Show o u IE ARE ATIE AGAINST THE TIn COLORADO LA LAW Ut Utah Jl woo rowers will lend their F support rt to xo the at 0 of a n measure pas passed ed d by the lust last session of f the Colorado Colorado Col Col- orado legislature contending that to boundaries in adminis- adminis tb ti tion and regulation of of livestock ck grazing by the states will be detrimental detrimental detrimental detri detri- mental possibly ruinous to tile tale sheep heep industry in the intermountain Je region fon The c constitutionality of the law law will come corne up for test in iii the case of Willard Villard Morgan L of Carbon I county Wyo who took his into Colorado in ill violation of the I new regulations The Tho cas cash case win WIll be he argued at Craig Colo May M-ay h tithe the Wyoming ors 0 ur taki taking taking tak tak- i in ing tho the lead through their tat M as as- as t l. l I Tie The Colorado measure i is in n pin pHIl identical to stattie but a a. re recently recently Te- Te passed by the Arizona lc e aimed at o or h- h boring states only to haw i I i ii declared ed unconstitutional |