Show Bridgeland ri e an First LL Alma Horace Bangerter Banger Bonger- ter C C. C R R-Ites of Woods Cross Utah reported for duty with Co 1968 DBR 11 at Bridgeland First Lt Harland Alexander Gray C C. C A. A AA reported from New York City to Fort Douglas and was assigned on May to Co Co 1968 for tr training c C c cA A marl marked ed improvement is noticeable noticeable no no- in the approach to the I camp Graded banks a new fence and an improved road should make male it a pleasure for visitors to call now in their cars By the time lime Capt Cannons Cannon's grass seed is all sprouted we should be playing lawn tennis or croquet out in front of the camp c C c The Softball tournament was concluded on Saturday May when Barracks No 1 finally took all honors They were undefeated in the entire series c C c Saturday evening May Capt Theodore E E. E Curtis Jr Chap Ros conducted a service assisted by Elder Samuel O. O Benion Benion Benion Ben- Ben ion of the General Authorities of the L L. L D D. D S S. S Church On Sunday morning the ChapI Chaplain Chaplain Chap Chap- lain ain ga gave e another very interesting interesting interest interest- I ing mg service |