Show iL Wa Keeps Skin Young Oct Get an oco uie w. in dI t Fine ot 01 Un peel O a until U 11 uch ucb M ns pimple t r kl dd 11 b V pOtS u tin tan nj nd freckle Skin U I. ibm soil oft o J Your o looks look year ern w Wax vz brine out ul the ho dc beauty of ot your kin akin T To wrinkle u ise 1120 on ODI u dissolved tN la LU plat il witch Al drug tOTeS PARKERS PARKER'S I HAIR BALSAM I Remove Stop Hair flair Z LN Imparts Color md and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair tc d II 00 nt ct Wit NY N Y ON SHAMPOO Ideal for Jn Sn connection with tho hair soft and fluffy 50 cento by gist Chemical Works H iiAN STANFORD'S O DS D'S Balsam of Myrrh When there Is an nn overproduction of ot bones a dog buries the surplus He TIe knows that much PHILLIPS C f For Troubles I due to Acid ACID STOMACH D HEARTBURN 0 I tU the Add stomachs sour stomachs and SICK indigestion usually mean excess acid The Thc stomach nerves are arc over Too much acid makes the thc stomach and ind intestines sour Alkali kills acid instantly The best form is Phillips' Phillips Milk of Magnesia because one harmless harmless harm harm- less Jess dose neutralizes many times it its volume in acid For 50 years ard m-d with physicians everywhere Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will mit probably end in five minutes Then you will always know what to do Crude and harmful methods will vill never appeal to you Go prove this for your own sake It may save a great many disagreeable hours Be sure to get gel the genuine Phillips Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 1 prescribed by physicians in correcting excess acids Nothing has ever cyer been done to Improve improve Im im- im prove prunes and they call this an anage age ige of progress I with Backache ache 9 PO r. r rt Ik k ii I R Ei 1 tJi t i Y Pt G r liy t i i I k fU y It M May y Warn of or Disordered Kidney KIdney Function A nagging backache with bladder irritations and a tired nervous depressed feeling may w warn rn of disordered kidney function Thousands recommend mend Deans Dean's Pills in these con Praised for more than 50 years by grateful users users' the country over Sold by dealers 4 Everywhere J nR Q r Wanted SiS JIG weakly accident and ard 2000 t principal sum 5 15 5 annual annual- ly 17 Experience unnecessary Top ToD commis Hearst Inactive bowels bowd cause Inactive minds Don't Dont let lut nod and a n tired feeling jet tet et tho tim beat best of you Drink that constipated feeling away with Wit a cup of 01 fragrant Garfield Tea A natural old fashioned remedy Garfield Tea lea consists of pure puro fragrant utterly harmless herbs herba A At t your O r l W. W N. N U. U Salt Lake City No 1931 42 1931 r v. v cS STRENGTHEN i af e their little bodies v DOCTORS know your children will thrive on Scotts Scott's Emulsion q- q of Cod Liver Oil Its rich Vitamin A content will give them 1 resistance against Vitamin D D. D the sunshine vitamin vita vita- min wilt will help build strong healthy bo bones s. s Its c calcium l ium Salts sola are arc helpful for or growing young bodies And its it's good for ar expectant ex cx- mothers and invalids as well S Scott's Scotts otts Emulsion is easy to cake e kc Children like mc its pleasant flavor it Use regularly LIttEN ro TO is 1 Scot lt ft Emulsion n rad radio l hour Mur every cey Su Sunday and Tuesday at TM PM C H. H S. S T. T Columbia Co network F e eLE LE i c I i S r I rr I IMade Made specially for forA forand A fl and Cull N Physicians te tell us that one condition condition condi condi- tion is nearly always present when a n achild achild I child has luis a digestive dIgesU upset a starting cold or other little ailment pation The Tho first step towards relief Is to rid the thc body of impure wastes And for this nothing Is better than genuine genuino Castoria l is a pure vegetable preparation made specially for babies and chil children ren This means I it Is mild and gentle that it contains no drugs no narcotics Yet it alwa results I You have ha always s 's gets never ne to c coax a children to take Castoria Real Castoria always bears the thc name annie CAS CASTORIA TO n Ul Dont Don't worry about a childs child's queer antics He will outgrow them r H j A e A-e e y oo old oDd for th yo yc n- n HC INTO the life liCe of every one comes cornea a a. time when we notice the years cars slipping by and we J see bee ee people we considered youngsters I catching up to us in business This business This feeling usually goes hand in hand with irritability and lack of pep are DIe also aiso symptoms When you get that feeling take stock of yourself You will probably rind find that the theold theold theold old job is getting you You need needa a a. change I If you cant can't afford to go goa a away take the finest of nil all remedies for that fagged out feeling Fellows Fellows' Fellows Fellows' Syrup I After a few doses of this perfect tonic the job will again look good to you and you ou will gr greet ct every morning with ith a smile mile rr P AT 40 bowel e trouble Constipation may very easily become chronic after forty And any continued constipation at al that timo time of life may bring att attacks of piles and a host of a other unpleasant disorders Watch your jour bowels at any age ace Guard them with particular care care after afler forty cr they need any nY help remember a doctor should know what LS is best for them Dr Caldwell's Caidwell's Syrup Pepsin is IS a d doctors doctor's prescription for the Jig bowels Tested by 47 ye years years' rs' rs practice it it has his been found thoroughly effective in m relieving constipation and its ills for formen men women women and children of all aU ages It has proven perfectly safe even for babies babie Mad vlad from fresh herbs pur pure pepsin and ot other h harmless l ingredients it cannot gripe will not not- sicken you or weaken you can be used without harm harmas as often as your breath is bad or when your tongue is coated whenever a a- a headachy bilious gassy sassy condition Y yarns warns s of constipation DRW V. B. B VE CALD I 5 t A Doctors Doctor's Family Laxative l J NT I I l a f Hi f r i ii 0 i t tefa tk k 1 Dr Klein efa I Assistant Secretary Secre of Commerce Department 0 I Recently Said ICe Certainly intelligently 11 11 S ert y y guided publicity and cons consistently conns- conns s- s vigorous oca us local ad ver f these days of consumer timidity represent outstanding means at the com corn mandof community ty merchant for arous arousing ng greater his goods and r aUr attract attracting ct ing cust customers meIS to his his door Ji v V na Talk Ik I Giver ft r with t Your our Own H sher J Sat Lake c ewest Hotel 1 a- a ut nH t n. n M H tV Tn L- L 11 t. t I IE P IL I. I JAi tB i a 1 a 20 Rooms a. a Radio corm connection in la every room RATES FROM J Jail o Mormon Momu X ERNEST ERNEST- C. C ROSSITER Mgr t. t t |