Show POINTS fital fun A blight arid and clear comedy I 1 I 1 box office effice opens monday tic tl c ath nit wp allow for wheat on subscript in ho stove wood tor for sale at peterson and son DR daf Ki tyson the dentist removed to the balace palace hotel tim THE next JOURNAL will mill ile be issued wed wednesday nead by even ing sir R C eaton cos co list of city lots arid and set ao cage property desiring g to get dictionaries of nf the JOURNAL should procure Iro cure them ar once it 11 monzy to loan on improved city pro in lo 10 glogau an one to five f lve ysais zeph thomas thom as campbell A morrell building J C B JACKSON is ie around repairing furniture dishes rubber goods etc and can cali depend on oil him for good work FOUND some pome money the owner will please alt anso call identify same andi and pay for this ad 11 C D W FULLMER ft i lyeki Z C M 1 have the best rc st heating stoves in tile the city also ranges ant and cooks f c elyone guaranteed to give batisa ac tion I 1 9 BE bus q was vas in zhe third ward Thurs thursday dav night buffeting from an attack of the political jim jams poor ioor benny to mr and sirs mrs it W sloan of salt lake city on wednesday november and 2nd 1892 0 a son bon we suppose suppose his name will be grover TUB tile next issue of tile the joern AL will appear one day later than usual in order if possible to include the election returns from the county wr WE have just received from tile the best manufacturers in abo tb united states two shipment of ladice lidice misses ca and childrens cloaks and jackets X Z C AI 1 I t caas a student at the A C broke his right collar bone bode thursday evening bile racing with his companion dr snow reduced tho fracture C T rov pov ri EB desires to announce that lie will ivill begin taking election bulletins a at tho the logan tuesday night ant aal will continue until all returns trum from the lie T territory and nation are arc in Vs JR and mrs A AL D whitney whitt cy of olympia 11 ii Wh ashington are arc in tho the icv city visiting ic moses and G W thatcher they are old f frienda fiends of thatchers with whom they became acquainted in the early earl y days of california twi TOM lowy LOWE broke or sprained his hie ankle yesterday morning orning in in scaling pealing a wall in the rear of tile palace liotti 1 dr 1 istead ead ulio attended the cast could not de just t tile lio extent of tile injury until the swelling elling had been reduced dr kivlon Iny sort the lie dentist will still follow his bis profession in connection with the hotel business and will ile be pleased to have his old customers call on him at tile tho palace hotel here he ha will endeavor to retain his bis present reputation reputations im HE P ardent who was reported to base ba se thrown his bis watch match away in the recent republican parade denies denien that lie was wa under linder tile the influence we dont know whether it was religions or political indu enci or orolee some other kind sufficing icing to sav lie ho denius denies the allegation and ami we publish his denial demal withholding Nith holding in hl name by request to b are arc being bein made to com incase at once on another large building in on street it will be put it up 11 by mr R K thomas just west ann and adjoining joining his big new brick building on oil tile the corner the building will bo be feet two story and wili contain four rooms which will ill be tor for rent as soon as ai completed I 1 iv equipping ing liobe for its ne ason A el ars abbot and test teal the managers have a gain pl placed iced even part of that deliriously deliciously bresli biresh and bright onieda on iedy in the hand of a specially gc ec lecter artist the panic attention to tile the minor details which attracted such attention last IASI season has again been kiven given also aleo and those clio know lien bell teal eat as ag a stage director con could expect nothing lio thing lees ices of fany any production pro 1 action luction with A etli 0 it his name has hag been A sedated 4 |