Show i Smiling Marys Mary's I I I Smiles By 1 DOROTHY DOROHY DOUGLAS U CoP Copyright f HARRY i-i i ARRY was undoubtedly harassed Going awn away from home so much muchas as he e was as compelled to left his mother alone far tar too much Of late he be had observed in her an Increased depression depres depres- sion slon of ot mind that worried him tre Ire Mother if It you ou would only get out J 1 among people a little Surely It does oes you no end of harm hurm to refuse to see anyone anone and to draw drav so entirely wIthIn with wIth- in iii your own shell shell shell-It it makes me miserable mis mis- miserable erable erable to think of you all alone her hers here while 1 am away Mrs Irs Walker smiled wanly You know Ive I've never or been the same since we lost your father All these fifteen years I have had no Interest in any any- thing thins Life LIte has Just been an utter void old You see dear YOU my you never ne lost anyone you loved loyed so devotedly devotedly- It Is difficult t for tor anyone to feel teel as asI asI I Ida do I It was vas not until he was rushing I through one of those I great department department depart depart- ment meat s stores ores In New York in search I of ot the elusive embroidery counter that the girl who was to help him I out of at his his' troubles leaped into Info vision To Harry it seemed as as if It Mary Manders Mander's smile lit Ut up uP the entire world to say nothing of ot the department depart depart- ment meat store She radiated wholesome Joy Mary was was one of the store employees employees em em- s and arid was there to nol hold out a hel helping hand as It were t to perplexed ed shoppers Harry was one of at them He knew no non n more re about eI embroidery 1 r f ry silk Ilk and cushion tops than Mary l perhaps knew of ot the- the pric prices s' s of i galvanized galvanized- nr lied tin but buthe buthe he was was vas determined to get s bright h ery for l mother l y to work on n. n X Wl When en he had finished with Ith his pur P purchases hases chases he got up courage to girl if It there waa was a the world that try acting as as a ach ach ch eru companion to his hi's mother er Ive been a a wee bit tired of this work for som some time said Mary and would love lo to to be ibe a n if a companion i fi If f you think I could could- lift lift- the some some of the glo t nn I I think s' s said ld Harry I you could lift a a th three foil tr tf truck lf with t nt smile of ot yours I tj I f t. t That when Harry got home he told told his m mother iber about the young l m he he had bad asked l ed to stay with them fora a m month ri He lie made up p quite a wonderful yarn jam for a truthful Jn i Miss Iander is an nn orphan friend ot of Wetheral and he has asked me rue If It you you would mind having hayIng her here heie wl le e J. J mind do you mother l Mrs Walker was was nn anything but pleased but tried valiantly not hot to to le letHan I a l' l y know how s she felt 0 But ut Mary swept everything th ng before her with a ready smile In spite of ot l fr t 1 took an nn Instant liking fo Big Ig love is s born on on just such sucha a a fleeting m Mrs Irs V Walker Wilmer went in and Id kiss kis's kissed s he J stalling smiling face before putting out rout her own l that night Next morning Mary brought her breakfast In In to her and per perched tle J lier- lier sel s self l on the bed I I 1 sneaked Into the kitchen t said Mary and took the tray by y sheer I force torce from Bridget She laughed I And now no we can have a nice chat chat and Ill I'll have ha r another cup of coffee When Harry came in to kiss kIss his mother before going on his long western western west west- em ern trip he stood unbelievingly on the threshold His mother was sI smiling and and- andon on her shoulders was flung a softly color colorful u scarf t that flInt lat she had had al alays always al al- ways ays refused to wear because It i didn't tone with her hoods Were having a n lovely ely time said MaryI Mary I see you jou ou are are laughed Harry Theres no slightest doubt And when he hud had gone sone his mother looked ed fondly after atter him Poor boy hes he's had bad an m awful time tr trying to tomake tomake tomake make me cheerful but then you young people dont don't what it is really reany to suffer Its It's easy enough to smile and be happy when yo you yoC have haye your loved lo ones nes with you but but tl I My Iy dear said Mary very ery softly and for one fleeting moment the I I i whole depths of ot tragedy through sh she had fought her way lay Jay revealed 1 in her eyes I 1 lost everyone everyone everyone every every- one I held dear in the tue earthquake In Japan The dear mother who bore me the father who worked so hard that we might ht have all that we wanted wanted wanted want want- ed and two fine tine brothers I came home home alone alone penniless Mrs Irs Walker drew the fair lair J head ad against her breast and stroked it itten- itten ten deny derly You poor dear child how child how how have ha you ever er managed t tp smile to to live lire through It itT I had had to said Mary softly because because because be cause God gave ga me a life lite to make the most I could of ot and ond Im I'm not well not well I wasn't born a coward and Im I'm not going to die one Mary Iary Madder Iander laughed Mrs Irs Walker through her own tears It has taken you jou ou to teach lead me what a selfish wicked person persone 5 ive i've e e been aUth all aU th these se years you years but you just watch m me from now on Now ambe darling she tilted Marys Mary's head op ul and up-and and vand this afternoon you and I will wm go to some somo shops and get a n lot Jot of ot cheery clothes and ond go 10 on a regular bust to all an the good shows and when Harry returns he will quite naturally think I have gone one mad But somehow I think he knows already that ho he was WitS putting the lie one thing I needed Into my life a daughter |