Show IH IFF SUITS SLUTS HIS PARTY A NEW VIEW OF HARRISONS CHARACTER AND disposition he devot not look upon tho campaign Can as aa tits onn personal Afra affair lir and nm doch not try to i III fit part I 1 theae Tl it Di sprol tho the washington correspondent of the phil philadelphia adel LL ii livening telegraph says bat president harrison is perfectly confident of success for the republican pirty party that thai ho hil does not look upun upon the campaign as his own personal alfairan aff affair airan ii I 1 does i biot ot try to dominate tile party and finally that ono one thing lio he insist upon is that come what may tho the c cam till hall le be be conducted oil his hia sido sid that they cannot lie truthfully to desoi resorting ling tu to dih dishonest otiest or improper mv mr ald aid that its it i liall bo be a CIC calciu strain rip and down fight this is an all cu entirely new view of ti 11 presidents character and disposition dispo sitio lie ile does not look upon the campal campaign gl his own ovvie personal affair indeed NN wu ho be employed liis his whole influence I 1 1 president to force his nomination a 1 minneapolis when lie de degraded gradol his hi position by cn engaging in tho the most ill graceful f cr amblo for the standard of the party when ho he packed the national nati onil R te publican convention with his army of oTice officeholders holders and used tho the whole lowi of of the administration in his own behalf when be bitterly antagonized every ele ment odthe of the party that for any reasia was v as arrayed against him lie does docs not try to dominate tile party when it as by his hia efforts aud and the efforts of in pe Icis ional onal friends and beneficiaries es tha ilia t all the prominent republican were snubbed and the inana management cine it 0 the bartys campaign was placed in ill tin hands of those thoc who were indebted to tn him for political favors so ill fact was his pet personal serial domination of tit laic pai ty that it was only after weeks week to 0 the ilia most earnett conference and sulin tation that the national leaders ot of thi tb party could be persuaded to assist in ill the work of promoting liis his political for tunas the statement of the telegraphs cor respondent that ur mr the campaign shall be so 30 conducted w 0 his hia side that they cannot be truthfully truth full accused of resorting to dishonest or improper inet inc bools etc shows the utter hypocrisy of the Ilar barrison ribon plan of campaign mr II arnson knows better than anybody ele that he is today because of the di and ami lilt im proper methods employed employ cd by the managers of his campaign four years ago lie ile knows that indiana was carried ill by the republicans in by dudley 1 blocks of tire five that the electoral vote of new york was procured for liim him four years ago by the open purchase of votes at the that lie gave john wanamaker a place in his cabinet because lie iv had I 1 laisco a cur corruption fund of to debt debauch luch tile the ballot box bos thit that since ile he tool took tile oath of office as president li ile has degraded ahe whole public service to tho payment of ins his political debt and he be knows that hat liis his only hope of fue uc COAS cess in the he present contest is ib by tl tle adoption of the same dishonest and improper methods that characterized d lo 10 campaign can laign four years ago the telegraph correspondent says that is no question about his being one io rf of the best politicians in the country front from the lie aari uari ison anay carter c martin avint of lew tins this is true but bilt in ill alio nse of lione lionet t and proper methods for the attainment of worthy political lids ends sir mr alamson is a novice the bt that can beaida be nd of him an 1 for him is that he is a lit fit of of the lie re kc party as ab it is charleston news awl aud co courier tirier |