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Show Notice. All Persons knowing themselves indebted to the People's Drug Store will please call and settle without further delay. Partnership has been dissolved between J. B. Groesbeck and D. B. Lamoreaux. All accounts are to be settled with the undersigned. Jan9-2t D.B. LAMOREAUX <br><br> ---- A good selection of Standard History and Literature, at the BOOK STORE. Jan9 tf <br><br>---- Boot and shoe making in all its branches. Good work, low prices at "ur Shoe Shop."<br><br> ---- Thanks. I heartily thank my patrons for their liberal patronage during the year 1879. Soliciting a continuance of the same for 1880, with an assurance of low prices and honest dealing, I am your truly, J. T. Hammond, Bookseller and Stationer, Logan. jan9 tf <br><br>---- Pocket Knives from 10 cts. [cents] to two dollars and seventy-five cents each at the Bookstore. Jan9 tf <br><br>---- J Hayball, Anatomical Bootmaker, Logan. <br><br>---- School books, slates, writing papers and inks, pencils, and school supplies of all kinds in large varieties, at the Book Store. Jan9 if <br><br> ---- A large assortment of diaries for 1880, at the Book Store. Jan9 if <br><br>---- If you want a blank book, or memorandum book of any kind or description, go to the Book Store. Jan9-if <br><br>---- Teachers and Students! Go to Z. C. M. I. for school books of all kinds - readers, spellers, arithmetics, grammars, geographies, copy books, composition and exercise books, memorandum and pass books; penholders - India rubber, anti-nervous, &c.; lead pencils of all grades, note, letter, foolscap and legal cap paper; envelopes, slates, slate pencils, writing and copying ink, ink stands, etc., etc. Everything you want at the lowest prices. oct23-tf <br><br>---- The most popular and fragrant perfume of the day "Hackmetack" try it. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, druggist. oct30-ly <br><br>---- Everyone is surprised to learn how cheaply he can get Illustrated Bibles at the Book Store. Jan9if <br><br>---- S.A. Kenner, Attorney at Law, Ogden, Utah. Practices in all of the Courts of the Territory. Business from Logan and the North promptly attended. Nov20-tf. <br><br>---- Shiloh's System Vitalizer cures dyspepsia, inactive liver, sour stomach, &c. Guaranteed. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, wholesale and retail druggist. oct30 ly <br><br>---- -- Logan Meat Market (formerly Z.C.M.I) just south of Logan Branch, Thatcher and Newberry, proprietors. The choicest cuts of beef, pork, mutton, veal, &c. Game in season. Home cured hams and bacon a speciality. Jan9-l6 <br><br>---- CO-OPERATION! The Manufacturing And Building Company of Logan. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Mouldings [Moldings], Rustic, Tapered Siding and Furniture. Planing and Turning done on Short Notice. Home-Made And Imported Furniture Etc., at Company's store, Main Street, Logan. Also Dealers in General Merchandise At Store three blocks west of Z.C.M.I. A large quantity of Good Home-Made Cheese, Made at the Companys Dairy, on hand and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. Henry Ballard, Prest. [Pesident] H. Hayball, supt. [superintendent] Address all correspondence to Chas. Nibley, Sec'y. [Secretary] sept1-ly. <br><br>---- Mendon Co-operative store dealers in general merchandise, dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, notions, &c, &c. Highest price paid for produce. No13-Sm <br><br>---- GOODWIN BROS. At the old stand on Third Street Logan Utah, Are still conducting a General Mercantile Business. They desire to return thanks to the generous public for patronage heretofore bestowed and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Friends and customers will always find the Best and Newest goods at the Lowest Prices. nov13-3m <br><br>---- J. F. REED General Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, &c. He keeps constantly on hand a choice and Complete Stock Of these Goods, which he sells at Bed Rock Prices In Exchange for Goods, Grain and Produce taken at Market Prices. 3d St., between Main and Washington, Logan, Utah. sept11-6m. <br><br>---- JAMES E. FOOTE, Agent for Studebaker Wagons and Carriages, and dealer in Harness, Whips, Saddles, Bridles, Blankets, &c. Ogden city, Utah. oct6-tf <br><br>---- WM. [William] H. MILES, (Of New York City) Has Commenced the Manufacture of Brushes! In Logan, opposite the Tabernacle, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public who prefer Home Products. Brushes Made To Order. Save Your Bristles & Horse Hair. Stencils cut for marking sacks, etc. ly <br><br>---- Buy Only the Genuine. Three quarters of all the sewing machines sold throughout the United States in 1879, were Singers. Beware of Bogus Agents and Counterfeit Machines, gilded and varnished to hide their defects. The genuine Singer still leads all other Sewing Machines, having taken the First Prize over all of its competitors more than Two Hundred Times. WHY? Because it is the Simplest, most easy to be understood; Light Running, and the most durable Machine in the World. The Genuine Singer has found its way into more households than all other sewing machines combimed. Why? Because its brilliant record of Twenty-Eight Years has established the fact that one of them will last as long as two machines of any other kind. Singer is the only Sewing Machine in the United States that is counterfeited. WHY? Gold is continually counterfeited. Brass and Tin are not worth it. Many references can be given of parties living in Logan and adjacent settlements who have SINGER MACHINES which have been in constant and hard service from FIVE TO EIGHTEEN YEARS and still they are not worn out, but do good and honest work. Ask any one who has a GENUINE SINGER and we warrant they will give it a splendid character. We defy any other machine to produce such a record. Why give up a certainty for an uncertainty. CALL AT OUR OFFICE, Next door East of Logan Leader, Logan, and examine the latest improved GENUINE SINGER. We are sure you will say it is a Daisy. Sales will be made on the Installment Plan --- Ten Dollars w[hen] Machine is received and $5 per month till paid. A full line of parts and accessories and Genuine Singer Oil kept in stock. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Machines cleaned and repaired. Old machines taken in exchange for new ones at a fair valuation. The Singer Manufacturing Company, Franklin Merrill, agent for Northern Utah! Jan1-tf <br><br> ---- Wallpaper. Dinwoody. Furniture. Upholstery. H. Dinwoody's Furniture. Upholstery Goods. Baby Carriages. Parlor & Bed Room Furniture, Building and Roofing Paper, Carpets, Feathers, Oil Cloths, Mats, Lace Curtains, ???, Window Shades, Window Cornices, Hair and Wire Mattresses, School Desks, etc. etc. H. Dinwoodey's. 77, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br>---- M. D. Hammond agent for the [unreadable line] Schuttler Wagon, and dealer in Iron, Steel, Bolts, Wagon Material, Wagon and Seat Springs, Plows, Wagon Covers, Sulky and Gang Plows, and all kinds of Farm Machinery, at prices to suit the times and on REASONABLE TERMS. Also Doors, Sash, Door Locks and Hinges, Etc. I have recently removed to the County building, opposite Tabernacle, Main Street, Logan, Utah. Sept11-ly <br><br>---- ENAMEL PAINT! Mixed ready for use. THE BEST PAINT IN THE WORLD. No skill required in its application. Excels in Durability, Beauty, Brilliancy and Fire Proof Quality any other paint made. ITS COST is no more than pure lead and oil - which is unmixed and not ready for use - whereas the ENAMEL PAINT is all ready for use, will cover more surface than any other paint, giving no trouble or waste in mixing, possessing greater beauty, and outwearing any other - facts which warrant us in the assertion that for a period of ten years it will save the consumer fully FIFTY PER CENT. AS A HOUSE PAINT it is the most perfect substance known, possessing unsurpassed beauty, great brilliancy of color, adhering firmly to the wood, and giving the richest, most agreeable and uniform tints. Our Wagon and Machinery Paints From the finest vermillion to the cheaper colors, are especially fine. Every person owning a wagon, or any kind of machinery, should keep a can of it on hand, and occasionally give them a fresh coat of paint. It would take but a few hours alone?, while it would add to the durability and appearance of the articles a hundred times its cost. Its Convenience of Form is Readily Apparent. Being already mixed of the proper consistency to put on, requiring no thinner, and of any required shade or color, and in any quantity desired, aside from its other advantages, make it desirable for FARMERS and others who may not be skilled in the art of mixing and tinting, but who wish to do their own painting. The use of these paints obviates the necessity of procuring skilled labor, as any one can apply them. With this paint the consumer has to purchase no oil, pigments or dryers. He has no mistakes in shading to correct, and it is only necessary to ascertain the number of square yards to cover and the shade to apply, which can at once be purchased, so mixed that it will spread evenly, flow smoothly, and dry rapidly. These facts, together with there being No Waste, make it the most convenient paint ever made. Put up in 1/4?, 1/2?, 1, and 5 Gallon Packages, and in Barrels, Pure White, and any shade of color desired. Also EUREKA PAINT in 1 and 2 pound cans, same quality as Enamel. Send for sample card of colors and price list, which are mailed free on application, to G. F. Culmer, General Agent for Utah Territory, Salt Lake City, C. Traveller, agent for Richmond. Franklin Co-op, agent for Franklin. Smithfield Co-op, agent for Smithfield. sept11-tf. <br><br>---- THE BAIN WAGON! The Bain Wagon is now enjoying the Largest Sale of any Wagon in the West, and it is because they are honest, reliable, and very durable. Call and see them now as improved. Prices reduced to suit. Sulky Plows vs. Gang Plows. Make inquiry from us of the advantages of Sulky Plows, and then examine The Cassady - Oliver Chilled - Sulky Plows. By using The Triumph Grain Drill, you will get full crops, as the grain stands the winter and drouth [drought] well. The improved "S" Barb Steel Fence Wire Has the barbs fast on both wires, can neither turn or slip. It is the best now in use. We keep a general line of Agricultural Implements at our Depot in Ogden, corner Main and Fifth Streets. Sebroe, Ferris & Holt, Ogden. Salt Lake City, ???, N.R.R., Idaho, Kelton, Utah. |