Show MYTON l CLUB MGR SUCCUMBS THURS John M. M Martin 08 68 died at his home in My Myton ton Thursday evening ev-ening of lobar pneumonia For the past year and a half 1 Mr Lr Martn had been manager oCth of oC th the My Myton ton Commercial Club Pool Hall Prior to that he hc had been Inthe in th the employ of oC the gov government and later was a fanner I Mr Ir Martin was born in Calloway Galloway Gallo Callo- I way county Missouri June Juns 1867 Surviving are lire two sons John M. M Martin Jr and Charles E. E Martin My Myton ton two d daughters Mrs J. J C. C Jennings White River myel Arizona and Mrs J. J P. P Walling Globe Arizona and on one grandson F Frank A. A Johnson of Myton Word Vord of Mr Martins Martin's death reached the Record office just before before before be be- fore going to press and funeral arrangements had not y yet t been completed |