Show THE TIlE AMERICAS CUP CUPl Mr Ir l r I I s I l it iii ug ii p ii l I roh n nI M Will II a Ix ndoi Sept 21 J rl Gen Oen Thomas II H Retry Harr and Brig Jon aen W eV P have hive coma corne here her front from where thor they I attended the Ure maneuvers maneuver They The had hMIl In n tall mil for bow holM Sept t t J 2 II hut but I bavins haritti received orders orde to tn I aa as asMon Mon tt an U 11 possible they Ill are 1 now den ing lo In secure on one Oft of tho Iho liners liner nailing Sept II It They ThO have bait not MOl I Iel yet el been successful but JUI as 18 the atom ship companies are or ting to 10 make Inake room they Hit JIO bh may ma eec suc reed coed Clone Gens Barry and Dual Duval eventually secured o on the Zoo Xo land wiling selling from Antwerp Sept H I As Asan AsAn Asan an Indication of the Ih haste hete of or their de do departure d they are leaving behind theta them their families and aud their aides Sir ir Thomas Lipton and end Mr Ir ana an nd Mrs Irs T I P 1 OConnor sailed from Liverpool to today today day 11 for New w York on the Celtic Gina Gens ansi and Mills a number of yachts yachtsmen men and others were prevent at the tb station lo in big bh Sir Str Thorn Thomas farewell and urged him to In arrange a rate rare for tor the lb Americas cup Ut before he be h returned Sir Thoman promised to 10 S time the matter of another challenge while In New NewYork NewYork f York mind and Mild Mid he ho hoped It it 11 would I 1 possible to make the arrangements Arrangement In talking with lIh an Interviewer Sir ir Thomas Thoma said that while be br could cold not nol say ma anything more mere definite he hI h thought Ib It 11 very vry 1 probable proba lf that IhA t there will be another r rac rA Friends of Sir Thomas are satisfied l that he hf will wilt lee lw a chal challenge long lenge during his hIli stay ItA In America |