Show The e. e Aurora uro a Borealis fc T i W rf T B M KI- KI B OFFICIAL CAMP NEWS COMPANY COMPAQ NUMBER 2910 Moon Lake Camp F 37 On The Little Yellowstone Edited B By Under of Education W Wm m. m Casada Casaday Advisor Advisor Vern Vern V. V Duke Moon Lako Defeated Moon Lake has tasted defeat defea t twice in the last week from Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du- Du chesne and again from Roosevelt The scores were 9 10 Duchesne and Moon Lake and 7 2 Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt and Moon Lake It is to be hoped that the local boys will settle down to some tight ball playing and overcome these leads while there is still sUll time If determination will do it it is practically done done too The next league game is scheduled scheduled scheduled sched sched- with Bridgeland at Moon Lake Sunday From the way th the past games have been shaping it promises to provide some real ex cx- c C c Members To Bo no Transferred The following named men have ha been selected to form the nucleus of a new company They will be transferred from this camp at avery a avery avery very early date Positions they will occupy will appear after their names A. A N N. N Ray senior Ray senior foreman John Prince supply Prince supply sergeant Charles Rogers Rogers mess mess sergeant Ray Brown company Brown company clerk LaVar Johnson hospital attendant at- at James Tames Simpson Simpson cook cook Sherman Taylor Taylor cook Kendall Fisher Fisher forestry Rudy Barlow Barlow forestry forestry Fayette Whitney Whitney forestry Russell Holmes Holmes forestry Frank forestry Members of company 2910 wish them well in their new location c C c e Hospital Pains Hospital attendants Snow and Johnson are experiencing all of the pains that are possible this week But when an undertaking such as is involved there is a chance that anyone would feel just justa a slight twinge of pain In his painting garb it is hard to tell whether Claude Snow is trying to impersonate a farmer or a deep sea fisherman La Var is not sick as 39 most people would think Those spots come from honest labor so he says Through safety measures adopted adopt adopt- ed by the company accidents have been cut to a minimum c C c Holidays Over O I Members have again settled down for a few days work after the hectic holidays But was that last Monday blue No one wants to say anything about hangovers but there was something wrong Oh well Memorial Day comes bu but t tonce once a year c C c Captain Bittman departed this last week for his home in Portland Portland Portland Port Port- land Oregon He said that he Intended In Intended Intended In- In tended to take the trip by airplane in order to have more time at the old home with the family We Ve wish him a pleasant journey c C c New Xe Foreman Arrives Foreman Elmer Roberts arrived in camp from the Manila camp last week to take charge of the carpentry work here He makes his home in Roosevelt c C c The Duke Duko Answers Query Quer Last week a few of the DoubtIng Doubting Doubting Doubt Doubt- ing had the temerity to suggest that the camp had not been informed as to the land of my nativity my possible powers and authority in that land and the reason I have secluded myself In Ina ina ina a cee camp They had inferred that possibly I had taken refuge from the more expressive revolutionists revolutionists revolutionists I or perhaps had been playIng playing playing play play- ing the fade-away fade act from an irate spouse To alleviate all incipient cases of Americana that dread mental disorder that causes one to pry Into another's affairs I I shall endeavor to elucidate I was born a long time tim ago Yes Indeed my parents were born several several several sev sev- eral years ears before At that time they didn't know whether hether I should be QC kept or fed to the pigs Finally they decided that such fare might kill the pigs and thus I was saved from an early death In my youth I had the faculty of turning up Inthe in inthe inthe the most unexpected places and at rather inopportune times very much to the discomfort of my elders elders elders eld eld- ers and contemporaries In this way I learned man many of the dark secrets of the affairs of State that otherwise vise would not have fallen to my lot It seems that such a happenstance has befallen me here from the query just pub pub- In later years I grew older I Iwas Iwas Iwas was a pacifist but as so many young men do I got married And my home has been in a state of war ever since Adding insult to injury my most trusted followers connived at the corruption of my court It was in ina ina ina a gigantic effort coupled with a stroke of genius that I was able to overthrow them diem and recover a portion of my self esteem After the the great struggle I looked upon my conquest with a discerning eye and decided that the supposed treasure was only a bauble Therefore Therefore Therefore There There- fore I decamped and left my erstwhile erstwhile erstwhile erst erst- while possessions in less capable hands I almost forgot I was born in inthe inthe inthe the State of Anxiety fed on the milk of human kindness attended the school of hard knocks I I- Iam am American by birth English and Missourian by descent Christian in religion religion alThough although not always ays in deeds deeds deeds- Idahoan by adoption Utahan by chance and a adviser adviser adviser ad ad- by appointment With a combination like the above holding sway over my destiny destiny des des- tiny what can be do done c I must await the inevitable Yours Duke of Yellowstone c C c Camp To Hold Dance Saturday June 8 will be a red letter day for camp F As a farewell gesture to the boys who will leave to help form forma a new company a big splurge willbe will willbe willbe be held Parking spaces arc are plentiful plentiful plentiful plen plen- feed for the horses can be secured on the range and the roads are smooth enough to give cyclists a chance In addition the trucks will go to town to pick up the stragglers i Refreshments will be served Inthe in inthe inthe the hospitable fashion Chas Rogers will stage his famous side sideshow sideshow show snow and the Mayor will be there thereto to show you th the fine points about camp The regular orchestra has been tuning up since the last dance and will be there in full force Bring all your friends and get acquainted with someone else's friends Enjoy yourself f for far r a full evening We Ve shall appreciate your attendance P P. P S. S We Ve understand there is someone down there whom the editor editor ed ed- Hor would like to see here too c C c Mayor I Hits Headlines Human sympathy Is always directed directed directed dir dir- to the negligent one who is content to let the the world slip by with its knocks and promises and who is willing that the other fellow fellow fellow fel fel- fel- fel low do the most work Whether he be concerned in national circles or just with domestic life matters not Which after all sets us back to the beginning of time and to the principal involved in each tri tri- angle Such sympathy is here devoted to that ancient and honored person person per per- son son Charles Oliver intimately known as the Mayor No better i example of a man with his chariot unencumbered of any star can be found in these verdant hills nor would there be one with such peculiar aspirations Dating back to th the inauguration of the o our r Lord Mayor was but a humble hard working personage personage personage per per- who moVed about through life with an alacrity born of hard knocks and heavy work Life in its more sublime state state had had no appeal appeal appeal ap ap- ap- ap peal to our hero hero no no place in his hard bitten Then as most do he reached the crisis of his life His humdrum was changed to one of glitter and glamour He moved ahead of a fast moving world Even spicy magazines were substituted for works of Shakespeare Poe and Hawthorne And again as he slips into second second second sec sec- ond childhood this new life drops away from him to leave him but buta I a shell of his former self He cares I I not for cozy domesticity of pre- pre life Neither does a spicy yarn send the blood coursing thru his veins He Is content to lie lle upon his stone-set stone couch and wait for forthe forthe forthe the days day's ending well aware that there is always someone to carry carryon carryon carryon on on and that come what may his tea will vill still be provided for the morrow by Uncle Sam I Only too well has he proved that saying of Shakespeare's beginning beginning beginning be be- ginning All the worlds world's a stage and the men and women merely players c C c That Magic Ring Ping Telephones to our friend Neil Wilcox have been something on the order of a general nuisance until the other night It would seem that they are always clanging clang clang- ing ready ing-ready ready to jar a quiet siesta into an alarming headache Their discordant notes ring out at the most unearthly hour only to request re re- re request request quest the time of day Then came that magic ring Iring Every note seemed to carry with it a promise The very words to tobe tobe tobe be spoken later seemed to hang in inthe inthe inthe the air Neil later avowed there angels singing on the roof A stentorian voice bellowed for forSu Su Supply ply Sergeant Nell Neil Wilcox Neil with chest chest expanded advanced grabbed the receiver and sweetly voiced A voice droned something atthe atthe at atthe the other end Neil chocked called for a repetition received it and In a heap on the floor In a semi-conscious semi state he murmured murmured murmured mur mur- Job hundred bucks no nomore nomore nomore more After the fire brigade had departed departed de dc- de- de parted and the flood subsided Neil amazed all present by telling of an offer of immediate employment employment employment employ employ- ment ment at pr Pl From there he dashed to his bunk began to stuff his Ms belongings into suitcases and roll the bedding All the time he was humming a tune that sounded like At Last Im I'm Going Home Then came the harsh news Neils hopes were forever blasted It was someone's idea of a practical practical practical joke Again Neil Nell He awoke ravin raving But it did not take our efficient carpenters long to construct construct construct con con- and house the poor demented dement dement- ed in a nice padded room and lock Jock the door Now each ring of the phone causes our Neil to tear his hair and mutter Job hundred bucks no If they dont don't lay off Ill I'll go crazy |