Show TENNIS COURT NAMED NAl AS NEW NEV P. P T. T A. A PROJECT The building of a new tennis court for th the Duchesne school campus w was s decided on as the new project for the Parent- Parent Teachers Teachers' Association at a meeting meeting meeting meet meet- ing of th the executive committee on Thursday aH afternoon Mrs George Georgc Kohl president announced today The increased enrollment of th the schools has lion made the present court inadequate for the needs of the students who engage in this form of athletics s Funds from the Youth Administration Admin project ct appropriation will be used it was stated d to pay for tor labor on the tennis court and the executive of the P. P T. T A. A will try to enlist th the aid of other civic organizations to raise the necessary funds with which to buy materials Tentative plans have hava already ben been made to hold a dance sometime in April to raise funds Soup Kitchen To Close Another matter which was taken taken tak talc en up at nt the meeting masting Ung was the continuation continuation continuation con con- or clo closing g of the school soup kitchen Water Vater seeping int int the llie kitchen at the school housu houst has made mads it impo impossible imposible for the lunches to be cooked there Mrs Kohl RoW reported and it Jt was decided the kitchen would have hae to b bo be closed closed clos- clos cbs clos ed Cd after next week although funds for this project are not yet JeL ex ex- sex sex- hausted During th week beginning beginning beginning begin begin- ning M March the lunches will b bs prepared at the horns home of Mrs Jane Jans Davis Officers of the P. P T T. T A. A oe expressed express pressed press press- ed their appreciation for the tha cooperation cooperation cooperation co co- co operation they Uley have received this winter wint r in this project |