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Show ONLY A DOCTOFt KNOWS i WHAT A LAXATIVE SHOULD BE , Danger lies in careless selection of laxatives I By taking the first thinff that comes to mind when bad breath, headaches, dizziness, nausea, biliousness, gas on stomach and bowels, lack of appetite or energy warns of constipation, you risk forming the laxative habit. Depend on a doctor's judgment in choosing your laxative. Here's one made from the prescription ol a specialist in bowel and stomach disorders. Its originator tried it in thousands of cases; found it safe for women, children and old folks; thoroughly effective for the most robust man. Today, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, as it is called, is the world's most popular laxative. It is composed of fresh herbs and other pure ingredients. You can get it, in generous bottles and ready for use, at any drugstore. Goes to Hospital to Learn .AM I Beauty Aid J'ripHE first time I beard of it," JL writes Mrs. E. Whitney of 35 Parker Street, Bangor, Maine, "was when I was at "the Hospital. I was very nervous and run down and after my baby daughter was born the doctor began giving ma something. some-thing. In about ten days I felt like a new person. Before then, I was miserable. My skin was inTery "bad condition and I could not understand what made it clear up so quickly. 4 ''Before I left I asked the House Doctor what kind of medicine it was that cleared up my skin and made me feel so much better. He said My dear girl, didn't you ever hear of Nujol? Hospitals aren't tho only place where you can get itt You can buy it most everywhere I' "I have been rising Nujol ever since, and I think it is wonderful.". That's the great thing about Nujol. Not a medicine, contains no drugs, can't possibly hurt you, forms no habit and if you are like most other people its simple natural nat-ural way of bodily lubrication will do wonders for you, too. You see, all ot us have an excess ol body poisons that make Our skins HenllU Giving "Fj8 All Winter Long - Marvelous Climate Good Hotel Tourist (lampi-Spleud id Rone! Gorgeous Mountain Views. Thotcandaru I deter t retorlofthc Wmat CALIFORNIA Cause and Effect "I'm certain there's something wrong wllh this loudspeaker. I've had bad reception all the week." "Have you, dear? That reminds me, 1 saw baby toddling round filling that trumpet thing with pieces of coal, the darling !" rassing. Show. Cold In Head9 Chest or Throat? RUB Musterole well into your chest and throat almost instantly you feel easier. Repeat the Musterole-rub once an hour for five hours ... what a glorious relief 1 Those good old-fashioned cold remedies reme-dies oil of mustard, menthol, camphor are mixed with other valuable ingredients ingre-dients in Musterole. It penetrates and stimulates blood circulation and helps to draw out iofee tion and pain. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. Keep Musterole handy-jars, handy-jars, tubes. All druggists. To Mothers Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Chil-dren's Musterole. W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. 45-1929. lm $M' fart Doctor laughed ?Iien asked " What cleared my skin?" sallow, only able to work at half or quarter our real ability. When Nujol absorbs these poisons and carries them off easily, normally, naturally, we just feel like a million dollars. Try Nujol for two weeks, and see what happens. It costs only as much as a ticket to a good movie, and it will mean so much to you. In sealed packages at any drug store. Start feeling fine, this very dayl |