Show Sunday Sunda Nito Club The Sunday Nite club met at atthe atthe atthe the horns home of oC Mr and Mrs Grant Murdock this week with the following following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing members and guests present present pres pies ent Mr and Mrs Grant Murdock Mr and and Mrs Ernest Crocker Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown Mr and Mrs George Kohl 11 1 Mr and Mrs l Arthur Ori Mrs iUm N Nellie llie Muir Mrs R M Pope Mrs A. A M. M Murdock Murdock Murdock Mur Mur- dock and Mrs A. A J. J Feller After a delicious dinner the guests enjoyed contract with the high score prize going to Mrs Feller Bluebird Girls' Girls Party Mrs Margaret Casper Casper- Casper and and Mrs Della Delia Jensen entertained at the home of Mrs Casper last Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day evening for the Bluebird Girls Games and refreshments were enjoyed by about twenty guests Women's omens Stud Study Club Mrs Roy A. A ent entertained enter enter- r- r tamed members of the Women's Study club at her home last Sat Sat- The Tile program The Life of George Washington Cable was given by Mrs R. R M. M Pope A short story from Cables Cable's book Old Creole Days was r read ad by Mrs Ernest Crocker Members present were Mesdames Mesdames Mesdames Mes- Mes dames Arthur Brown BlOwn Ed Carman Carman Carman Car Car- man Ernest Crocker J. J P. P Madsen Madsen Madsen Mad- Mad sen Nellie Muir A. A M M. Murdock J. J J R. R McGuire R. R M. M Pope Melvin Melvin Melyin Mel- Mel vin yin Poulson Ernest C. C H. H Selch Seich L. L C. C Winslow Re Reuben ben D. D Law Mss Mess Maurine ChristenSen Christen- Christen sm Sen and Miss Emily Maden Farewell Party Parry The L. L D. D S. S Primary officers and teachers gathered at the home of Mrs MIs Frances Hair for a farewell farewell farewell fare fare- well party in honor of Mrs Marvel Marvel Marvel Mar Mar- vel Marret who leaves laves soon with her family to make their home in California Refreshments were served to twenty guests Mrs Mth Marret received a lovely gift as asa asa asa a token of esteem from her I fellow fellow fel fel- ellow el- el low workers in th the o organization rg-ani rg on |