Show POLITICAL L ECONOMY By L L. A. A Hollenbeck A certain state organization head headed headed ed by Judge has lias frequent meetings and propaganda economy economy lU my in public affairs and ana the reduction reduction reduction tion of taxes Yes and everybody is hollerin for less taxes and and pledge their leg legislator slator to 10 cutting of exen ex ex- the state pense ense en e. e Then along comes conies bar association and advocates that the judiciary be partisan non-partisan and aud hat the salaries of the judges be raised there is a lot of or flap-doodle flap about thi this this A od go judge judg is a good judge regardless of his politics For instance Judge Elias Hansen is a Republican a and l nominated by the Republican party arty and there was never a better or fairer man on the bench A ma mans man's s 's politics figures not nota nota a a whit with him when he is presiding presiding ing on the rights ts of the people It Its seems s seems ems to me t there are enough lawyers in any convention to see that a high type man gets the nomination nomination nomination nomi nomi- nation for judge A partisan non convention night might be he a convention filled with favoritism The human animal is about the same and the he laity are pretty good jud judges cs too of ofa a fair Cair and able m man n. n You cant can't hide I real talent under a bushel Ability commands attention It is all right as it is and arid it t isn't good policy to I ask for a r raise ise in judicial salaries i at t this this time nA A k 4 00 l a-l a alday day Som of them do the b td st w rk of r their lives ives to toke ke keep J other from passing E P. P a it Q q of J fool j le a- a tion Uon s lt a are x pJ pledged d 4 to economy and many of them begin by introducing bills that make u a a grab on the treasury They are high sounding bills for tor the uplift and all the sentimentalists fall faU for it and think the state would sink into an ocean if it those particular ar bills be pe penot benot e enot not passed The expense pense count with them and often they Go Gonot Gonot Gonot not even ven know of an expense A lot lotof lotof lotof of such bills have the expense concealed concealed con con- and the he legislators that are arc pledged for economy do not even know snow know there there is an expense to to it at all Congress ss at last session passed over Dyer GOO COO laws Sense an and non non non- sense It is beginning to be fe feared red that democracy is becoming an extravagance extravagance extravagance ex ex- ex- ex and a Do failure That the whole political fabric is degenerating ing into graft that smart art as t the e saxons Anglo Slavs aurl an inrI arc aro the they are not smart enough to o take care caIe of of themselves themselves ively Years ago ago Hom Holman v n of of Indiana was the he watch dog of the treasury Who is s watch watch do dog of of the treasury now when sv when hen we we are arc sp spending over a Do billion dolla dollars in ill one year ear for 01 future wars war Legislatures must have some sane kind of if a check How would it do to give legislators a premium pre for holding down vu th the umber number of f laws lairs passed and lad for sensible sensible- economy in passing laws aws to prohibit the filching of of large taxes axes from the people There is plenty of of opportunity to think and people who think little are are are many This his heedless and re reckless political blundering derinS should be Je curbed someway someway some some- way lYe and ind the people brought back to toi toa a i realization tion of what should be he I 0 I t 10 II 1 o T a. ff 4 J J 4 J f of- A 5 l 1 03 H Ie lt ff o 0 of f of I Joe V Wall q who Was nas h herding She sheep l on the top of Red lied mountain went to toa toa I a spring spring rOl for som some water He lIe was WJ I carrying it in a keg on horse bac back The horse fell Cell with him liim and the keg landed on 01 Joes Joe's knee knocking mocking th the knee cap out but of or place Charley Burdick Burdick Burdick Bur- Bur dick found him and carried him to camp He He then rode I after ater Bert Coleman who had been g the camps and told him him of the accident Bert came on down and got Cha Char r Fisher to go with a a alight light wagon wagon and bring J Joe 00 down as aG far as the tho Coleman Coloman Cole Colo man luau l-anc l ranch 1 here here- they put him into a acar aI I car an and took tool him thin on the tle same night I to the hospital at Duchesne Duches e. e where Dr Woods fixed his bis knee I Mrs Minnie Sweet and daughter d Elnor EInor of valston iston Wyo arc are arcI I visiting hating visit hat ing relatives and nd friends at Fruit Fruit- land J. J E. E L I. L. L C Carey lOY and family l Miss j Gladys GladyS' Glendenning and Kenneth Duncan to took k an outing at Strawberry I I lake 1 |