an increase lit in production ot of over pounds work at the king of tile tho hills mining company property in granite district north of beaver city utah la Is making good progress since october when work was resumed tho men have made between and feet in fit tile the main tunnel the pittsburg idaho idabo mining company has declared a dividend of 4 cents a share this calls tor for the distribution trib ution of making a total tor for the company of this idaho property Is shipping regularly to tho tha salt lake valley markets shipments of ore from the tha cobalt camp for tile the week ended december 29 2 to tons or 12 cars of which nine care cara carried high grado graab ore la rose led with tons followed by cobalt Towns Tawn tto sito with G 63 tons buffalo 60 tons and 44 tons it Is authoritatively reported that the big kramer hill gold property at God golconda conda has been sold to the controlling interests lit in tho the daly west mining company of utah this company la is represented presented le by the Bam Dam bergera bergers and other large capitalists in utah and tile tha east cast gold mining industry of the united states was generally normal in 1912 according to 11 1 D Alc mccaskey Caskey of tho the united states geological survey but figures indicate the smallest production since 1907 when tho the output was waa the production in 1912 was mines paid in dividends 1 during the year 1912 besides accumulating an additional three quarters of a million which has put on a dividend basis tho the chief con eagle blue bell and may alay day and increased tile the surplus of iron blossom to more than arizona experienced in 1912 an ex optionally good year in mining especially in the mining of copper ore and the preliminary total value of all metals Is estimated at more than we 65 an increase of more than or 49 per cent above the P production reduction for 1911 for the year just ended utah coppers I 1 production was approximately pounds ot of copper which the co companas comp anys dividends received from nevada consolidated stock should have yielded pron profits t shall equivalent ta better than 6 a shard on the shares of outstanding stock preliminary estimates of the united states geological survey and the bureau of the mint indicate a dome domestic stid silver production in 1912 1012 of fine ounces valued at tho the greatest output though not the greatest value since 1892 when the production was estimated at ounces preliminary figures collected by 11 D McCasl cey of the united states geological survey from the individual producers show that the domestic production of quicksilver in 1912 was flasks flacks of seventy live five pounds each valued at the average san francisco domestic price for the year at an ali eight inch streak of ore has been opened in the extension at alta utah that assays essays 30 to aioo ounces silver and 26 25 to 17 per cent copper according to an official of the tha company this la Is in an am upraise from the tunnel level this raise was sent sentous sen tout out about sixty five dve feet back from the face arizona led all other states in the production of copper last year the output has grown from pounds in 1904 to about pounds in 1912 an increase of 17 per cent over the 1911 record the value of the product was war increased by over on account of at the price ot at copper being higher by about enta a pound in 1912 |