Show w idan Grass Forage Is If Recommended for Swine vine S Sudan Sudan elun grass S and sorghum are very ery Q e ullar and while the Missouri stan sta- sta does oes not have hn any experimental I to iI a available showing the value of l id dan an grass rass It Is believed belle that they if I vary Dry little from those obtained Ih h 11 sorghum The general for feeding hogs on Sudan 13 is would be tho the same as those fen for feeding on sorghum Sudan iss ss may a be pastured with little or ore risk s The lie e Kuns Kansas s station makes the fol- fol Ing report regarding Sudan grass d 1 Sudan grass Is the best annual ge crop for hogs In the warmer V. V 1 dons of the Ule country countr and unel It comp com- com p des k s s favorably a with alfalfa as os a mid mid- finer iner ho hoc flog pasture because It Is t hardy bardy and stands the hot dry I mer very ery well Results se secured bd the Ie Kan Kansas s 8 experimental station red cd d that Sudan grass compared favorably with alfalfa as a It pas pas- crop for fattening hogs and for tor P 1 sows i |