Show Cleaning Materials Are Most Needed in Spring Even for housecleaning on a small scale several 1 kinds of cleaning materials mute mate rials are needed to put things timings In ship shIp- shape Farmers Farmers' Bulletin 1180 of ot the United States DeI Department of ot Agriculture Agriculture ture describes th them m all In detail but the following are the tIme most Important I Neutral soap that Is one with no free alkali and plenty of hot water I are art the time most useful of all nil dirt chasers I or 01 detergents In this connection It Is well Veil to remember that a u soap solution mal makes suds more quickly and clet cleans clemns more evenly aud and safely than soap soap In cake cale It especially pa pays s 's to use up small pieces of soap In this way A stronger detergent such as us ammonIa ammonia ammonia am am- monia borax x or sal soda washing soda Is genera generally 11 needed for loosening loosening loosen loosen- In ing the time dirt that soap and anti water will not remove These alkalis however are likely to be Injurious to colors and finishes and must be applied with cau cau- tion A scourer or abrasive Is also Indispensable Indis In housecleaning For rubbing rub rul- bing up silver sliver nickel and other soft polished metals fine tine whiting parts parIs white or rouge should be provided pro while for tor zinc Iron steel and aluminum alu ml minum um a harsher material such as asbath asbath asbath bath brick or steel wool Is Ismore more satis satIs- factory A bleaching agent of ot some sort Is generally generall needed for taking iron rust stains from the white-enameled white bathtub bathtub bathtub bath bath- tub find and nd lavatory or from some ome wood surfaces Oxalic acid Is good for tor this I purpose A furniture pol polish h for restoring theluster the tho I I luster to furniture and woodwork Is also ne nece necessary esSary salY A simple kind that that gives satisfactory res results can be made at nt home by ly mixing 1 I part pmt raw linseed I oil with 2 parts ports turpentine and adding addinga u a little melted welted beeswax If It desired d. d |