Show I TABIONA Mrs Minnie 1 Hamilton A sad accident Monday as little La Vell Veil Rice one year old son of Mr and Mrs Clyde Rice was drowned it in the irrigation canal near the Rice home He is survived by his parents and one small brother Funeral services were held Wednesday at one p. p m me Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the parents and relatives by bythe bythe bythe the whole community Mr and Mrs Wm Pace announce announce announce an an- the arrival of a baby girl Mrs Dori Doris Howard from Salt Lake City spent a week visiting at the Ike lIte Hamilton home Mrs Max Bertola from Price is visiting with Mrs Dorothy Ber Ber- tola Mr and Mrs Bruce Maxwell of My Myton ton spent Thursday visiting relatives here Mr and Mrs Ralph Maxwell made a business trip to Roosevelt Monday They were accompanied by Mrs Essie Lefler Mark Haden Haden Had- Had en Lova Gines and Kay ton Mr and Mrs Homer Hoard of Los Angeles are guests at nl the Lawrence Maxwell home Mrs Wm Dugdale from Woodland Woodland Wood Wood- land is visiting friends here Mrs Carl Rhoades spent the week week end with MrS Wm Ivie Mr r and aud Mrs Lawrence Maxwell Maxwell Max Max- well Mr and Mrs Homer Hoard and Mrs Doris Howard were din dinner dinner dinner ner guests Wednesday evening atI atthe at atthe the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Mrs Irvin Clegg Mrs Nora La LaFevre LaFevre LaFevre Fevre and Mrs Jake Gines Genes are on the sick list this week A stork shower was given Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- Fri Fri- day at the home of Mrs r- r rs Lamar Johnson In honor of Mrs Norma Chatwin A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed playing games Refreshments Refreshments Refreshments Re Re- were served to twenty twenty- five lve guests J |