Show Gravity Slowly Changing Russ Scientists Discover The force of gravity which ke keeps ps rocks houses and men Inca from flying off oIT the rotating earth carth like water or mud illes from tI the e rapidly turning wheels of an auto Is changing noticeably noticeably no no- In sonic some II places aces on our globe gobe A Soviet scientific expedition I In the Caucasus has found unmistakable unmistakable evidence c In that region that I over ocr n a period of years ears the pull at atthe atthe atthe the earths earth's center on all aU matter around It has varied Objects whose mass has remained Identical have fluctuated In weight Since the pull of gravity comes from CraIn exactly exactly exact exact- ly Jl the center of the earths earth's total mass nass and becomes greater as ns this center Is approached It Is thought the variation detected must be due to gigantic shifts of matter under the earths earth's crust which result In moving mo the earths earth's center of gravity grav grav- ity It can easily be seen how such shifts shIrts would affect the weight of objects ob oh- objects jests when It Is understood od that the weight of anything Is greater at atthe atthe atthe the bottom of a mine than it Is at atthe atthe atthe the surface of the earth Likewise a mat man weighs neighs more standing at nt the North or South pole than titan he lie would weigh at the equator partly because on the flattened pole poe he Is nearer the center of the earth Pathfinder earth Pathfinder Mag Mag- azine |