Show more of it mr stuck i of bear lake ii alio ito has been mixing politics and reli religion ion in ill that locality is is playing tile kaiue saino gaino about here lore on oct sad aad in ill bloomington Bloomin glon idalio idaho mide made in the sabbath meeting a political speech as follows when lien you want nant advice in religion go to the bishop and those placed irl in authority to guide die people when ou I 1 all advice in ill politics go to the same source of 0 you aro arc not com compelled pOled to take the advice in ill either case I 1 believe in being a republican their principles suit nie me liest why not exercise a little policy hit hitherto heric we have vot voted edthe the democratic ticket the re lie publican party franchised disfranchised dis us its if wo we want ou fi anchise we must be divided nearly eual equal on political lines it is revelation that eliat we e should divide so why not make it a matter of 0 pray pra ft er and nit not let tuch such a chance that of slip by for the sako sake of a little policy on our parts outsiders tell us not to so go to the priesthood tor for political advice then the alipy ak you to go to them to hear wil aliat tt they th ev tel te I 1 vou 1 you no matter what they aliey say we will w ill go and get advise where we please 1 i |