Show marriage licenses Licens ss frank P rin finley iley aged 22 of fish fiah If haven avenand and ann pope aged 15 of harden garden city samuel poulton ase age 25 ant anil jennie Seve severe ae c 18 both bolli of oakley idaho henry larsen age 20 of gentile arl valley and ami mary Jc iten a age e 25 oi of slink alink cheek hyrum poulsen age 21 and sarah A clymas ly inas nee age 21 both of Lili Lib liberty eity idaho joseph F Poul senago 21 of libet ty and elizabeth Elizab etli ago age ai c f montpelier adam J fife age aee 21 and agnesa agnes L aw a e 18 both bogli of clarkston fred W windley are age 20 of st SL charles Chari cs and mary A simms age ae 24 of of garden cita win cook aged 23 of syracuse and in ida slay may age 17 of smithfield |