Show lLoc J V sij I i Lou Lon Jasperson came over from the mines mine last week t for a a. few days clays 4 i St St. Pa Paul's Pauls Guild will meet WillI Mrs Grant Murdock next Wednes i da day a j t le i Mr 11 kr and and Mrs Fred Ferron returned return return- ed Tuesday y from t several days visit fn in Salt Lake H. H A. A Pierson of the D Duchesne Auto company left leN Tuesday for Salt Lake on on business Wasatch Academy closes 1 May tay Miss bliss Nana Nann N also Axelgard finishes her course there this year Mr 11 and Mrs Vance Vanee e Larsen have purchased the Ithe Glenn Christman property and will shortly Y move into inlo it Miss Anna Colton clerk at th the e Sanitary Market was cal called led to Vernal Vernal Vernal Ver Ver- nal on account of f the death of her heT sister Mr and Mrs J. J L. L nice Rice returned from flom Salt Lake last Sunday Mr Rice had been out for medical treatment treat ment Mr and Mrs 1 Ed Hart left for Salt SaIt Lake City Wednesday of last weeK to visit Mrs l Harts Hart's sister Mrs LaBron La La- Bronta Brona Bron la J. J M. M Alexander of Los Los Los' Gatus California and alid who wh owns a ranch near neaT Ioka loka was through the basin last week A. A J. J Munns mother of or Mrs 1 GM I. Howard Howard came came in from Brigham City last week weak for a i short visit with her daughter The TheR Rev Rev v. v Geo V. V l. l Howes is ts putting In ill a n lawn in hi front yard of the Episcopal Episcopal Episcopal Epis Epis- copal church which will be aoi as added added added add add- ed attraction s 1 Mr and anel Mrs l H. H H. H Wood came over ovel from Latuda Sunday Su They Ther are ale making some Improvements at tue Porter residence I Is s l 1 Mn Mr and Mrs 1 Ir Irvin Irin in Cald Caldwell have d tim the Cottage hotel from Mrs J. J J II IK Partridge and are putting pu ting It Itin iti itin for business i in shape a The construction engineer of or time Mutual Creamery company Is 13 mere nere lel for fOl the tho purpose o of b bui building d ng an addition addi L tion to building Q a a Mr and ond Irs J. J M. M 1 lson left deft Wednesday YC for foT Marti Manti to bring their two sons sous SO 3 home The 1 seen een attending school here lr Jernegan gan YI who o has supervision over the thO Federal reserve interests in failed banks throughout the country country country coun coun- try was as here last week weel s William H H. Fitzwater left Wednesday Wednes day for Salt Lake Mrs 1 Fitzwater recently went under an opell operation tion and is improving rapidly I Senator Thomas W. W ODonnell O'Donnell came ame over Thursday of last week to defend some parties who had be been arrested for fOT bootlegging Mr and Mrs Irs Irvin Caldwell Cat dwell who have vacated the Duchesne arrangements to tal take o likely make hotel e of the Cottage charge char b Mrs Arzy Mitchell has been moed mo moved moved medical treatment ed to Vernal for will be taken children her und and w where pre She re reI re- re care of by her people while S i I t recently cameto came cameto Iverson on who F. F II Federal reserve in interests interests in- in of take charge to of Duchesne 31 e and Mylon My ton Lake Lale Salt to trip a banks hanks left for business ess' ess Sunday on i iM I who spent a good M r I D. D Morrison and amI spring in of the ills winter portion looking after and California a Arizona interests inter returned to tp his Duchesne mining Wednesday of ot last week I iao and MT Mrs Ir A. A 1 M. M Ralph Murdock D Murdock Grant and l 1 Murdock 1 Monday londaY to meet m motored to Price of Salt ual Lake e. e Mrs Jars Mrs J. J C. C Hanson Hanson of formerly tUBS Miss Eva Mur- Mur Hanson Han on was dock r have Caldwell 1 Irvin rvin Mr Dir and Mrs management of or the tl e given up the Halstead Oakes Mrs chesne hotel and run fun it it alt over Vi will l likely meely take has had bad considerable Halstead Mrs Mas well there do experience and i should S Cederquist Mr 11 Mr 11 and Mrs 1 J. J A. A Fred Todds Todd d Philipps and Mrs Geo Johns Johnson U were u up from and Miss bits s June with h hof ha a The They Dayton My ton tall Saturday people They were e entertained entertained en en- bunch of Duchesne and Mrs Arthur ter by D Mr ir Blue bench t the the- on B Drown Brown town canto came over J Mrs Irs J. J H. H of last nee week h to from Price Friday property properlY here lle She look look after her as the Cottage what Is known family 1 owns lawns n and d Dr D. D T. T andI and 1 hotel Noo property this vacated crated I just in the tIle hos has have home will male make their pital Vital 4 r j W |