Show Muskmelon l Growing and I Marketing Discussed Muskmelons usually referred to by bJ bythe bythe the trade as cantaloupes are grown comme commercially and for home use over overa a wide range of ot territory In the United States but the big commercial producing producing ing areas are located In California Colorado Arizona Georgia North Carolina Maryland New Jersey and Arkansas according to Farmers' Farmers Bul Bul- Bulletin ul- ul letin letlo NO F lus l J Just us Iss issued edi ed i i. i the the Department of Agri If cult culture j 2000 acres are planted to this crop crop op annually and about carloads of the melons a are shipped hI t to the t e markers rk sr Muskmelons require a weli well drained r light f fertile rUle with fairly lb 1011 gr iw n s 's aso J nd plenty bt of sunshine especially during the ripening ripening ripen ripen- ing period Growers must be prepared to commit insects ana and diseases that attack muskmelons muskmelon and good seed is highly essential for profitable tion The Tl bulletin emphasizes that muskmelons musk musk- musk melons attain attain- t their eh best flavor and anel quality allt oril only wh when produced produced- on dis dis- dis- dis free ease-free vines vines' on which they have been allowed to become reasonably ripe before being picked It contains numerous suggestions stIo s concerning produCtion pro pro- pro production du and marketing including information in in- information formation relative to soil soli fertilizers varieties cultivation Irrigation gath gath- e. e ng handling grading and packing packing- A copy of the publication may be obtained free as long as the supply lasts by writing to the United States Department of ot Agriculture Washington Washing Washing- I ton D. D C. C |