Show 6 V am 4 in LAN 0 FOR republicans have hava bisp disputed acca this read ills his letter nr new w nov L 1 don 11 dickinson chairman of the national democratic campaign committee has hag received copies of the following statement and correspondence pon dence deuce through lion ilon bluford wilbon vilbon solicitor of the alie treasury under grant to the public the truth of the sia made by bir myself and others that judge 0 cresham r said lie lic anten intended led to vote for cleveland at the en ensuing suing el election ec is persistently denied not only by the republican arcas but also by the national republican committee and upon the stump it is lite due judge gresham Gresha ui and friends that the truth be known and I 1 therefore take the responsibility of giving to the public his loiter letter of oct 27 addressed to I 1 ne me signed V to hon bluford wilson springfield ill dealt MAJOR I 1 have your letter of the 21 t dinst I 1 did tell you at springfield that after mature rel lection I 1 had determined to vote for cleveland this fall because I 1 agree in the main with his views on the tariff and di did not believe in the principles embodied in the mckinley bill I 1 adhere to that deter ruination and said nothing n indicating a change of pur purpose it is not true that with the knowledge 0 or consent of the president that I 1 a asked bcd him to a appoint point nic me to any office not true tra that I 1 requested anyone anyone du do anything to obtain the republican nomination this year not true that I 1 voted voted for cleveland in 1888 1688 1 I have voted the republican ticket at every election since tile alie party was organized 0 except in 1864 when I 1 wat wa not able to go to the polls the republicans were pledged to the redemption of the war tariff lon long 0 before 1888 and during r tile the campaign of that year the pledge waa wa renewed with era emphasis again and again instead of keeping e 1 the pledge the mckinley bill was passed imposing still hi hiher higher her duties etwas passed in the int interest ertest of favored classes and not forthe benefit of the whole people it neither enhanced the the price of farm products nor benefited labor wages are arc and ever will be regulated li by supply and demand duties were imposed upon colne articles to destroy competition and fiaher trusts and monopolies no ilo I 1 think you will a arev agree rev with me that there was an all abandonment donni ent of tile the doctrine of moderate incidental protection tho tariff ia now tile most im pot porta tant nt question before the people and whatever others may do I 1 sh shall all tile the right of ual judgment and I 1 vote cito ae according cordin to lily own coil convictions v actions I 1 think with you yot t that a republican can vote for cleveland without joining the democratic mo cratic cratie party MIN how I 1 shall vote in the future will depend upon the questions at issue very truly epurs signed W Q |