Show Legal Advertisements DELINQUENT NOTICE LAKE LAIE FORK IRRIGATION fi COI COMPANY ANY Principal of Business Upalco Utah There is now due and delinquent on account of an assessment levied September 7 1931 the sev several ral amounts set sat opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows Name Cert No Shares Amount Dan Haglund 2875 Bank of Vernal 1139 Leroy Babcock 12 8 82 2 2928 Stella V. W. Carmody 93 95 2100 Calvert Waugh Vaugh 92 71 1916 Lyonel D. D Spencer 33 38 1355 Geo Goo E. E Howells Ho 70 r 0 2525 Miller Viele 1 25 N. N J. J Mitchell GO 60 1156 Clyde W. W Mitchell s 88 SS 20 0 Wilford A. A Mitchell 15 Eph W. W Mecham Peter Ramsey not issued G C. C C. C aard 26 75 1188 Federal Federal Land Bank Berkeley 25 Frank W. W Woolsey Woolsey 30 Fred Carrell Carren not issued 40 1 1425 John T. T Moon 1 19 10 Anderson Haglund 85 2750 Geo E. E Howells 76 2685 And if not paid on or before October 30 1931 1031 will b bs ba offered for sale and as many shares of each parcel of stock as may be Je necessary will be sold to the highest cash bidder to pay delinquency cost of advertising and expense of sale at the office of the Secretary Upalco Utah on the thc day of October 1931 at the hour of o'clock p.m. p. p in m. By order of Board of Directors October 12 1931 OSCAR NELSON 10 15 Secretary NOTICE TO WATER VATER USERS State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City Utah September 25 1931 Notice is hereby given that H. H A. A Pace whose post office address Is Boneta Utah has made application application application tion in accordance with the re requirements requirements re- re of the Session Laws of Utah 1919 to 1929 to appropriate appropriate appropriate ap ap- ap- ap 1 c c. c f f. f s. s of water from froman an Unnamed Spring Area in Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du- Du chesne County Utah described as follows Beg at a point ft E. E and 60 ft N. N of NW V cor Sec 9 T. T 1 S. S R. R 4 W. W U. U S. S B. B M. M thence N. N 61 degrees W. W ft N. N 31 degrees 15 min W. W ft N. N 33 degrees E. E ft N. N 12 degrees 30 min mm V. W. 1080 ft N. N 27 degrees rees 4 45 46 min mm W. W v. v 1300 ft N. N 62 degrees 15 min E. E ft S. S 30 degrees E. E 1315 ft S. S 15 degrees 20 min E. E 1097 ft S. S 14 degrees 40 min E. E ft W. W 75 ft to place of beg Said water vater w will ll be collected at a point ft E. E and 60 ft N. N of NW cor said Sec 9 and conveyed convey convey- ed a distance of ft where it will be used from April 1st to November 1st inel of each year for the irrigation of 70 acres of land embraced in parts of the SE i Sec See 9 T. T 1 S. S R. R 4 W. W U. U S Sr B. B M. M This application is designated In Inthe inthe inthe the State Engineers Engineer's Office as File Filc FileNo FileNo No All protests against the grantIng granting granting grant rant ing of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit affidavit affi affi- davit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of 51 00 and filed inthis in inthis inthis this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication publication publication pub pub- of this notice GEO M. M BACON State Engineer Date of first publication September Septem Septem- ber 25 1931 Date of completion of publication October 23 1931 i SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE TilE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DIS DIS- STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOR DUCHESNE COUNT COUN COUN- T TY I BLANCHE L BARNSON AINSON i I Plaintiff f vs CHRIS BARNSON Defendant THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT DEFEND DEFEND- ANT You are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within 20 days after the service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this action is commenced otherwise within 30 days and defend defend defend de de- de- de fend the above entitled action brought for the purpose of dissolving dissolving dissolving dis dis- dis- dis solving the bonds of matrimony and in case of your failure to do doso doso doso so judgment will be rendered against against a- a you according to the demands demands demands de de- mands of the complaint which within ten days will be filed with the clerk of the above county RAY E. E DILLMAN MAN Attorney for Plaintiff Address Roosevelt Utah NOTICE OF or PUBLICATION Department of The Interior GENERAL LAND OFFICE At Salt Lake City Utah October 13 1931 NOTICE is hereby given that Harry C. C Hardinger of Altonah Utah who on August 20 1925 made homestead entry No for S sy i Sec 29 N V NN N V W ft NW U E V ES SW 4 Yi 4 Vl N NW W Vi SE 4 i iN N W 4 NE- NE V S V 1 S S- S SN S- S N V N W NE NW S ft V SE V N Section 32 Township Township Town Town- ship 2 North Range 3 West Vest U. U S. S Meridian has filed flied notice of in intention intention intention in- in to make final Proof to establish claim to the land above described before Warren E. E Davis Jr Notary Public at Altonah Utah on the 1st day of December 1931 Claimant names as witnesses Keneth Davis Lafe Burgess and Lon Dump all of Altonah Utah and John Goodrich of Bluebell Utah ELI F. F TAYLOR 1931 11 Register r u uV ui i l V L LI I none So COMPLETE and diversified diversified diversi diversi- fied is our line of Christmas cuds this y year that they will suggest themselves cs and you you need hunt no further further- merely congratulate yourself yourself your your- self on having made the perfect purchase that is isif isyou is- is ii if- you come coine come in early to make selections And early carly means now fW JI a aSee See Seo Samples at atTHE atTHE I. I THE RECORD OFFICE I I U A I f ar I TW TWO DOOR Consider tho delivered red SEDAN price as well as the list 6 x price when comparing values Oldsmobile 8 4 5 doll delivered prices in include clude only reasonable f. f o. o b. b Lansing charges for d delivery 11 e fR fRH H 11 Mich Spare and G. G M. M A. A C. C financing inane L 16 D S M ht 0 13 II II lL L IE tire Lire end and bump- bump ing which wo we will boon bo on on extra ua glad to detail for you 5 is s SMOOTH ID AND QUIET THROUGHOUT ITS SPEED RANGE 0 0 A r PIERSON MOTOR l COMPANY COl Duchesne Utah P PRO R O D Due U C T O 0 F G E N E R A 4 rn MOT 0 T 0 R S 6 I I B ions ion's Jersey Farm i 1 PRODUCTS of HIGHEST QUALITY B By Quality w we mean More Butterfat Less Bacteria and Finer Flavor or CREAM I COTTAGE CHEESE l Reward e Uintah Uinta l B Basin sIn Cooperative Livestock association will pay a reward of for information i leading to the conviction of any person of the theft of stock belonging to any member of the association asso asso- association also 2500 reward will be paid for definite information information information in in- formation of anyone leaving the Basin with cattle without without without with with- out inspection WAKE UP YOU YOUk LIVER BILE 0 4 WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed j. j u ii tha Morning to Go Gon If n yon yoc feel fed sour sour and sunk and the tho w J looks fOOD tank panko dont don't swallow mallow a lot of sd 8 ea fa b min miner miners water ter oil oil oD laxative candy andy or che chef cz Of gum pm oM d uMI expect them to make you sud ly y sweet Hid Hd buoyant and full ull of sunshine For i bey hey cant can't do it They only move movi ho rho bowel bowe lad Ind a mere movement doesn't g gi g. atthe at atthe the cable caie Tho reason n for your down and rat ut I f Is U your liver It should pour out wo IWO poun pound f of liquid bOo hUo Into your bowels Dowels d do fly lly y If n t Ls is a bile is not flowing freely your your I rod tod d doesn't doesn 1 digest It just decays In the bc bO fels is Gas Gaa I f bats ats up your stomach You ha hw e a thick bad taste and your breath Is lul tut skin akin o 9 ten bre breaks s out In la blem Your sad end achy aches Uld you feel fed down and out Your lolo ifs Is poisoned It takes those good old CART iRS iR'S LIT LIU LE LB LIVER PILLS to get the two pou pour pom b of bile flowing freely and male mab you fed up ip s and up They eThey contain wont won gentle vegetable ble extracts ax as JI czin In when It comes comas to making tho the bile flow low I edy Cely But dont don't ask for liver pills Ask Aak for or O 0 00 Little Liver Pills Look for or the tho name namo Outers Outer's Little Liver Pills on tho red label Resent Reseat a aub substitute at all stores e 1931 C. C M. M Co lV WANT ANT ADS YOUR MARKET IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING to sell Something to trade or want to buy something Make your wants known In the Uintah Basin Record a Basin Paper Paper- that REACHES OUT OUTA A GOOD FARM FOR EOR SALE SALE SALE-OR OR ORsell sell part and lease part Well VeU equipped Call at this office FOR SALE 1 3 high grade gasoline engine See the Rec Rec- ord FOR SALE 1 Volt 32 i u motor Good for farm lighting system Call at this office for price and to see the motor CHRISTMAS CARDS We Ve have just received a complete line of Christmas and Greeting Cards In keeping with the times times prices prices are lower much lower than they have been Drop in and look over our stock if you like beat beautiful Greeting Cards Your name printed on them or not as you prefer The Uintah Basin Record Office ATTEND TO l IT NOW V While stock is fresh and complete Come in and order your Xmas Cards Our line Is beautiful beautiful- Our prices are within the reach of all Our all Our printing is ed The Uintah Basin FOR SALE About thirty-five thirty tons of hay and bu of barley and wheat with excellent pasturage e for sale quick Write or call this office FOR SALE SALE SALE-A A good hotel at a bargain ain in a good town on Federal Federal Federal Fed Fed- eral highway No 40 Must sell seU have other business interests Fisher Hotel My Myton ton Utah LOST LOST- LOSTIn In Duchesne One ring of I Keys Return to this office tf I FOR SALE SALE 16 16 To Tons s Hay 1000 per Weaning pigs 2 5 head Grant Redden Altonah Utah 10 FOR SALE SALE Acres cres Choice Dairy Farm at Boneta Utah for 1500 down clown balance easy terms Inquire this office or write Sherman Hanes Eureka Eureka Eure Eure- ka Utah 1030 JOH OR SALE Smooth Long- Long stapled d rams bred by Mads Madsen en Day sires Now grazing grazing- at the Elmer Jorgensen farm Independence For in inI information information in- in formation see John N. N Davis I Vernal I l WELDING ELDING REPAIRING RADIATORS REBUILT I 0 TRAILERS CATTLE RACKS BODY BODYWORKS WORKS j t i Why by lose valuable time and money when delayed broken parts of your jour our car and machinery Bring or send your your troubles to us You can got get them all welded and repaired toda today at satisfactory prices prices- AT THE THEt THEr t r Intermountain Welding 5 j Company S. S S 5 M. M W. W Proprietor Duell Utah I AUTOMOBILE AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Work With Uh a GUARANTEE Davis Garage TEXACO GAS and OIL OEL L j 2 Victory O i T Service Station r GAS GAS OIL OEL AND ACC ACCESSORIES Information tion US TIRES no Road d Inform l l Duchesne uc esne Utah SERVICE GARAGE FOR YOUR RADIATOR RADIATOR- GI GLYCERINE and ALCOHOL The ALCOHOL The Old Faithful LYMAN GAR GARVIN N Proprietors |