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Show Attention! Coal for sale at Lowest Rates, either by the car load, ton or ewt, by Geo M. Peacock, at the depot in Logan. nov20 [November 20] 9m <br><br> ---- For lame back, side or chest use SHILOH'S POROUS PLASTER price 25 cents. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, droggist [druggist]. Oct30 ly <br><br>-- Z.C.M.I. Has got a splendid lot of lamps - solid glass, bronze, brass, porcelain, column, &c. Hand, night and stand lamps in many styles, to suit all tastes. When you want something good and ornamental call and get a Parlor Lamp, Chimneys, globes, shades in tasteful designs, and the well known illuminators, lanterns, headlight oil - 175 ??? - best in the market. Oct2.t <br><br> ---- Logan Branch of Z.C.M.I. Is the place for ladies to buy dress goods and notions; gentlemen to buy hats, shirts, underwear, &c.; mechanics to buy tools; farmers to buy agricultural implements; shoe and harness makers to buy leather, nails, &c.; Tailors to buy cloth, linseys, thread, &c.; builders to buy nails, locks, butts, &c.; all to buy standard groceries. Sept11.tf <br><br>---- When you visit Salt Lake City do not fail to call at the agency for home made goods in the Old Constitution Building, and examine the stock of flannels for dresses and plain and twilled flannels. New styles in shawls of different kinds. Waterproofs, blankets, linseys, cloths, and all kinds of woolen goods, besides trunks, brooms?, soaps and other home made goods at very low prices, wholesale or retail. J. C. CUTLER <br><br> ---- Special Notice, Call at W. G. Child's new store, Main Street, Ogden City, and examine his choice and extensive stock of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, hardware, clothing, boots, shoes, etc. He is the sole agent for Utah for the celebrated Excelsior and Edna B. Stoves, which are without an equal in this or any other market. Call, examine figures, and save money by buying your goods at bed-rock prices. Orders by mail when accompanied by good references, promptly attended to. Sept1ls <br><br> ---- Stoves, Stoves. Before purchasing elsewhere do not fail to see Z.C.M.I's stock of stoves. They carry the celebrated Charter Oak and Monitor makes, and can warrant them the best in the market. We sell only good? stoves and only ask an inspection of quality and prices. Sep-11tf <br><br>---- SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE cures coughs, colds, asthma and all lung affections. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, wholesale and retail druggist. oct.30ly <br><br>---- LEGAL NOTICE Territory of Utah, County of Cache, in Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Anne Lacu [Laeu?], deceased. Notice for publication of time appointed for proving will, &c. Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 24th day of Dec. A.D. 1879, notice is hereby given, that Monday, the twelfth day of January, A.D. 1880, at 11 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the court room of said Court, at the Court House in the County of Cache, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said Anne Laeu, deceased, and for hearing the application of John F. Maddison for the issuance to him of letters testamentary, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Dated Dec. 26th, 1879. JAMES T. HAMMOND, Clerk. <br><br>---- No. 158. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Salt Lake City, December 26th, 1879. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has pled notice of his intention to make dual proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Thomas Hellyard, for the N. E. I4 of Sec 21, in Tp. ??, N. of R.I.E.? and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Samuel R. Merrill of Cache County, and Nicholas Frederickson of Cache County. JNO. B. NIEL, Register. A. D. WHEELER, Atty. [Attorney] jan14t <br><br>---- NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters and taxpayers of the Mendon School District of Cache County: There will be a meeting held in the meeting house in said district, on Saturday, January 31st 1880, at 1 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of electing one school trustee. ANDREW ANDERSEN, JASPER LEMON, Trustees. MENDON, Jan. 3d, 1880. jan9-3t <br><br>---- NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters and taxpayers of the Eleventh or Millville School District of Cache County. There will be a meeting held in the school house in said district, on Monday, January the 12th , 1880, at 7 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of voting on the rate percent to be assessed on taxable property for school purposes. RICHARD JESSOP, HENRY CHANDLER, OLA OLSEN, Trustees. Millville, December 28, 1879. dec25 8t <br><br> ---- ATTENTION ONE AND ALL! This is a dry season and you will want a straw cutter for hay is scarce. THE U.O. FOUNDRY MACHINE & WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY will manufacture you one of the best and most improved pattern as cheap as you can purchase the same of eastern makers. HAVING BUILT SIX SHINGLE MILLS AND FIVE SAW MILLS We have gained experience sufficient to say that we will put up machinery as cheaply and well as eastern manufacturers. 10,000 Carriage Bolts Just received and for sale cheap for cash. ONE CAR LOAD OF WAGON STOCK Received a short time ago, which we offer for sale cheap. WHEELBARROW WHEELS Either wrought or cast iron on hand. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS at the lowest market Price BLACKSMITHING We make a specialty of in all its branches. Address EZRA D. CARPENTER. Superintendent. Sep11ly <br><br>---- DAVID JAMES The well-known dealer in Pumps, Piping, Gas and Steam fixtures, has established a Branch House at Logan. Competent workmen alone are employed. A good stock of material on hand. COOKING RANGES supplied with reservoirs and fixtures for hot water. All kinds of work done at the LOWEST RATES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. <br><br>---- PIONEER STEAM MARBLE WORKS Jas.[James] H. Brown & Son Logan City Utah. Having recently enlarged their business, are prepared to do all kinds of work in stone. They are constantly engaged in sawing and dressing at their steam works all varieties of NATIVE AND IMPORTED MARBLE, Sandstone, &c. Monuments for cemeteries, and marble mantles a specialty. Call and inspect work and prices. sep11-ly <br><br>---- UNITED ORDER of Hyrum, Hyrum City, Cache Co., Utah, Have on hand and for sale WHITE and RED PINE Native Lumber. Planing of every description done with dispatch. MOULDING AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD TURNING. Address all communications to J. UNSWORTH Business Manager. Sept18-ly <br><br> ---- OUR MEAT MARKET HAS ON HAND EVERY MORNING A good supply of fresh meat, and being carried on in the interest of the Logan Temple, should be well patronized. Third Street. Bet [between] Main and Washington, Logan. Sept1-ly. <br><br> ---- Z. C. M. I. LOGAN BRANCH, is daily receiving large quantities of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Linseys, Flannels, Dress Goods, Cassimeres [cashmeres], Jeans, LADIES' & GENT'S FURNISHINGS Shawls, Blankets, Notions, Hats and Caps. A most complete stock of BOOTS and SHOES, STAPLE GROCERIES & HARDWARE. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Dried Fruits, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Syrup, Tobacco, etc. WOODEN WARE, Lamps, Glass and Queensware, Leather & Shoe Findings, Harness, Horse Collars, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONARY, etc, etc. Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Mechanics' Tools, Screws, Locks, Butts, Rivets and Burrs?, Tin and Copper Ware. A full line of the celebrated Monitor and Charter Oak Cook and Heating Stoves. Moses Thatcher, Manager. H. S. Eldredge, Supt. Sept11-ly. <br><br>---- PIONEER DRUG STORE! O. C. Ormsby, Prop. [Proprietor] Wholesale and retail DRUGGIST. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Perfumeries, Combs, Hair and Cloth Brushes. TOILET ARTICLES in great variety. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Putty, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Sash Tools and Graining Combs, Coal Oil and Machine Oil. Choice Brands of CIGARS, Tobacco and Cigarettes. Dealers will find our Stock Complete with everything in the above lines. Produce: Taken at Highest Market Price. sep11-ly <br><br>---- Wm. [William] DRIVER & SON, THE LEADING DRUGGISTS OF OGDEN CITY, Offer special inducements to wholesale purchasers in the northern part of this Territory. They are constantly adding to their already LARGE STOCK and will give satisfaction to their patrons both in Quality and in Price. A full line of the BEST LIQUORS Always on hand for medicinal and family purposes. Orders by mail from responsible parties promptly attended to. sept11-ly <br><br>---- THE BEST GALLERY in Northern Utah is at T. B. CARDON'S Third Street, Logan PHOTOGRAPHS taken and pictures enlarged in the best style of the art. Chromos and Steel Engravings of any style and at any price. Watches, Watches, Clocks, Clocks, and Jewelry, and Jewelry of all kinds. Buying only of responsible dealers, I am prepared to warrant my goods. Preparing done by skilled workmen. sept11-ly <br><br>---- Any Serious Effects From ICE and SNOW can be averted by imparting to residences and business houses, a proper degree of warmth. To do this it is only necessary to purchase Heating and Cooking STOVES and Ranges, at the establishment of M.H. FARNES, Logan, Utah. In addition to STOVES, there can be found a complete stock of TINWARE, Brass Kettles, &c.; and also Doors, Sash, Locks and Hinges. Call and inspect goods and prices. oct16-3m <br><br>---- SIDNEY STEVENS, Wholesale Dealer in BUGGIES, WAGONS, Plows, Farming Implements and MACHINERY. Sash, Doors, &c. Also Flour, Grain and Produce. Agent for HOWE SCALES and BARB FENCE WIRE, North Ogden and Ogden City, Utah sept11-tf <br><br>---- GIBSON & ECCLES Ogden City, Utah, Wholesale Dealers in Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings [moldings]; and Lumber of Every Description. We invite Country Dealers to Inspect our Stock & Prices And guarantee as favorable terms as any other dealer. Send for price list. sept11-tf <br><br>---- HIDES. Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES at Our Meat Market. <br><br>---- |