Show I Record Naval li aval Action I Occurred at Fort Fisher The statement of historians that I the main assault In the Civil war upon Fort Fisher at the mouth of or the Cape Fear river In North orth Carolina was the greatest naval b bombardment In the worlds world's history never ne has been disputed dis dIs- that that is in the number of ships engaged and guns used Of Ot course larger battleships and guns were employed employed em ern- plo ed In the World war In the battle of ot Jutland The fall of ot Fort Fisher Fishel In January broke the resistance of ot the Con Con- I It was no longer possible for tor Lee and his army to obtain by means of blockade runners the supplies supplies sup sup- up- up I plies of medicine food and clothing so necessary to a continuance of ot the i struggle Therefore the Inevitable I had to be faced sa says s 's a Writer riter In the Charlotte CharlotteN N N. C. C News and Observer Lees Lee's surrender to Grant followed the fall of Fort Fisher within 90 DO days |