Show CURS j ay illustrations y ir 1510 ahw SYNOPSIS ran blair the he 22 year old son gon of the alft antty dollar copper ring of blair town mont is a guest at tho the eng aish home hom of lady gallrey Ga lorey dans father had boon boan C courteous courte oua to lord galore gallrey Y during his hl v alit st tt to the united states a and nd t mhd courtey Is in now being n turned returned to tile tho young man the ohp youth has haa an ideal girl toung in chis his mind ile he meets lily duchess of breakwater a 0 beautiful widow who la is attracted by his immense fortune ond and takes a lilting to her when uan dan was a boy a girl sang a solo fit at a church cli find and bayha he had ad never forgotten her tho the ga lily and dan attend a london t theater eater where one letty lane Is tho the star dan recognizes tier her as the girl from ills 1119 town and going behind the scenes intro duces bucca himself and she remembers him ile learne that prince la IR lu altor or and ana escort to td letty lord ga lorey and a friend named ruggles determine to protect the westerner from lily and other fortune hunters young ya g blair goes to see nee lily ho he can talk oun of nothing goes but ut letty and this this angers tile the ductless duchess the westerner finds letty III from froin hard work CHAPTER IX continued dut but dan hesitated hestia ted looking at the lit bit of humanity that he had laid with great gentleness on the divan covered with pillows letty lane lay there small as ft a little child inanimate as death adath it was hard to think the quiet little form could contain such life fire and motion or that this senseless little creature held hed london with her voice and grace higgins knelt down ly by lotty letty lanes side quiet capable going about the business of resuscitating her lady much as she bhe laced tho the singers aln gers bodice and shoes it if apu would be so eo good as aa to open the door el cand send me a call page have to linger out this or put on art some feature but exclaimed blair she cant go hack back tonight lord yes higgins returned here lane drink this at the door where ho he paused dan saw the girl lifted up saw herlean on higgins shoulder and assured then that she was not lifeless in good truth he went out nut to do as aa higgins had asked him in a quarter of an hour the curtain rose and within half an hour dan from his box saw the actress dance to the rajah her charming polka to the strains of the hungarian band CHAPTER X the boy prom from my town he went the next day to see letty lane at the savoy and learned that she jibe was too III to receive him mrs airs higgins in the sitting room told him so 60 dan liked the big cordial face of the who acted as companion dresser and maid for the star mrs higgins had bad an affable face one that welcomes and she bhe made it plain that she was not an enemy to this young caller the visitor in his blue serge clothes was less startling than most of tho the men that came to see her fier mistress she works too hard she she does everything too hard sir air she ought to rest 1 I doubt it if she does even in her grave returned higgins she la Is too full of motion she Is like the little girl in the fairy book that danced in grave dan like this comparison cant you make her hold up a lit tle tie higgins smiled and shook her head letty betty lanes lanea bitting room was as full of roses as a flower garden there were qu quantities antilles an titles of theatrical photographs in silver and leather frames on tho the tables I 1 and the piano signed portraits alts from crowned heads pic tures of well known worldly men and women whom tho the dancer had charmed but a full length picture of letty lane herself in one of the dresses of man alan dalay lay on the table near dan and he picked it up she smiled at him enchantingly from the cardboard across which was written in her big dashing hand for the boy from my town letty lane dan glanced up at mrs higgins why that looks as though this were for mo me the dressing woman nodded miss lane thought she would be able to see eee you today the picture in his bis hand band dan gazed a nt it rapturously im from 1 montana where she ehe camo came from so she told mo air he laid the picture back on the table and higgins understood that he wonted wanted was atlas lane lana to give it to him herself she led him affably to the door and affably smiled upon him bin she had a farll in her hand a thim blo on her finger and a lot of needles in her bodice she looked motherly and useful blair ulala liked to think of her with letty lano lane ile he vitt put his M brand and in his pocket but she saw his gesture and reproved him quietly no no sir please I 1 never do I 1 am just juat as much obliged and her face remained so affable that blair blaar was not embarrassed barr assed asked by her refusal his HIB parting words were now you make her take care of herself and to please him as she opened the door she Wea pleasantly assured him that obe aha would do her very best beat dan went out of the savoy feeling that lie he had bad left something of himself behind him in the motley room of an actress with its perfumed atmosphere of roses and violets the photograph which he had laid down on the table seemed to look out at him a again aln and ho he repeated delightedly that ono one was for we me all right im the boy from her hei town and no mistake and he thought of her as she had lain lifelessly and pale on the dressing room sofa under the touch of hired hands and how tit ni doubt she had been lying in her room when he called today with shades drawn resting before the long hard evening when london would be amused by her delighted by her charmed by her voice by her body and her grace graca he atad ad wandered up as far as piccadilly went into a florists and stood before the flowers her sitting room had been full of roses but dan chose chope something else that had caught his eye from the window I 1 a huge coi country basket of primroses prim roses smelling of the earth and the spring lie he sent them with hs his card and wrote on it to the girl from my town and sent the gift with a pleasure as young and as fresh as was his own heart lie he got no note of acknowledgment from hla his flowers miss atlas lane was evidently better and played placed every night no mention was made of her indisposition in the papers but dan go to the gaiety or bear to see her make the effort which he knew must tire her bor beyond words to conceive after a few days he called at the savoy to zet news of her he got as aa far ns no the lift whoa when going up in it he saw prince the sight affected ailse lanes townsman lie ao forcibly that instead of going up to the dancers dan cera apartment dan took look himself off and ruger auger displeasure and something like disgust were the only sen ho he carried away from the ba voy he sent her no lowers flowers and gave himself up unreservedly to joshua ruggles and to a couple of men who came in to see him by appointment and when toward four he found himself alone with ruggles dan throw down in a big chair and looked intensely borod bored well I 1 guess we dont need to see any more of these follows fellows for a week dan ruggles yawned dawned with relief im blamed it if it as hard to take taho caro care of money as an to got get it I 1 was a poor man once and so BO was your lather those wore were the days we had fun ruggles took out a big cigar struck a match yand when he had lit his henry clay be fixed life his gaze on tile the lying flying london rog fog whose black c curtain drew itself across their window theres a lot of excitement ruggles said in not knowing what youre going t to 0 get may turn out to be anything who when n youre young and on tho the trail the way your fattier father an and 1 I mo me felt and when we started out on the spot Blair blairtown town on the map today your rattler father had bad forty dollars a week to engineer gincer bri a busted mine an and d to pull the company into snape shape dan knew the atory of his fathers rise by heart but he be listened he took on with the mine a lot of discontented halfhearted half hearted rapscallions rap scallions a whole bunch who nad failed all along the line lie he chuck em out theres no life in old wood josh he said to me but sometimes theres fire in it ii and vm im going to light up and he be lid did he won over tho the whole lot of at them in eighteen months I 1 d im from blairtown BlaIr town montana where she came from 00 and within two years he had that darned mine paying dividends meanwhile something came his way and lie he took it from his chair dan halted asked you mean the dentley bentley claim measles Alea his friend said comically with a grin your fattier father wits sick to death with them whon he was lift alt ting up jor or the first time pooling in his room there was a follow fellow on an kug eug lishman LL is total stranger como come in to see floe him detter better dour cloar out of 0 here your lather father says to him im shod ding tho the damnedest disease for a grown man that ever wits aa caught 1 im not afraid of at it the englishman said im shedding whon when your father asked him what that was he bo said the idea that ho he could make any money in the west ile he told your father that he was going back to england and give up his bla western schemes echo moa and that he had a claim to sell find and ho he told blair whore it lay who has haa seen it icv your father asked any or oc my men and the englishman told your father that nobody had wanted to buy it and that was waa why ho he had come to him he sald said ho he thought tile hla only chance to sell bell was to hold up some blind man on his dying bed and that he had heard that blair was too sick to stir star out of his room and to prospect your father liked tho the fellows cheek check and when no ne found out that ho he had bad the maps with him your father bought the whole blooming sweep at tile the mans price which was a mere inere song your father never went near hla his pure purchase baBe for a year or more and when he had turned tho the mine ho he was managing over to tho the original company with mo me as manager in tile his place at a salary of twenty thousand dollars a year he be said to me one day ruggles bo be sorry to know that tho the fun Is all over ive struck oil but tho the oil was copper the whole blooming business that hed bought of thai that englishman was rich with ore well the story of ruggles said you wore were dort there and your mother died there dan said gallrey Ga lorey told me what dad did later tor for the man that sold him the maue and it was just like everything else he did tor for dad was all right just as good as they come ruggles agreed he loft left his reminiscences i iniece aces abruptly your dad and me had the fun in our time now you are going to get the other kind youre going to make the dust fly that he dug up and the rich young man said bald musingly ill bet it halt half no aa good at my end and ruggles agreed not by a and followed on tonight Al mandalay andalay dans fury at prince came back 1 I guess you thought I 1 was a little loose in the lid igou vou josh avig so often to tho the earne play 7 you have been the first ri chIman that had the same disease ruggles answered there Is nothing the matter with Ibl mandalay andalay but im not gono gone on any actress living josh you are in tile the N wrong vow pew I 1 TO BE CONTIN CONTINUED UrD |