Show 5 S COURT GOURT uno At HI 0 4 fc af Agents lg 01 or Spies Show as asfor h for fm as is isdO t the Men Ien l They Thoy m arc f. dO If I. I After t 1 f A special term of bf ofas j g s iii as held last week WC 1 in m Du- Du db before fore Poulson Ji ce E H H. Burgess county ut y EP pf prosecuting and abd hd T. T W. W JD j of Venial Venial- defend defending ns 9 of ot Agnes Asnes B I Pt i e case caso n h G. G Porter of ot Duchesne waSs waSson j on ll th the defense against Jg Agnes Broolis s Tie rIbe charge a g f for fr r selling liquor Jo to one oT 91 t e ei i ft l ment 1 spi spile spies sent n to to up uple le bootleggers bootleg The case case was vig vig- J 1 roel ly defended an anti and ti e- e creed th there le b being one fg for v c- c oJ and three for acquittal The was doubtful l' l lamI I and amI ll v its not convinced It will p ps Is er be tried again agIn 7 ff la in the case against Jpe e se gave no testimony and the ue tEe i e went to the jur jury ana lie was ivas jand guilty and fined The rank Defa Dea case w as a binding bin pg over Is ise ue and without any resistance lie iw lieis m is boun bound f over to the district court In the Paul Wilkins case cas it ap- ap eared that one of the go government ut gents or spies had hads f given iven wl whiskey at Roosevelt and haa had 0 i girls gone at ut riding with them thom T To Mr fr DonneIl's question to tile the agent as asi s so o i when rhen he be purchases of or ml raul an Wilkins Was Vas this 1 fore youIt you youat at nt your our lecherous arm around a airl ari irl ri in the auto and drove droye over ver a a lift iff if the answer was vas that it was store fore foreIn In the Joe Defa DeIa case the fib govern govern- ent lent agent said mid that he bought bought of Joe Defa a a dance in abiona fabiona and that he and the other agent drank up four of lera em In the Oliver Montgomery c-ase c he IB Le evidence e r was as very con conflicting Ind id the jury after the trial triai round hil in Il not guilty In the th-c case against Rena Duncan he ie e pleaded guilty and was fined ty dollars twenty-five twenty of which n as a remitted In the Joe Duncan case cas he l pleaded Jilb and was was fined and trailer tra her iler change against him was dJs dig med with prejudice County Attorney Burgess Burgess' showed not to togo go ito to o th the limit but to tot et t convictions ns and and- moderate penal- penal lies es s for or the purpose of giving g ving justice and id d not to display vengeance and tr r. r ODonnell O'Donnell handled the cases il Ith h a good deal of f acumen It app appeared ared ared that these lIquor spies ire c e g getting ten dollars dollars' a 3 d day y each ach o sides besides the government fees and andin I hen in fl the court costs and witnesses i piles leg up upa ua a large eq expense on the coun- coun i did the country IT Nav Never Nver r before ro the lb have the luxury Imury of liquor Mis U C out before a a i justice of or t the l ce Ju little little towns The gover government t ag agents n ts from the Yin In the above e cases seem seem to i heY have bout a as muc of ot a a thirst for fr or moonshine as most most o 0 oZ tUe oJ I Ir at t h. h ey are are after r |