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Show Scenes and Persons in the Current New Army Lands First Planes on Boulder Lake Dental Hygiene ffi I The Road to Health 4 s- -. " ft, - - .v - r , nt-.p- - .IA Ss') s ?) Jtj p By DR. R. ALLEN GRIFFITH - CHEW YOUR FOOD s, it. i MAKER OF ACES' V-- v "Marks New Point in Air History MET'S NEW DIRECTOR three-fourth- A picture of the first planes to land on the newly formed Boulder lake Is shown above. This event niaiks a new point In air history. A fleet of Douglas amphibian air- i Vs s r S U-- 4 Jf Brig. Gen. James E. Chqney, who Is t considered one of Uncle Sam's host "makers of aces, Is now at San Antonio In command of Ran dolph field, the air corps training center. This field has become known as the West Iolnt of the air. teeth for? They the mouth as the first aid in digestion. Their loss throws an additional burden upon the balance of the alimentary apparatus, which is frequently unable to stand the strain. Thorough mastication can only be accomplished by proper and sufficient teeth. Modern man lives largemore ly on a herbivorous diet. The herbivorous an animal the greater the necessity for thorough chewing of the food. It has been proved by scientific experiments that those who bolt their food, those who have insufficient teeth or no teeth, lose 20 per cent of their vegetable food, of their entire nourishment and 70 to 80 per cent of their food fill. Food which Is appetizing and pleasant to the palate Is no completely nutritious unless thoroughly Mastication grinds and chewed. mixes the food with the saliva which starts the necessary chemical changes in the starches and sugars. It also excites the secretions of the gastric Juice. Thoroughly chewed food reaches the stomach are your WIIAT placed In planes of the Thirtieth squadron, Nineteenth Bombardment group, from the United States army gen ernl headquarters air force at Rockwell field, San Diego, can claim this feat The flight was made from San Diego to Boulder lake, as officially recorded, In approximately two hours. The fliers were not cramped for space In landing and taking off. Boulder lake, formed by Boulder dam, offers plenty of room. The v dam, which Is 7,50 feet high, ere I A A,i $ ates a reservoir 115 miles long, with sforage capacity of 30,500,000 acre Edward Johnson, noted Canadian feet of water. It Is situated on tenor, who was made general man the Black canyon of the Colorado ager of the Metropolitan Opera ns rier about 30 miles from Ins sociation of New York, to succeed the late Herbert Witherspoon. Vegas. s In which a sufficient amount of pepsin, rennln and hydrochloric acid awaits it. The transformation of food Into nourishing body stuff be- 1 President Roosevelt reading before joint session of congress his message vetoing the Patman bonn measure. 2 Harper Gatton of Madisonvtlle, Ky., who was elected president of ICiwnnis International at tD annual convention in San Antonio. 3 Amelia Larliart receiving from Italian Consul Castrucclo In Chleag . the Dalbo medal, a gift from the Italian government Amelia Adds Looks Like Big Blaze; Only Garbage Another Decoration v Flyer Receives Balbo Medal From Italy 1 gins here. mrx& I Most of us eat too much. This r America's Earhart Amelia Putnam, is due to haste, nervousness, boltmost famous feminine flier, has ing, the Inability to chew food propadded another decoration to her erly, and because many foods are She recently journeyed collection. witheaten so be they may prepared to Chicago where she received the out chewing. ? Ns. This In turn causes stagnation of Balbo medal, a gift from the Ital - v,vv.v. Aqfcf ?'''?' ian V government Giuseppe vov, the cells that produce the digestive Trv Italian consul In Chicago, fluids. Sufficient hydrochloric acid Z V" delivered the award. Is not secreted to prevent fermenta"G. fr vMiss Earharts most recent achieve X $ tion. Fermentation manufactures jf v 'V Uw-, the record breaking nonmixed with ment Aw gases. El food under these conditions, pro- stop flight kom Mexico City to the duce ptomaine and other poisons. Newark (N. J) airport. She bet tered the time made by Col. Charles Food poisons, the result of Incomr- , plete digestion, together with micro- A. Lindbergh between Mexico City organisms from dirty mouths, pro- and Washington by nearly 14 hours. Her only regret voiced on land Tied together and strung around Rikers Island, New Yoik harbu duce the symptoms covered by the are seen the 24 gaibage scows that caught tire as they were about to term lng was: I would like to have made it towed out to sea. The blaze was spectacular and made a tieniendousk The certain cure for eating too much food is careful and proper in better time. of smoke, but the damage was small. chewing. This can only be accomplished by an efficient masticating apparatus. TOMMY COMES BACK ? K X r "v vov. s Pioneer Days in Yakima Valley Micro-organism- s, Catches Record Sea Bass A- ,- - Worlds Champion Butter Producer -- FORTY TO FORTY-FIV- E IT Ten-Gallo- n Hats Boots and Iliirli O Correct Garb I he whole Yakima ynlUy In Washington lived oyer nnin the frontier days In their annual cole bratlon wlmh lasted several days Automobiles were tabooed In the city streets of Vakhtin, and ten gal Ion hats and high boots were con stdered correct costume touches for men. Even chin whiskers were proclaimed becoming. One would never believe there weie so many ox teams !u the coun try ns were seen In this Washing ton city. Their leisurely pace add- - Relic cf True Cross Is Found in California Hollister, Calif. What Is claimed to he a lehc of the true cross, on Christ was crucified, has been found In the archives of old San Juan mission. Father linncls Caffrey said the relic was authenticated by a letter found with It. The missive was signed by Bishop Johannes Maria Odin, confeience of missions, Rome, and was written to Bishop Thad dens, C. M, of Mouteiey, Calif, In wlihh 1832. .jJ.-.- a - - Wilbur White, weighing thq worlds recoid white sea bass whlefy he caught at Santa Catalina Island, It tipped the scale at 52', pounds, Tree Grow 19 Fruit Edmonton, Alta. A fruit tiee oi which 20 varieties of apples nnj erabapples grow at the same tlmij has been developed by the hortlcub tural department of the Alberta of agriculture. Going to Meet Europes Best Lacrosse Teams SOMEWHERE between these ages usually reached the highest point of his efficiency, and from then on It Is X question of continued vigilance to keep from sliding rapidly down the grade that has only one end for us all. Tou dont need to be a health fanatic, but It Is well to ask yourself when you reach this age, If you are really 100 per cent well. Don't you occasionally have a headache, little attacks of Indigestion, constipation, or sleepless nights once In a while? These are apparently little Insignificant things, but are really nature's warnings that It Is time to look after yourself. Not many of us will follow this out even when we know It Is for our own good, but simple cleanliness will accomplish wonders, and we should all take time to keep clean, especially our mouths. When we get up Into the forties It becomes more and more common to hear that some one of our friends has been stricken. The older we get the oftener we lose some good old, friend that was apparently In good health only a few days or Sets New vvO s record Is 1,523 5 pounds of butter days, churned from 32,727.1 pounds of milk. Only five cows In the United States have ever produced more than 1,500 pounds of butter In a year, and Bess Fnyne Is the only cow In the world to have passed in Production Record 3G3 ,! woiE . Tommy Loughran, former light heavyweight champion, hul absent from the prize ring of tht United States, has arrived fro South America where he won number of fights. lie hopes to me t on the heavyweight champion Femco Johanna I.ess l'ayne, ulne-registered Holstein cow, has just completed aa official test that mark twice. weeks before. Perhaps the last time which establishes her as the She le owned by T. E. Murphy, highyou saw him you remarked how est record-holdincow alive. Her prominent Minneapolis more. publisher. good he looked. Dont these things ever make you think? Could you, too? Death which Is not accidental Is due to the effects of the action of a result that might be acute and sudden, or chronic and slow, in Its termination. These microorganisms usually have some i x. I small focus of existence and growth, and that point Is usually where . everything enters the system, the mouth. These microorganisms are found at the apex of a dead tooth, in pyorrhea, around unsanitary dental work. There can be no doubt that these causes are responsible for more deaths and misery than war and 1 .4 whisky combined. The only reason we dont try to eliminate It Is that It works silently, while war an! whisky create a lot of noise and ' aie more or less spectacular. Even diseases that are not caused v directly by unsvnltary mouth eon v dltlons are greatly aggravated by them, through a lowering of the revA sistance. lien you feel below par and have lost your pep, some little bug Is getting In Its work. When the blood stream Is constantly poisoned by pus germs continuously pouring Into the system there must come a time when the resistance Is broken down and you limp along like an automobile on a few cylinders. titT hen you are past forty It Is well t0 1,e ! miTr !? !,,';n,ti,'S in'ily the rid" In one of the Eord V 3 trader dcM L 7',''lrs to know that the human mouth Is lllt nre CI1 rJ ,nk' the vlsliors to the California Pm INC Intermit 5 Where those hugs grow that are al- position now oocn in c .n S'ul ,,ip-- rt Hdlwnys company, are 4aj !J most sure to get you It you don't elnht foot wide and elBht fet Is piloted lu bright colors and be irs the name of a bant plunngp. clean them out. y ear-ol- d g How They Ride at the San Diego Exposition micro-organism- s, vxfr V J 5 k -- ixihn vrVi'i f Here are the members of the All Amerhnn women's l.irros-- e team selected to Invade I'm ope this summer and meet the best women's tfams over there, left to right, they are: Petty Ritchie, Westchester, N I ; I u ille Buinhnni, Boston; Crekhen Si buy lor, Wostt hosier; riiaheth Bontron, Baltimoio; Anne Pugh, Baltimore; Barbara Ciowe, Poston; Miglnli Allen, Philadelphia; Betty I'leeman, Raltmioie; Sue Cioss, Phil Florence IIolT, Baltimore; I.IIIian Scott, P.nltlmoie, ami Libby Toulm u, Phil oh Ipliia tt'h O Westers Newspaper Union. i If ( |