Show The Aurora Borealis OFFICIAL CAMP NEWS VS COMPANY NUMBER 2910 M Moon on Lake Camp F 37 On The Little Yellowstone Edited By Under Direction of Education W Wm m. m Casaday Casada A Vern Advisor Vern V. V DuI e Indian Take Tale Scalps Ft carried th the honors in the game with the locals at camp Sunday The game ended G l. A few scattered hits for each side attested to good pitching arms with several disastrous errors errors errors er er- er- er letting in the greater number of runs This Is the second loss with but butone butone butone one win for the this season Murdock pitched the full fun game for the winners while Lamoreaux and Gehring threw for the losers c e C c Holiday Since Memorial Day is to be an official holiday hoBday many of the fellows fellows fellows fel fel- lows will spend it at home leaving leaving leaving leav leav- ing camp with a n rather melancholy melancholy melancholy melan melan- choly air Supt Warthen has been kind enough to allow the men to work one Saturday in order to have the Friday following Memorial Da Day at home thus they can have a n four day holiday with the home folks tolles However most of the baseball players have chosen to remain for forthe forthe forthe the non non-lt non league ague tilt lilt with Duchesne Thursday c C c Landscaping At last the non non-coms come in m i for tor some little credit for an accomplishment accomplishment ac ac- ac- ac of some worth Last week a sudden surge of ambition engulfed them and sent them flying flying flying fly fly- ing to the yards ards In a few hours it was an entirely entirely entirely en en- different place Rock-lined Rock paths twined around through the maze of buildings buildings- flower beds added their touch of beauty to the entrancing scene Even the paths to and around the flag pole was marked with well chosen stones In fact the place would make one believe that here lived real people Not to be outdone the rest of the members set to and made flower beds rock-lined rock paths planted trees ha hauled soil around their abodes everything well- well done and willingly Each barracks has and is extending extending extending ex ex- tending its best efforts to make a most pleasing picture Several intricate designs have been made with plants outside the barracks doors All in all a real treat is offered camp visitors in the near future As soon as the lawns and flowers are well along the place will be ready for anything c C c Tho The lerr l Merry Merry-Go Round Merry GO Round The Smiling Lieutenant officially officially officially offic offic- known as Lieutenant Lake faithfully fulfilled his first commission commission commission com com- mission as the Borealis Staff Photographer Sunday last at the baseball festivities staged on the banks of the Little Yellowstone The manner in which he succumbed succumbed succumbed suc suc- to the glowing smiles of I the visiting Indian Maidens seemed seemed seem seem- ed cd all too prophetic of our own submission to the Indian warriors Cameras have come and cameras cameras cameras cam cam- eras have ha gone but never has a camera contributed such will good-will ambassadorship between two peoples peoples peoples peo peo- ples as the camera that so skillfully skillfully skillfully skill skill- fully and adroitly brought the hearts of our Indian sisters throbbing throbbing throbbing throb throb- bing and beating to the feet of our the staff the smiling smiling smiling smil smil- ing Lieutenant We Ve pray that when the day arrives arrives arrives ar ar- ar- ar rives for our braves to go forward to battle on the hunting grounds of Fort Duchesne that Lieutenant Lake Lalta camera and smiles will accompany accompany ac ac- company us so that the scalping may maJ be tempered with mercy and the eyed dark-eyed maids seemingly seeming seeming- ly submissive to his smiles may maybe maybe maybe be prevailed upon to intercede with chief Powhatan Murdock who Sunday last so ruthlessly chopped down our boys with his merciless volleys The truth the passing of the soul of little Billy the pup has at last reached the light of day We Ve all recall with deep and hurt feeling how little Billy investigated much much to his consternation tion and physical discomfort the discomfort the lower treads of the tire of a moving moving ing truck and how later with that truit humanitarian touch for tor which Jack Cannon is noted Jack built builta a pretty little kennel wherein Billy might pass his last sad hours before before before be be- fore his final western trip It appears that as the shadows lengthened Jack with a n tender heart stole quietly to our canine friends friend's abode in one hand carrying carrying carrying carry carry- ing a bottle of chloroform and in inthe inthe inthe the other a n pair of his oun pink shorts Mercy gentle mercy was his mission Tho The kennel door was quite a tight squeeze However Jack made it pulled the cork and connected with the skirts At this moment Jacks Jack's tightly cramped hand released released re- re leased eased the bottle Billy was much interested in this chemical exhibition exhibition and wagged his weakened tail with joyous approval It was some time later that a passing cook saw the slow motion legs protesting their transition into into into in in- to II H hauled Jack out of the kennel much to the dismay of Billy w who o seemingly gly appreciated the charitable attitude attitude attitude atti atti- tude of one who would comfort his dying hour Some two days later little Billys Billy's soul passed on to where bones are plentiful but with his affectionate though disappointed eyes fixed on the kennel aperture seemingly ly looking for the friend that never returned Were Vere it not r no-r for this writers writer's I keen respect for Siam he may desire that the tabloid reporter at large in this camp had been cursed with a double edition of his like fox-like self Had he dubbed himself Ethiopian twins one may feel that he had at least not aspired aspired aspired as as- too much from a social standpoint I do not intend by the foregoing to detract from the best there is in the Ethiopian What strikes me meas meas meas as an abnormal and colossal conceit conceit conceit con con- is that he should take upon his limited self the infamous liberty liberty lib lIb- lib lib- erty of informing us that he is two of that elevated race And we we-we we we who have kept strictly to the immaculate in journalism journalism we we who have kept our pens our Ink and our souls why doesn't he also include his s shirt above the foul and tabloid we ask in dignity p becoming us why the editor accepted such libelous bunk This sheet will and can be kept clean twins or no twins If not not we must look forward with stark starl dread and fear to the day when quintuplets become the fashion It is with deep regret verging on the unholy that I have found it necessary to spread the purest and bluest of ink across these clean white pages in an attempt to f forever rever erase crase from our fair sheet such black besmirches as were last week flung before our public A snag remains and that snag is the he fact that this fellow the Twins will glo gloat t and bask in inthe inthe inthe the honor he has hIlS received by having having having hav hav- ing been commented upon by the Immaculate pen of upright and honest journalism Says you c C c Inspection Major Blanks Blanks' arrived in camp Monday for forthe the regular inspection Special comment was given the Infirmary and Kitchen c C c e eTo To The Honorable Mayor It would appear that in camp there are always two sides to every every every ev ev- ery question the question the right side and I the Mayors Mayor's side Since the thing tiling I has blown over a trifle the Mayor feels much better over that little punch episode Probably that saying saying saying say say- ing Time will wm heal applies even evento evento evento to the English As the story goes the Mayor was much disappointed and of ol course the old dignity was a bit shaken when the G I I. I Chauffeur found his chance and sneaked out of camp without him From most authentic reports the Mayor had firmly finnly resolved to try his luck at procuring damsels for the comIng coming coming com com- ing fray He also planned to see seea a man about a mule white we believe that he could pack about his person as a sort of snake charm as it were It is rumored that the G I. I Chauffeur would have been compelled compelled compelled com com- to make at least two extra trips to carry the Mayors Mayor's acquisitions acquisitions acquisitions acqui acqui- had he the Mayor gone on that long contemplated trip to Roosevelt Whether it was due to the Mayors Mayor's magnetic appeal or orto orto orto to the fiver he borrowed from one of his fellow enrollees we know not As for the thc punch that question never entered into the head of our illustrious Mayor until time to file filea a complaint where it would do the most good One of his Ws intimate friends of the kitchen was heard to remark that in his condition the Mayor couldn't have told the punch from some of that stuff they call Java anyway Signed G G. G I. I CHAUFFEUR c C c Did you ever stop to take in inventory inventory ill in- of your many absurd habits habits habits hab hab- its and customs and their originations origin origin- to to find out why you buttoned buttoned buttoned but but- toned the thc collar on your shirt and fastened a tie tic so securely around it that it nearly strangled you while you were running or almost choked you while you were delivering delivering delivering ering some patriotic speech to a amass amass amass mass of people on some national holiday If you did your Imagination was perhaps carried back to the first time of recorded civilization Probably Probably Probably ably some renowned and valiant king had been the thc queen with some precious jewel She in her fruitless attempt to pain possession possession possession pos pos- session of it It wrapped a strip of bright colored cloth around his neck and tied it While she was threatening him with death one of the kings king's messengers bounded into the room and shouted that the victorious prince had just arthe arthe ar- ar the of the cloth tied so so artistically encircling his neck the king dashed into the court yard Some me of the less honored men paid particular attention to his apparel and obviously noticed the of the cloth tied around his hid neck Endeavoring to Ingratiate themselves with the king they purchased bright t strips of cloth and arranged them around around around ar ar- ar- ar their necks When the king saw so many of his noblemen decked out in such attire he began to wear them himself By a small foolish mistake of a n queen a custom custom custom cus cus- tom was established whereby we men have to pay the full fuU pen pen- alty Thus we eventually become the thc sorrowful victims of ot mishaps and negligence of kings and queens Senators too who died not knowing they left such curses behind c c cC C c Facing ourselves wi with th present 4 conditions we become aware of the fact that we are l highly honored by the presence nce of a true-to-life true Duke in our camp Now whether he is remaining here as a place of refuge or not while there is a revolution existing in his native country we know not His nationality nationality nationality na na- na- na has not been identified as yet but his concealed lips and facial expressions reveal that he heis heis heis is forever lost in a reverie or is contemplating some definite procedure procedure procedure pro pro- to restore his former position position position po po- po- po as Duke of of-he of he has never mentioned what country One of his salient characteristics tics has presented itself at meal time lime That the detectives have found is his monstrous appetite which readily manifests ts itself when steaming corn bread is placed before His Majesty It so happened that one day vinegar had been remaining on the thc table since the previous meal and had hadnot hadnot hadnot not been replaced with syrup which was to be used for His corn bread the following following following follow follow- ing meal Inevitably vinegar was poured upon the bread and eaten as if it were the most luscious corn bread and syr syrup syrup p ever tasted The evening meal progressed In its natural order as if nothing had happened while the bewildered waiter waiter conscious conscious that it was vinegar vin vin- egar stared egar-stared stared In wild amazement at the D Duke as he was carefully masticating the bread saturated with vinegar We wish to inform the waiter that chat it was not a custom for Jor the Duke to devour his bread after soaked in vinegar but merely merely merely mere mere- ly an incident of I can take what's placed before fore me So dear waiter for the sake of us our future generations and your own person do not imitate His Majesty Majesty Maj- Maj esty eaty for you may be seen doing so and thus establish another ridiculous ridiculous ri ridiculous ri- ri idea Yours c C c cRed Red Cross First Aid Certificates C Given Red Cross First Aid Certificates have been issued by Dr Custer to Ed Adviser V V. V. V Duke Dulce and enrollees Claude Snow Kendall Fisher George Fisher and Rex Tucker rucker T These ese men completed the course last fall and are the first to receive certificates in this camp Several men have completed subsequent courses in first aid and should receive their certificates in inthe inthe the Ute near future c C c cA A Adviser Vern V V. V Duke spent part of last week at the old homestead homestead homestead home home- stead with friend wife He reported report report- ed a very pleasant journey to and from Logan wI with th good roads and weather A wreath of smiles attests attests attests at at- tests to the fact of someone waIting waitIng waiting wait- wait Ing a at the gate or a candle in ill the window or something title like that |