Show ARCADIA Mrs Marion l S. S Shields Frank Holgate is operating a I grocery store at his home for the present while he erects a new building to be used for this purpose pur pur- pose e. Friday evening at the ward house housa the Red Cap D. D U. U P. P entertained entertained en en- their husbands at a del de- de l cious plate supper hand and social There were 22 present The eve evening evening eve eve- ve- ve ning was spent pent playing and a spicy program was rend rend- ered The following were visitors althe at al atthe atthe the Frank home Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- I day Mrs Harriet Todd of Roosevelt Roosevlt Roose- Roose velt Mrs Re Reed d Fietkau and children children children chil chil- dren and Mrs Mm Clarence Foy and daughter Coll Colleen en of Duchesne Mr 11 and Mrs Tom Jones of Salt Lake City were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Marvin G. G Shields Friday The basket ball game between My Myton ton and Arcadia Tuesday evening evening eve eve- ning resulted in a score of 22 to 17 in fa favor VOl of My Myton ton John A A. Gilbert made a trip to Riverton this week end returning Sunday evening John Stover came in Thursday for his last load of Implements Frank and Verne Holgate made madea a business trip to the State Capitol Capitol Capitol Cap Cap- itol this week Mrs Eliza J J. J Gilbert entertained entertain entertain- ed at a birthday dinner Sunday the following members of her family Mr and Mrs Joseph Jose Shanks of Utahn Bp and Mrs as Thon M M. Gilbert and family Mr and Mrs O. O L L. Gilbert and family Mr Mfr and Mrs Ray Hor Hor- and fan family ly and Alvie Farns- Farns wo wo-th wo th and Mrs Rhoades of Utahn Bp Thomas M. M Gilbert attended attend attend- ed the funeral of Jim Olsen at Duchesne Sunday |