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Show dians, and the tribe delighted to Elleen agreed. But hell fail CHAPTER VII , honor her In every possible w ay. down on It and expect A white man cannot buy a memall the same." HAIG pulled up before into any tribe. Bather he bership DAWSON e shall see ha? Proceed, my of Mohammed. must earn good fellow." Further consideration had eon COMMENTS ON You belong," said the man, star- vinced him that his earlier fears Writer Declares Merely a Uniform New ing into her hand, not to England for Eileen were groundless. His own CURRENT TOPICS BY To cut down expenses and aid the not, I think, to Europe, but to life Fake Ceremony. hung upon a thread. This he government concentrate Imports and NATIONAL CHARACTERS some country far west of Europe And he scrupulously recognized. industrial production on the Chaco perhaps it Is America." avoided overhanging' windows and Into Indian war, thousands of women In Bolivia men white of Adoption Detected my accent," was Ei- watched warily anyone who walked tribes has developed Into a money- are wearing. war uniforms simple leens mental comment too closely behind him. But he had drcs.-'CSmaking racket, according to some cotton GERMANY AND PEACE You come not to Egypt, but to no Intention of ns leaving Eileen alone well as leaders. Regular, Indian MaeDONALD somewhere farther to India, I In the company of Doctor Oestler. By RAMSAY' Prime Minister of Great Britain fake, ceremonies are discussed In an think. And in India some one is He entered the shop, and looked article In the Christian Science Mon in such acted has ERMANY waiting for you some one you love about him. The place was empty. Mabel Knight, upon and who loves you. No! He stared a way as to destroy the itor by Miss Haig clapped his hands and a mowas conname Ta the whom closer. in It is not so. Yet there Is ment later the aged confidence feeling of mutual apwas adopted by the proprietor she when ferred some one who waits. There is some Europe. It has broken up the road Omaha tribe In peared, bowing low. gratitude for her lecone I have spoken of who is now to peace and beset it with terrors. on Indian subWhat for I can do genyou, my If on Ills way to India, or to some It claims a measure of armed pow- tures and writings he croaked. tleman?" I ? er which puts most of the nations of jects. place very near to India. And there I came to join my friends, whp When Indians don w ar paint, W.N.U. SERVICE r1 if he will meet you. . . . Ah, but still SAX ROHMER Europe at its mercy. R'6HT By around a white man and then dance I am not right I ne Is here, this arrived here Just ahead of me, Ilalg Every reflecting, reasonable Gerhim a name, Miss Knight writes, replied. of the fact, that they knew one here. In Port Said! give of the Haig see force man the must lpTER Yes. Ah!" Mohammed nodded. It may flatter the latter, and the forshe was watching them. Eileen betrayed herself by a sud9 point I am making. He must know mer will be richer perhaps by $5, but moment." one Wait but yes. Hurrying down the ladder, the den start. In his heart that Berlin Is not bevilWcrlngly, came the dark-eyethese Indians will not consider such The door of the treasure house fortune teller was pulled For him there are many dana patter shawl . enough, that In fact It has upset a one an adopted member of tho silken , Word of WUdom In a a he which was and boat for had . . . waited. Len gers glimpse opened, and you, too, lady. . . . away very much more than It has pacisoft, terrified cry this bought and paid for for common sense may not I Chow with In In One followed with a room tribe, low lined of It But read another. There It your long, palm. you is fied. alleges, arming, arms were about Germany Jen's sweet Is only a mock adoption. Itis self ceremony was nothing to show that the pair will be married, and be very happy. regard on very thick spread to satisfy honor and This fake adoption Is getting to but be does his compas-dofor those be will There But associated. pre had the Othe why further makes allegation -d! and dear! Oh. my said Charlie Wilson, who havent it. a be racket," i bonih Chinaman Is out said Thats armaments Eileen's Eileen, enough, Its of pointed that the scale What with blood! Nez lerce Indian, during I at startled by the mans reading. th only enough to make Itself secure. prominent a recent celebration of the tribe. Then we must stick to our barChicag IJaig stood there watching, and out Leaving the honor argument The adoption of while people Into trying to make up his mind which gain yes? said Doctor Oestler. account for the moment, how can the tribe and then giving them the of ! smiled of several courses to adopt Eileen The man triumphantly. it profess to be blind to the effect Indian equivalent of Chief Fine At all costs he must keep Eileen In Please follow, my lady, my gentlewhich Its colossal armaments must White Whiskers' and Trineess Brook . , won by Mr. he said. It Is not far. man, sight have on the sense of security of With the Silver Voice as mimes M. E. Ryncrson ige lie was up against a closely and Please follow." other nations? for h t baking. he should stopped. a of sudwas conscious Eileen be alone cleverly organized group, Shy now use no tribal standing," with was It "Indians very holding all available threads In his den vague uneasiness. CLABDER GIRL GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP difficult to appreciate the fact that continued Wilson, have been Invithands. Exclutively WILLIAMSON E. By FREDERICK with no tribal connections . Eileen had some shopping to do she was In the company of a crimNew York Central System. ing whites President beI In me to and break hair, will neverlie to attend our ceremonies at Simon Arzt, and so to this store inal, but It remained a fact, 'POLITICS lives on jobs, as come members after an exchange of He kissed her until tl)e jlted. their way. Doctor theless, a fact that the mans ma(e parfy I you all know. It is obvious gifts, the gifts of the Indians being .breathless, helpless. Oestler, it appeared, had purchases strange charm of manner Invariably under a government which native trinkets of little worth, while he whispered. I that her made aiS0- my darling, forget. mahe The surgeon, ships on the political party sysIs based would like the little to offer this wonothers "Perhaps the gifts of the whites are large Heatherley, went along. Dawson tem, the railroads under govern- amounts of the good old cash." locked, happy, In his arms wj,0 had been In Port Said to come? she suggested. ment ownership would be adminisso much to eh to tell her No white man ever becomes a Doctor Oester nodded, returned to twjce previously and, oddly enough, of need that for the tered all he could bona-fide primarily Yet somehow member of a tribe by askUp0n the same business which saw the shop, and presently came back. I over again, was: system. Under government owner- ing for that favor. First ho must there now, having satisfied The ladies are still absorbed with him " I ship the job of every one of the prove his worth by really helping the jy darllug. himself that this was the destina- silk wear, he said, smiling, silk million railroad employees sooner Indians out of some difficulty, and I tlon of the party, became Interest undies ha? So I have left Docor later would become a political those who like the Indians well of to care tor Len take moments after the Walla-movements Mr. them, of )n the Heatherley prize, with merit and experience enough to do that would not think off Port chow. and I .arrange that we shall meet ped her anchor taking a back seat. came I This gentleman, depositing his at the Eastern exchange In half an consul of Imposing upon them by asking for British ie UMMIIVI or I beasto reasonable is it Lowest piul-b- , Moreover, the greatest of all honors, that of hour." Highest quality. There wa3 a conference baggage at the Eastern exchange, U omi pi Intori developed railof the sources a tribe. Probably sume that the l. The Armenian led them into the ing adopted into iptain's cabin. had strolled out, like a man with day. 1ar Ihol. Mo June. aie roads supply of materials would not no tribe numbers more than a half failed to nothing better to do than kill time. native quarter. Eileens brain began iad deliberately long remain privately owned. And, dozen really adopted white members. tlinoiml Opportiinitir fur few hustling men ,e fact that there was a I The fortune teller had entered a working rapidly. The question re, since railroads buy, for example, 2J When a white man Is judged and women to huild buMnens ol own l Mend over over news was and Itself board. The first again: peated shop nearly opposite, comes dime for details niul fun sample. is coal that of all the cent per worthy of adoption tho honor Should I go? Should I go?" VUIITI.IIVLL, MOM ANA, j a steward entering the Dawson Haig, wearing the tinted and Ul Were Some steel Words the all unaware 16 per cent of Exchanged usually him moment mined, even quite at last the upon mans room in the morning. Perhaps gasses 0f "Mr. Smith, sat down Rapidly. and 16 per cent of all the lumber the ceremony Is dignified with the some Elusion was come to that gome distance from the door she would have conjured up I aj a saw manufactured, thus providing much president or rlilef of Hie tribe she excuse. But se Chinese passenger had of was suddenly MThe cases. shelves He sound and and ordered a cool drink. of these basic InIn Ids native tongue the made . . . which reassured her d suicide during the night ohammeds shuffling slippers grew of the backlog sight doing gome hard thinking, do how suppose you which from clogged, irritated pores, give tills new member words long dustries, ' ng overboard. At about this time, Eileen had her heart sing. Dawson Haig had- faint died away. harbrj too, would a name, not only a tribal name, but be before would It these, Chinathe when of the cabin Len followed the closed J Chow, can be relieved, improved A blank wall faced the shop, and rat to btj competed her purchases, ner coin control of the fed- one which nlso makes him a member iff. Dawson were ao passers-by- . It was a come under the Ilalg revealed panjong excluding Doctor Heath-- i man, apparently aimlessly, had ldous b ( and healing aided with of some clan of that tribe, with all to Captain Peterson and to out, and had temporarily lost sight nileer backwater, and Haig won-o- f eral bureaucracy? themselves allowed had I erejr the honors pertaining to It. h consul. him at a corner. Almost at the dered what had induced Eileen b shawls, he lured by wonderful Eileen policy seen he moment had When the Indians finally decide to same which He he stared e full gaIn through vjsit lt responsibility," scarfs, and other pitfalls RICHBERO R. accomDONALD a man or woman by making Doctor Oestler honor with By ou can see for yourselves the open door. Then he moved forACK await unwary travelers in Eastern alone Director National Emergency Council. him or her a member of their tribe, teller. fortune the room. of the looked by ward to and deal I with, have panied along gang shops. of those who in the Indians give, not take, and ImAnd so Eileen, glancing back ap- Lintehouse outrage, and Like a flash of summer lightning Doctor Oestler was Inspecting a memto narrow months the helped press this fact upon the new wood. prehensively along murderous attack on me. handsome casket of Inlaid revelation came. . . . This was a Is prohibited latter the feel Mr. so of now that Blue the the bers, raise him. esglitter recognized Eagle I lightly, with a cut scalp Eileen, covertly, was watching street, branch or perhaps the parent that we might have moved more at that time from slum lug Idsto apirn sleeve ! tablishment of Jo Lung's the fommander rapidly toward a clearer under- preciation by making presents scratched his emporium. you tuffei burning, icanly or we Indians. Quite the reverse the InSTORY FROM THE BEGINNING had THE our of purpose bead. standing Came the sound of shuffling footfrequent urination; backache, chosen not an emblem of force but dians like to show their gratitude by e do yon wish me to Arab redo, The aged y returning. dizziness, swollen feet and to his headache, valusteps good-bsuch in London, says the new members Matt Kearney, young American living a symbol of peace and giving In consul asked. In 2,OOMOO Is The ankles? conveying Are you tired, nervous feel appeared. ship on board the Wallaroo. to a code of able gifts as blankets, pnrfleches meets Inspector Daw0" on, the persons whom you sister toEileen, he said, I am to dignify adherence My gentleman, and dont know what is Australia. On his way home KearneyEileen. all buckskin beaded gold unstrung cases, and ancient f Haig is on the trail sorry to keep you waiting, but your fair competition. being associated with Haig, of Scotland Yard, very much In love with warehouse. wrong? Yet, how can we go forward withpieces. of opium, which he is convinced Is concealed In Jo Lungs Norwich to friends have gone. ng assassin should be de- Detective are Then give some thought to yo ur those force of against adoption Called to other duty, Haig delegates Kearney, with out legal Instances exerting ! Kearney Gone and find out what he can. While in the warehouse Be sure they function properthe Harriet visit place obstruct progress Airs, rare. will kidneys. who Yuan always to i Haig stood up, comparatively Ilalg. grinning nicks up and carries away a notebook, which he turns over By the other door." selfish aims, who will Maxwell Converse of New York was is at Jo Lungs. He for functional kidney disorder pernarrow, thieves, for international ami ly, of band a head. of his Hee See. leader shaking Haig stared through dimness, never play the game fair unless the made a member of the Seneca tribe followers after Norwich and Kearney, one of whom he mits excess wasle to stay in lhe blood, hat evidence? he de-- sends two of his seeking for the expression in those are enforced against them? and later given a chieftainship in rules and to poison and upset the whole Soon didnt assure you that except notes n the book, referring to the Wallaroo. They stay sunken eyes. att"lavLnKarney dmsenling groups, the Six Nations. But that happened these ls por Somehow Wh,le overtakeIs not system. up of paper providentially he snapped, Is murdered, but Kearney , Norwich whether moved by prejudice or evil only after aiding them by preventing creature enters, seizes it, and escapes. long! a monstrous iTemenaktLTswkml Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for J.s J by Miss Kearney, there's I irs over lhe book' The old Arab spread his palms from and Pasha, over a my-- I In be Doth must Albany prevented unfair legislation purpose, associate Doctor Oestler. tedious Wallaroo at Marseilles, kidneys only. They are recommended They buy nothing, sir. the virtuous efiort of a Washington. More than thnt her coup they are planning. Haig boards hetherealizes that memners oi eioquently. destroying we, with any he lhe world over. You can gel the gendecodes, to tills Other the me messages way conspiracy LSgU1Sed. From radio of ,.gh(w home In New York was open to any majority to make a succe"3 Doans al any drug d And . MM directed. uine, or IIa,s robbed overooaro oui sue Indian who found himself from conclusive. 1 mean, man tries to throw Haig more them overtake store. shall quickly swindled In tho city, and frequently explain it In all sorts of Strus,e by going out that way. would leave her home the REPUBLICAN JOB an Indian THE !e doesnt appear to be ac-Please fol- Mohammed bowed. smoked glasses. Dawson richer by a new suit of clothes. In By ARTHUR CAPPER either with Miss Valerie That this man was an associate of Smiths ! Kansas. From S. behind U. j Senator small things and big ones Mrs. Con''with Mr. Chow; and cer- - criminals, murderers, she could not Haig followed, twenty paces Haig entered, his hand upon the to the how was determine verse proved a real friend to the Inr is enter-veOestler to talking TS Doctor I most t with job the German, Hartog. doubt; yet he was a automatic. Yes, the very an of butt not could can wc possibly and much individualism deck. And what have I taining companion, and In spite of palmist-guidof the place told him I the have noticed her backward glance. arrangement how many part3 of our these three possessed retain, was marked the ugliness, his which this receiving now that atiunul t work!? stiff detention?peopleI assure rare quality of soothing economy must he qwned was merely streets. house. Jo Lungs several went Into Ion, lot or controlled In common. On common In they shook his head emphat-Eileen. "This But borin., A in a street native from salesroom. sense ig of thf other words, we have got to In Presently, that was The Arab, Eileen enjoying Mutely nothing." gentleman. my way, A of ed front dingy public end to end, they paused. make a new definition "hat are we to do?" said of martyrdom so dear to Romans mounting three steps, indicated won I 3 and draw a line between was little shop on the left was evi- further room beyond. utilities nt A Her sp nature. Of course, I could des to meef the public utility and lhe private dently their objective. Eileen glanced Dawson Ilalg all the time. Wh here, for a Dawson Haig followed. A second ion on' That line should bo back. business. he safe? Hidheap - treasure cave stretched before him Nothing official," was was he? Was twenwas still only the ith Dawson Haig public interest, of drawn in ply. predate what she was doing? There was a sort of narrow passage course. I behind she that so paces the was ty happy coming of daylight, the It all, she connecting this rodti) with another aided by shampoos with We must work to retain a demoThe shop was purely Arab tn ap- beyond. Through this corridor tiie the curious port rose to was frightened under will keep tho eeaip clean two government of down went system cratic to InSoap, They pearance, Sellers of all kind? of Doctor Oestler had stepped to prevent dandruff and aged Arab was hurrying. Haig and make will that help from and Constitution the the Interior, entered the pasarPets, lace, jewelry, Bir- - the open doorway to examine the steps Into irritations which cause his creased stride, busiscalp and itching finance, industry a dim corner the proprietor, whom hair and holdnesa. almost on the heels of Mo antiques, and the rest casket by daylight; and: falling sage welfare The ness serve the people. Ointment Me and Vic. Soap Me, a softvo.ee. the guide addressed as Mohammed, hammedand , . . shops on dock, turning My gentleman "said , Sold at alldrueehti. Is the end. , the people of his his 'to a miniature bazaar. beneath stared through appeared. The floor collapsed The doctor 1 Mohammed bowed low, opened a feet It was the Haig, very reluctantly, I a stifling drug like smell glasses at the speaker. recess FUTURE LIBERTY dark door hidden In the to allow Eileen to pur- - Armetiian fortune teller. to meet, to envelop him, np swept and FRANCIS CARTER WOOD had emerged, DR. he which I n,, from By Inquiries In lir-as he felt I do not wish to buy anyth own way ; SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY Noted Pathologist. t in bark humored-!eft realize stood aside. Eileen glanced G dt "My that she h.id ha?" said the doctor good continue to street. . . . TAXES are to what the ship until she had ly. Is delightfully air I do not wish my palm to be the direction of the Too late he know 0 Oar lobby the was outside. another generation for led had summer months I do not wish to fiend Haig hifth Dawson old And this cooled no? door other time. je some was during rend lie now, she stepped him so? ' hen Chow, Confidently, the Bath of Feathers! or two, those who care most for Room for Every who, having know my future. Is it Radio where room to pause bis money will move to countries baggage, was now fol- 200 Room 200 Bath It Is not so, my gentleman, theI through Into a big conIt Is that Porter toward the ladder. soft voice continued. breathless with astonishment The there are mill frontiers to be Doctor Heatherley, and the tw and Is such fortune teller had not exaggerated. women 'a'l quered, where labor BliUcheapremain passengers from the Walla quietly gone ashore an know where there are boxes wonder house, a roo sat at a table outside the Easta better are, There much so Indeed, ever This was, large. but profits as this, And to them will ? before long drinks with ern exchnnge, many such areas ami treasury of beautiful things! Mr. Chow reached and cheaper. DocDoc rooms said beyond. the with pioneer spirit, tho there were other ho You know this-- ha? go men straws before them. Presently fortune passed The rest Amerka. bis KHeen. watch, of at at said the palm! handsome fellow' getters glanced tor Heatherley You see, my lady," "go tor Oestler, smiling 4lly with content be know lie. to said B don't have will true. I of us .. I Our frlpnds are late, shabby You think perhaps ist softly, what t tell yon European clothes l our liberty Mys-antake and the found Oft have living must this, since Indeed true, simpler "'huirnot an Egyptian, tlds? They It was A rather I freuloin be I to say Intellectual Staman may. in supposed ns "I think ha? you not the establishment tery shop. Theres i rnilncd, but possibly a with which than a physical one. even such )f n do not wish to buy Armenian. boul was (he principal warehouse L store here compared HOTEL Wooiworths ()rds were of that great and mysterious Indus- Simon Arzts Is merely rap-- i boxexchanged NRA the lead to THE OF a WORK l0Us'1 bargain, I make with you controlled by Yuan Hee See. i'Ve never found anybody Haig was too fur but I "I charge try ROBINSON wrhear them. The Chiua-- j man went on earnestly. By JOSEPH to Port Said, came the n)e to the Mystery simp, Here, Arkansan. doctor you unless a Is U. 3. Senator-Frosnob simp, for thil nothing ueve there be distributed to nothing you something shoreward. pieces, Rale $1.50 fa $3.0 0 Haig of the I take you to, . M suw know where it Is. contributions the ler shop may Dost from a circulation native boat. buy and I than space Tho Ifi.M Tmpl S'!" on h 6in't sat Even as be spoke, Doctor (testier, for industrial recov- more Eileen with two This is my bargain. cir.irt.M- -, fr.rn.ll, Some even found their buyers In this of newspaper. l,.lil, columns the lady in My the will alw, ( "M In. Eileen began to laugh. I some in France, and some smiling broadly. have been spread over comwingers, the party be-b-y ery Tgrkey, earnestmcn(.,rljiMr. anti MMtrrm.-lof Industry and It said tho Armenian ," space and circulation Doctor Oestler and buys range entire liorcual.l, In aarrraMr.y ou ran 'I'"-lai ( England. took beher." lie show consideration BE COXTIWLD) snr;genn t wu.lrrntawd why fl.ia l.lcc favorable betore Even those wiinemes ( TO the of Rut I will a sense merce, ly Eileen experienced on plus HIGHLY BFCOMMLNDhD ns Doctor Oestler reHaig iracaine In fact, fore the , senate committee of our readers for this newspaper acutely un- - her hand, on wilderment. It was amazing, Veil run al-- u ai'l.rrc lolr ethyl tt.e casket of Work to extension and placed The girl had Undignified finance who opposed . . . opening as It did out played turned and had patrons. advertising a mark of distinction to slop terrifying ho which a the is good the law admitted that, under did "halr,ffiiy( even to the ex-- f the counter from My neighbor HI Hat at this beautiful hostelry little simp-w- hat that of tawdry them .powere i, said Hi IK the sage recent codes, their Indud nee hud Let Us Tell You Mere About II It. The doctor rejoined P a ROSS IT fit. Ary ft What could It mean? Kite enough fellow," mean? friendship taken It said (imiai Is Hffloted lad.v true," lie to but kIRNfST Kl'"am. If I tell this from unprofitable But neither Aladdins cave, of cnloatown, thnt changed around looked hand, feet Ion ancestors so distinguished that craiiy profitable. ""'"in nor from the Aus- - the man. still holding Eileens ? and slowly the realization came to by ) of tr W NU 9ervlc, he fears It would be undignified ""m had she gleaned smi.elldng I cannot know except could Rockefeller a will you coine with her thnt only to woiU." the nature of a him rnlm. for the from clue, have hid for the contents. mw you?" oiiv ami had assured me Io the shop I "QUOTES" ADOPTION BY INDIANS BACKET it It Wr 'Myu'aN De-Wi- ji ROHMER LA U Cj d t, I tad mm S43BesiA 1 , 1 2C , PIMPLY SKIN ... actlere I Resinol! future nra MANY ie s Lime-hous- KiaMRSisons e DO In-th- T - time-teste- p 1 e 1 1 son J time" n 0 ijo5SarP7 lolhe J future C'satt a sas'ia onnriiKM tullcsra ' t, w v ... CHILDREN r ... IF ... Like Milnesie Wafers .. - d lYoun c - AdrcrtisingDollar Temple Square Buys THE cun-Cliu- lr. y lnii-lis- its ''"3 , llt |