Show I i IEn PERMISSION II SiON GIVEN FOIl FOR UTE r. r INDIAN PAGEANT T AT TU ATU U. U OF OP U U. U Permission lias has been beon given b by university uni uni- university authorities for the holding of an Indian pageant to be staged at ats s 30 o o'clock Friday night on the tho University of Utah campus Miss Hope Elizabeth Haupt of Washington D. D C. C writer and lecturer lec lec- has arranged the pageant but tho the tho details aro are to be left to tho Uintah tiles Utes Utes who will viII furnish the tho pageant personnel The pageant Is to to be e pimply a portrayal por nor portrayal 4 of ot Indian village life and end tho Indians themselves th cs will do tho the dl- dl directing di dl- and acting 3 |