Show DID RAILROAD USE MONEY TO DEFEAT LA FOLLETTE Hi ft Paul Sit It 20 Charge mad cued by Manahan for th the Ship Shill pore pert and 1 ih i ithe the Chicago St 81 t t Omaha load 1111 spent inon mOne under the thi Ih direction of Us its II general A W V l to the th am of Senator 1 Follette of o WIs Wie c brought th I the rate hearing bearing lx tho state railroad and d corn com commission I mission lolI to 10 n II dOlf e today IOd moed an so adjournment until un In tomorrow meryon in itt the room was tae on 00 his hi f t and all cli clithe the tho 1 II e at t om The Tho as IR e by the be fir cit f Mr who ho ai ait n q t by I Mr ad a cro that Ihal he hl l eli ved that his hi Ii i oat d the each and r rt f had ad p of his hili lu while hU they U were er hent from duty dUI engaged upon pottI LaI I work la Was all aa It II not with i II t II Ii t object of f ile it IA la wan a th III flu llon by hy Mr Immediately I on iam am In A dM tl ho rr The not r pard this thu Ihl a It relevant to 10 the de df declared soil Ant MIlle dared the hearIng adjourned |