Show I UINTAH 9 l BASIN CORRES to I. 1 P Ir b ARCADIA to Mr 11 and Mrs Mis Irs Wm Vm W W. Sagers and anc ana Alice Allee Mr lr and Mrs M s. s Marvin in G. G Shields and laughter daughter Leona spent a couple of days das at Bluebell the guests of Mrs Ir R. R A A. A Murray Quite a number from from here heie attended at attended at- at t tended the thc genealogical convention at Mt Emmons Sunda Sunday t Marion Jari n Ross returned Saturday from Fox Ix ox lake where he had been employed i Mildred Olsen left lert Monday for lor her home at Manti aster after spen spending ing the summer summer- with wIlh her sister Mrs Thomas M. M Gilbert Mr Ir and Mrs Irs V V. A A. returned Saturday from rom Murray where they attended the funeral funeral- of Mrs father Their little daughter Merelda is is' very iery ill at this writing with pneumonia Mrs GeOl George ge Bird of Park City Is the guest of or her eon son Ray Gill Quite a n number of ot the young folks of Arcadia attended the dance a at Upalco Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Win Wm W W. Sagers and laughter daughter Alice l loft left Ct Monday for Red Tied Creek where they will spend the week prior to their leaving leaving- nor Tor or th h home at Tooele art after r spending I the hc summer visiting with relatives at ai Arcadia Miss Leah Larsen gave a party Darty Wednesday eyen evening g ro 0 o William and Myrtis l Musser who will leave soon for their home homet at Sal Salt Lake Lac Refreshments R were served and l lver very n-very very a-very ver enjoyable time was hue hat y v yF jo F oio i of of q of z l of- of 4 6 i 7 it rl I IK Kt nt 7 K Mr 11 and auLl MiE Mrs I s E. E N. N Atwood spent nt Sunday vIsit visiting ng Glenn Inc rife VIre at Park Parc City J i T. T f M. M J. J Giles and azul wife are at holier Heber this this W we w k Mrs 1 J. J T Tr i and anel children d childre-d x i h have Bade c gone gone to Heber ti J visit for sev se several n S v o eral al days f i John Joh 11 Anderson and mel and i wife LaRoy LaRo Y Mahoney and wife ire of ot Denver Colo spent spent- Sunday yat at the Flag ranc ranch h visiting with Mr 11 and anel Mrs 0 O. O E Ecurry E. E i r curry Ju F Everyone on had a a very pleasant time tiro time timet e t the flange dance Friday night at Tabi Tabi- I w y ona IOna Ir Franc Frank Deb pur Deia-pur pur new mer merchant hanf at at Farm arm creek lids has s Installed a n now new w up to date g gas bas s station station free air and andal al alThey aIr They carry carry arr all t s of ot trash fresh fresh meat meals meats s and and fruits C. C C. C Lee Ue made mad X bu business lne trip tb Pro Provo o this week j fr oo E. d' ot 3 oj 4 t 3 4 5 Gf fy V o A. A o oJ J Ie Jt 4 4 4 oJ Walter Mayhew of Ir Utahn was a a. Talmace Talmage cu Oil Sunday Charles Charlet and Alex Jozsa and Miss Mary Iary Jossa Jozsa Joua and antl apt Mr Herman Bean Benn- tam iam of or Provo Pro spent thc past we week eIG k here visiting friends The boys bot I a of spent a few n days days' tip at t. t Squaw ua V bas basin u Mr 11 and Mrs lira Wro lr bY a and d Mr Ur and Mrs Ford Forel Ottosen left hore here 09 1 o it Tuesday for or Salt Lake where Ui Ul y pest expect to to-go to to 10 through the temple tempt e on Wednesday The Thc Beck Beckstead tead thresher is in Mt it Home threshing threshing- c clover over seed for a afew afew few rew days I Miss liss babel Mabel Redford entertained at a a candy cany pull at t her ner home hom on Sun Sun- Sunday day evening All the young people of t the town were there and enjoyed the evening playing games and making making mak malc- malcI I ing and eating candy A large crowd was in attendance 1 at the program and dance g given ven by ny bythe I th the Mutual on Wednesday and and evert everything everything ev ev- ert was a success ss The proceeds proceeds proceeds pro pro- of the entertainment will go towards putting in a new floor inthe inthe in inthe the ha hall 1 The Misses Edith Hamberg ana and Viola Mitchell hell of Mt 1 Home and nd Leland Leland Le Le- land Ottosen were supper guests at the home of Mack fack Burton on Sunday Sun SUH- da day evening Waldine Evans or Boneta Bonet was was' the tho guest o of oS Wanda Yanda Clement on Sunday Wallace Davies ma made e a business I trip ip t fo to Duchesne on Saturday I Wm Vm Davies made a trip to Price during the leek eek fir Mr and Mrs Chase McDonald were Duchesne visitors visitors' on Tuesday C oo MT IT HOME HOUE Mr 1 and antI Mrs 2 Joe Gribbins and daughter Irene were Roosevelt visitors t tats tors Saturday Lorin Stevenson went vent d down wn with them but remained for a visit ith JUl bi his grandparents Mr 11 and Mrs J. J D. D West Vest I I Some of of th time the Mt Home people were were in attendance nce at the stake genealogical gent genealogical gen gen- t conference held at Mt Eni Emmons O l Saturday and Word Vord has been received that Mrs Geddes Geddes Lindsay has a 12 pound son Miss Rayda Rada Jenson came in from Salt Lake Lake Friday t Mrs Susan Shirts Shirt's and nd you sou iou Wesley ps ho o ha have have- been havo e been n g in rim Sa St at i t Lake rc I 1 ons ne Fridl Friday I Loreta Lorela S Stevenson evenson who ho has las been quite sick for several days was ao ta eh en 1 t to T n nai f l to to fo the hospital Mr Mr rand antI and Mrs is Ez Ezra Ezra- a Branch Branca are arc hero here paying D rt Birch and ancl family 1 a aI af yv ns sit 1 t. t t I I f f Ie r t t. j. j ti f or I t j e v l d. d h 1 I I I UE II J L n r. r r r. He l ru tt J. A II fh I 1 r r F h K rH r. r rH r. r k tt or r I Miss Margaret Woodruff writes from from rom Salt Lake Lale she she has had her tonsils removed U and will be home in n ne near r future Mr 11 Otto Johnsen with Ills his two sons in John Thorson Thorson anier ant anil ier den Wathen went up to lh the saw sawmill sawmill saw saw- mill mm last Wednesday esda Mr Johnson Johnsen baa many muty orders orders' for lumber that will Will keep him an on n. n the time 4 Jump nu to fill them em The farmers arc aro aro quite busy these trays haying and harvesting their crops Most of the crops are aro good gooc I Dan Lar Larson of Or Provo has lias been I enjoying a trip to tho the basin and a 1 visit t with his brother Otto and anti ly Iy It seemed like old bid to the Uie I Ib b brothers h c Mr Ir had George Powell the m n miB- miB is- is tune to break some parts to to his t In er necessitating a a. trip to to-Rooe to Roo Roose flU elt also a loss 1088 of or one day In lu his biS Some of of oC th the thoun young oun marrI married couples ha have been enjoying card ard parties in the hospitable home borne o a of Mr lIr anti aDd Mrs John Among Anong them Mr JJr Irand and Mrs In Jessie t I Gale Mr lr and Mrs George Georgo Wathen Mrs l Otto Johnsen and daughter Mrs Irs John Thorsen bought some tine line young oung Rhode Island Red Reel pullets from Crom Mrs Irs W. W n L' B. B Woodruff tile fire pas past week The extra water ter the time r farmers rm rs have haver been getting from th the the r lakes tapped l has certainly been a big help to the late crops T R. R A. A ray rray and Mr Ir Clark have hae be been in the lie e mouri mountains again again Jo looking I after aCter the 1 lakes r r W was Ws' Ws s' s l held In in Bluebell Bluebell ward Sunday ay August 1 Mr Ir Charlie C Conklin or of Altonah ah who ll has s 's been helping W. W B. B Woodruff Wood Wood- ruff raft stack hay Imy and nd grain returned to his home hom Friday Fliday afternoon n Quite a a. number of ot our f farmers mers 0 have threshed thre hed their early gr grain In I The Hanc Hancock ck and Goodrich company company company com com- pany machine pians plans to o t f oh Ob on thOr their i grain gral next week I I I t f. f 10 of 4 oJ 4 of o J V W t. t to oo 0 i of- of b Warren C. C received a telephone telephone tele tele- I phone call from Helber that his father fath fati- er Casper was very ery ill fIl Jle Be BeArid Ie Arid and Mrs Irs and son Joseph left te t tat at once for rox Midway Several pt from this ward attended at at- at t tended ended convention at bit Mt Emmons Saturday and Sunday Including Mr oIl and Mrs s. J. J J. J Sellers Mr Ir and anti Mrs rs Adolph Thornton Rich Richardson ardson ar and family George Dunham was a Duchesne v visitor last Satur Saturday I J. J E. E Myers and Wm Vm Craver Craer a a- a tende tended the Republican c county y cen- cen committee meeting at Roosevelt Roos r Saturday aIrs Frost has been beon visiting at atthe atthe atthe the home ome of Lee Cooper per for a few rew days days' i Ij f I j ri Lee Lae Cooper has b been n confined to 0 o her per bed e t for r s She is I hotter bitter lJ at present T T. R R. COP CoDe returned from Provo j where hu lie has been w with Ui h's hs wife who as IS been rec receiving medical aid Mrs Ira Nora C Cool O of Vernal Verna fa le a S vie vie- tIne Ming at the home hamo of ot her par parents Mr and nd Mr Mrs Arthur Watkins |