Show H HAS AS N- N NC C EN II 10 ARCADIA 4 F of I p d 1 ri II IIA A surprise p party was tendered Airs Urs C. C A. A Lars Larsen en at alt her home homo Monday night A large crow crowd was in attendance Refreshments were served Thomas Judd who Has as tas spent the winter with his mother mother- Mrs John H. H Holgate I left ft for Idaho last wee weep The family of Frank Horrocks who have all been ill III with flu are i I able ble to be out again L Li L. J. J Gilbert is moving In to the government house tb iby P the bridge Mrs 1 Wm Vm J Jf Porter and Herald Gill of Park City were week end II at the home of their broth broth- brother broth broth- er Ray Hay o Gill ill Mrs Irs Orrin Olsen Olse of Utahn was a Friday visitor at the home of Mrs 1 Thomas M. M Gilbert GUbe t. t s Edward Ed ward of Duchesne spent pent Sunday with his parents All those in our vicinity who had cattle to put on the range have taken taken taken tak tak- en them away oio Io 0 I BONETA I fr s i v oo t 0 Ray Rf Oman has has gone to t J night Knight camp carob to find employment F. F i E. E Reynolds Jr has has' returned turned to the sheep herd A number of Boneta Bonata people attended attended attended at at- tended track meet at Mt It Home given for tor the benefit of the C. C H. H S.W. S. S S.w. W. W M. M Potter Patter Jr and wife are here ere visiting w th his parents for a afew afew j few days as C C. C A. A n. Erickson with a few men and md boys are working road Toad on the tle t river liver hill Mr and Mrs Jack Jac Sorensen ant ana family of Rogerson Idaho carne came in last Wednesday to get Mrs Soren- Soren sons son's two daughters Miss Leveda end and Naomi Draper who have been making snaking their home with their grandparents grandparents grand grand- I parents Mr 11 and Mrs Joseph Dra Dra- I per Jer Naomi returned with them for far fora fara a visit but LeVeda remained to clerk lerk for E. E D. D Lewis Rulon returned to the sheep herd near after afier spending a week with home folks Ray Oman has haq purchased a a. new car caT F. F E. E Reynolds and family and G. G P. P Barber were Barber were visiting in Bluebell Bluebell Bluebell Blue Blue- bell Sunday at the home of Henry Allred v f I I i J 5 ie of 5 01 AGE TALMAGE z I I 9 i i. 1 t. I Il 10 riI rr Ie I i 2 y I Mr Ir and Mrs Chris Mr 11 and Mrs Irs Arley were visiting visit visit- I ing anti in Ioka loka on Sunday air Mr lr and Mrs 1 James Anderson were Boneta Visitors Sunday the guests of Mr 1111 and Mrs ten Tauten Bench Dench Wm Vm McDonald of Heber is here hero visiting with his sans sons Willard Chase and Stanley McDonald for a a. few days lays Everybody come to the Talmage country fair to be held here on the Oth There will be ever everything thing to sell cell that your heart will desire also I many good th things ng to fo oat eat and drink drini There will be plenty of sports in the afternoon and a dance In the tile evenin even even- in lug ing Everybody come The benefits benefi will all go towards towardS' the building of the high school which we are so badly in need of or Elray Larson made a business trip t to Duchesne on Monday C. C P. P Burton Durton was in Mt 1 Home on business Lus s Saturday A. A G. G Burton Durton attended the school Hoard board meeting In Duchesne on Sat t I u a I Mr and andl Mrs 1 Ed Anderson were in Duchesne on Tuesday shopping Naoma Draper has returned to her home hom in Idaho after atter spen spending ing th the winter here with her grandparents enid attending school here Wm Vm Erickson and Frank Franc Munsey were Talmage visitors on Sunday Robert McMillan and sister Hattie Hattie Hat Hat- tie of Park ParI City are are- here visiting their parents Mr and Mrs 1 Ephriam McMillan for a tia few days Miss IZ Reitta Winterton ton is As in Park City visiting relatives for a short time Hyrum Ber Berg of Hel Heber er is here looking after his farm and doing sonie some ploWing preparing It to 0 plant fall grain If more of the p people ople would plant fall wheat there would be be- more wheat raised in the in the country with less water Ephraim McMillan Jr and find wife of Park City were here during th the w week ek visiting with Mr 11 and ami Mrs rs Ephriam McMillan Iol Mrs Irs Orrin Clements Cleme and family returned home on Monday from Castlegate where they have spent the winter Mr 11 and Irs Mm H. H P. P Ottosen left here on Monday l for the sheep herd to stay during lambing David vies Davies has been been on the S list during the tho week also the faintly of R. R D. D Redford Bedford have all had the flu fiu and had to ha have haDr Dr Wood of Du- Du Duchesne chesno chesne come up 10 to It tIe i oIt of MOUNTAIN IOU L HOME fy y A s 4 1 d. d r. r 1 4 to d zo J oio J ij tI e J i jf Jf of 4 t of J Miss Margaret t Shirts is staying st ying nl at althe atthe the home of Mr 7 and Mrs Ch Clyde e Rowley during Mrs Ro Rowley's Rowleys leys ley's illness Mr Ir and Mrs 1118 Floyd Fullmer are here paying a 3 few friends a visit t this week and also to attend the thc May Mayday Mayday day festival Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Bert J Jenson went to the Stott ranch on Saturday Clifford CUfford and Clinton Stevenson have made several sevel trips to Price with wool ool this week The May day festival was a thorough thor thor- thorough thorough ough success The program commenced commenced commenced com com- at 1 o'clock and consisted or dancing braiding the May pore pole a couple of short plays for the high school Mr Farmer to date by the agricultural club and Miss Indifference by the home economics department After the itlie program a I basket Ib ball game gone was played b by the girls and baseball by the gents In Inthe Inthe Inthe the evening a weigh basket-weigh dance was given The proceeds amounting to near 60 GO clear will be used for forthe forthe the he benefit of the the- Central high school Boneta and amI Talmage are giving j ng entertainments on the and respectively for the rtha purpose of obtaining obtaining obtaining ob ob- funds for the high school Everybody como comp and boost for the Central high school Ada Hanberg Alta Broadhead Freida Wright Eph Perkins Lo- Lo Lone ne Mecham and md Alva cam came up from Duchesne to to- attend the theMay theMay theMay May dance Friday night Mr and Mrs Vim Wm Potter Jr was here to spend Ma May day The Relief society made a a. couple of quilts that were raffled Friday The proceeds to go toward helping to build the Central high school 00 t. o co oJ- oJ 10 01 00 MT EMMONS UIO E S S1 I. I 1 i 5 so 0 4 1 jt I d j j 1 d j j 5 go We Va are very glad to to- report that the flu fiu Is now at a stand Soland still as all the people of our little community are arc quite well at present While at Salt Lake Lako Mr 11 ir Ira B B. B Cannon Cannon Cannon Can Can- non made mach arrangements for tor a Shetland Shetland Shet Shet- land and pony for his c children dr n. n It arrived arrived ar ar- rived d at their llomo on Sunday Marva and Ben Den are sure some happy children Mrs 1 T. T R R. T Chapman and Mrs Lawrence Mahaffey l were Sunday visitors vis visitors vis- vis Hors in Mt 2 Home guests of Mrs 1 Retching Redding On Thursday Mr and Mrs 1 Will Case and Mrs Pearl Case motored to Roosevelt on business Mr Johney Fulmer and family are moving out to their lease to spend the summer Word from Mr 11 John Babcock says he is feeling fine and is going to start working In a barber barbershop shop In Idaho Mr Jack Jacl le left t on oln Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- da day to work southern Utah His wife will remain with her folks for awhile yet Mr Owen BennIon and Mr 1 Aurther Aurther Aurther Aur- Aur ther Powell we were e Roosevelt visitors on Thursday Mr 1 Austin Taylor Talor was a Roo Roosevelt visitor on Friday Mr Clyde Fulmer a mud nd family familly returned returned re re returned turned from Provo on Wednesday Ve Mr 11 and Mrs Mrs' Atwood were Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- v velt lt visitors on en Thursday and while there bought hought them a beautiful leather leath leath- er rocker On their way home they were run Into toy Iby a 3 team and wagon with wi-th a a. horse leading heading at the side and broke the chair all to pieces Miss 1 Vista Atwood has Jias been a Rosevelt visitor for fior several days On Tuesday Mr 11 Floyd Case and Aurther Au Case left by team for Pris- Pris to get cement for his new house I Mr and Mrs 1 Carl Case motored to Roosevelt on business last Thursday Fred Case sion son of Bishop Case Cae Ca e is staying at Flo Floyd's Floyds ds to help win chores bores while hile Floyd is at Price Mr and Mrs 1 and cl children and Mr and Mrs Houtz Hoitz left on Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- day for their home ne near r Provo having having hav hay ing lug spent ten days with the parents Mr and Mrs T. T R R. R Chapman Work Vork commenced on all Bishop Cases Case's new home on an Monday morn morn- ing Mr 11 Floyd Case Cuse ret returned Saturday with a load loa of cement from Price I fc Co t q t. d' oft If Ir 1 tIe I or 1 00 14 t ALTON AIL 1 I I. I t. 1 l' l f 1 I 01 t 1 t. 1 4 t. 1 t 4 I Mrs 2 Albert Dastrup re from her visit sit to Ogden brining with her her mother Mrs Alden M. M Smith of ot Los Angeles to visit with her for sometime Mr 2 Louie Galloway secretary of or orthe the Dry Gulch Irrigation company made a 3 trip Wednesday to the head- head gates gates' ates' ates in search of water for his lis com com- pany I Mr Ir Gross Mr 11 Brent BreM of the In Indian Indian Indian In- In dian department at Fort Fart Duchesne accompanied by N. N W. W of the irrigation service visited clotted I Thursday and had an interesting tall talk with the Indians on their water waiter Mer rights Crystal Bros of Altonah are shear shearing ng their sheep at Mud Iud Hollow Mi Mr 1 William Sr of Vernal Vernal Vernal Ver Ver- nal has been en visiting with the tho Crys Crys- i Mr William Das trun and his nephew D Droy 4 Toy flIOY Dastrup have leased leas leas- leased ed the Frederickson blacksmith shop at t Roosevelt and will be prepared ed from now on to do all of blacksmith work and car lel repairing airing Mr Lorna Caldwell have le leaded ed edthe the Redding farm for the summer Mr 1 Roy Nelson and family have returned ItO to the farm south of Alto Altonah rah nah aUd Bd Intend making their future home there Ot to toto to ot ti 0 HANNA 6 or orto to 0 ote ole Mr l and Mrs Mrs' W ilson Dean Dmm and ana Mrs rs P. P A A. A Murdock of Heber sp spent nt Sunday at the t Pine Crest ranch Frank Savages Savage's house house- a about twel twenty ty saddles and pack saddles were de destroyed tro ed edby by fire some timela time la last fart t week Mr 11 Savage and wife are living In Salt Lake It is not known how liow the fire started Mr 11 SaYa Savage e has been running a large pack train to the Ithe lak lakes s the past five years I J pa within Wilkin the tho little HUlle son of Mr 11 and aud Mrs 1 Joe has lion been on the tho sick list the Pl past t few days Wll wil l of Kamas spent a afew afew afew few days at Gt Hanna Kanna last week Fire de destroyed troyed a large stack of str strew straw w and the corrals corral of T T. M. M Giles Friday A small smaill Child with matches matchez set the tho the fire Superintendent J. J F. F I chesne che ne spent Sunday Sunda with the p of at Hanna and Fram Frani creek creel talking con consolidation of the tro to schools wil Vi 1 Will Vill Roods Roads and Curia Curic Pace drove a 3 bunch of cattle attle over creek creele divide last week t v I 0 I 10 s i s' s I 4 1 Eo oCt l I I BLUEBELL I 4 1 oIe I i d t. II 1 1 01 0 Si 01 The following guests w were re enter cuter n ter- ter tamed ta ned to a a. Sunday dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs 1 Gardner r Goodrich Mir 1 and Mrs Will VIll Case and daughter Toll Mr and Mrs Fred I Cases are Case CaGe of Mt l Emmons brothers of or Mrs sIrs Gardner r Goodrich O aso RO Mrs 1 Rhoda Goodrich of Bluebell Blue Blue- I bell boil mother of Gardner Gardner A very enjoyable time was had by all Mrs Nellie FI Hancock reports a pleasant visit sIt in Upalco with friends and relatives Mrs l Henry Allred who has been beon in Price the p past weeks returned return turn ed to her homo 0 and reports her daug daughter much improved County Commissioner Wilford Wiford V was in town the past last week Little Miss Mss Garda Galda Goodrich ec celebrated cele ho- ho Crated her eIghth birthday by serving im ing ice cream and calm cake to her little friends after which games gamos were play played played played ed and a very very pleasant time was had h Hancock made a aI Alva Al and Will Vill I trip t-ip to Co o Cedarview on all Friday after some of their heir sheep sheel th that t had strayed strayed strayed stray stray- ed and gotten in with a n. herd of George eorge Roberts at that place Mr 11 Miles of Mt 1 Homo Home spoke In Inthe the he Bluebell ward sacrament meetIng meeting meet- meet J Ing last Sunday Mr lr Timothy who has lies been living in Roosevelt the past few rew years Has nas a returned to his farm in Clay basin R north of Bluebell Mr 11 Timothy was hunting potatoes to Ito plant He seems very ic as to wat water r and good crops this season Conditions at present seem against good crops this season Let us not be discouraged discouraged o. ged a. a bright future ahead is is' assured Let each one live up to the golden rule then we at nt least c can n Reed teel worthy of oC what we do raise The water question is somewhat serious In parts of Colorado In Colorado Springs Denver Berthoud and ind possibly other places they have had to discontinue watering lawns in order to give the farmers a better better better bet bet- ter show for crops Dr Harris Harms of Roosevelt performed perform perform- rm- rm ed a light right operation on Mrs Leslie Goodrich this week Mrs Goodrich da daughter Reatha a who is attending high school in Roosevelt came up with the doctor Mrs 1 John Goodrich is ia very proud of ofa a brand new now dresser er and washstand washstand wash- wash sta stand d just in from Price Frank Smith delivered the goods Zery and Claud Mathews and wives motored ito Altonah this we week k kon on business and pleasure visiting i with with Mrs Glaudi Claud Mathews Mathew's sister sifter Mrs Wilbur Murray Mr Ir Lewis Galloway Gallaway of Roosevelt secretary of oC Dry Gulch Irrigation company was in Bluebell on business pertaining to the Ithe water question Mr 11 Calvin Barker of Upalco was in Bluebell selling beet beef on He reports he wi wiH l be here each week on Tuesdays This week beef was selling alt ait 12 and 14 cents per pound Only fo for the prompt action of VC W. W C. C and Alva Ailva Hancock Bluebell would woula now be without a ward or school house Lt It is reported the young people people people peo peo- had a fire near the wood pile on Sunday night They of ef course supposed supposed sup sup- posed they put the fire out however Hancocks in passing the place Monday discovered fire fire- in on the woodpile it was nard hard indeed to 0 distinguish tale he fire with no water available Let this be a warning to ne be everyone be careful of or fire at all times More lore especially a season like this Mr 11 Lee eyes jes must be beon beon on the improve as as he as he and md wife were we-re in Dl Bluebell this w week ek b I A 0 or 4 t. I 4 I 01 I 10 I 01 I 1 n it p 1 ip I p Eo I t. r l I a Walter Baird Mod Med and Archie Benson made a a. trip to Ito Duchesne Monday I f W. W H. H Stone w was s a Vernal visitor Friday and Saturday of last jast week The loka Ioka members me of ot the Dry Gulch Cattle association took their cattle Ito to the range Wednesday Mrs Edmund Webb has been qi quite q ill but is very much improved ai at this writing Mr i Jim Maxwell 1 of Salt La Lake e visited his sister Mrs l J. J L. L Miles kl last t week Th The ladies of the he I I. I H H. H. H club met mat at atthe the he home homo of ef Mrs Sill Silk LarGen Larsen Larsen Lar- Lar sen Gen Wednesday Ve A very enjoyable enjo afternoon was spent At lunch was served by hostess hostess' Jim Loyd who has been confined to 10 his home for far |