Show RAILROAD Th The It Is II an I has again regular r pM enier tram tINli a R w k an npr P eR VladIvostok for Ir M I InIe MW The nIe U is made In shout t elen f n cud and only onre ears caro are arl changed fod Pint 5 1111 tare fart Including berth from St t te to Vladivostok I III n 11 l lami and ami nd r f c Hd Chaps tl fare IM 90 and supper ran fan be lp In the tire din dinIn li Iri In r eer on the a n la A a carte Ilk paa but the t e dinner it is a table and I cents MICh The amount of at baggage ort free for tor i coch NehIll h hr r Ill ai s ger Is IR limited to These Thee figures arc reported r l by bythe ties the American consul at lit tk The n They may M be of fit Int t to In A the t Ameri American can tan traveling ar I a many IMn undoubtedly ediT edly will contemplate a tour teros the theOM theOld OM Old rid after aCter having teen fren America I Th The T railroad was wai wa oe one oneat of or the tile ra naoM t Important factors In Rui nu FW war wat with 1111 Japan It U was wu owing to th the management of ot this line litH I of ot communication that the i were eIf eMs able to tn malt make any III resIstance e at lit all alt alland II sad and r secure Heure cure the t t by b Japan Japen of or the peace trims nf tit the Portsmouth I I tr It seems that military amb hd carefully urdu the Ole j joa I oa of or th the r read ad for fer carrying t I Aral antI and that to 10 thu thurl thu I rl It w s Im f fill far r RH Rime n j lilt Mt ft to 10 maintain an Ait army of ot men In Manchuria The Japanese It II It Is saM saId prepared their general plan of or earn cam I on that hail basis But DuL oa owing Ins to 10 the tilt railroad the Ibe capacity asperity of which had hadu I u I I been very wry much underestimated they found under Onder thin tho of their armies In the field and to Incur expenditures n far beyond the tho first t calculations cal The ian road read vas we constructed principally for tor or military purposes During the lb war It proved Its It I Importance It II was man agM by who had learned practical railroading in n the tilt United States Stale |