Show I r Graham Bread Named for Lecturer on Temperance Graham bread received Its name from tram S. S Sylvester hester Graham 1794 1 an American lecturer on temperance temperance temper temper- ance and food reform lie Ue was born at nt Conn After studyIng studying study study- Ing at Amherst for Cor a time he entered entered entered en en- the Presbyterian ministry In G. 1326 lie He maintained that a n ne e vegetable eta eta- ble bie diet was Incompatible with a desire desire de de- sire f for stimulants nod as ns part of or his temperance and food reform campaign n he not only advocated total a abstinence from Cram meat but also recommended the eating of oC bread made of or or unbolted wheat flour that Is flour Dour In which all the wheat kernel ernel except the rusk rusl Is used In A Defense of at the Graham Graham Gra Urn ham System of oC Living published In 1835 ltd Gr tham wrote r. r Of wheat bread there are three varieties In the first all the bran branIs branIs Is Is separated In the second only the coarse and In the third none at atall all The bread made of flour from which all the bran hran has been separated separated sep sep- Is that most commonly used but bread made of or flour from which none of oC the bran has been separated ed Is the most wholesome Graham Is often oCten referred to as the Inventor or Introducer of Graham bread He was neither for whole wheat bread was the first wheat bread made Grahams Graham's name became associated with It It because he Included the article In his dietary dietary dietary die die- tary regimen which at one time had many thousands of at adherents throughout the United States The fhe system was called Graham and Its adherents India Indianapolis nap nap- oIls olis News |