Show Milk Needs To Be Cooled Thoroughly In Spring Advised That period o oC 0 the year has arrived arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived when milk producers need to pay attention to cooling milk in ina ina inn a n manner tha that thai is both rapid and thorough reminds Geo B B. B Caine Utah extension dairyman In a nutshell the job of cooling milk successfully is a matter of getting it cold as soon after it has left the udder as possible and of keeping it cold until it reaches the market Mr Caine says A satisfactory ry way of cooling milk rapidly is to run it through a cooler as soon as each cow Co has been milked This involves the practice of forcing the coldest water available on the tite farm thru the coils of the cooler which will bring the temperature of the milk mille to Lo within a few degrees of the temperature of the water Then when the can below the cooler is full it should be set in a water tank ank ice box or electric refrigerator ator and left there until delivery is made If no cooler is available the can may be kept in a convenient convenient convenient conven conven- water tank as milking pro pro- Stirring the milk mm with a clean stirring rod at intervals will hasten the cooling process the specialist explains The temperature of freshly drawn milk mille is about 95 degrees Fahrenheit If a cooler can be rigged up that with the use of well water will bring milk down downto to GO 60 degrees a big slice has been cut out of the cooling bill even though ice or electric currant is necessary to bring the temperature tempera tempera- ture down to the desirable range of 40 to 50 degrees It is a poor practice to add warm milk to cold milk be cautions cautions cautions cau cau- as doing so results in raising raising rais rais- ing the temperature of the mixture mixture mix mix- ture for a short period of time which is usually long enough to permit bacterial growth to the point of creating off The important points to follow as Mr Caine sums them up are first keep clean and sterile all aU utensils with which milk comes in contact second follow some system tern tem em that will cool the milk quick- quick quickly ly y third cool it to a temperature f 40 to 50 degrees in order to top bacterial growth and fourth see ee ee to it that the milk stays cold I it reaches the market |