Show How Lindbergh's Father I Found Man in His Son I Charles A A. A Lindbergh's father discovered die dis c covered co the time man In his son when t they hey went fishing for the first time according to the story of The liThe Lind berghs In McCalls McCall's Magazine Charles was was twelve years old They started from Lake Itasca Hasca and for two weeks were alone on the river and lakes Inkes In northern Min Min- They Timey were two men who cooked their meals together over a n afire fire In the open and slept out When they returned Congressman LIndbergh Lindbergh Lindbergh Lind LInd- bergh said That trip with Charles was one of ot the happiest times In my whole life r I learned to know my boy In those two weeks as ns I had never known him before I found the man manIn manIn manin In him He LIe has bas good stuff stun and will stick He lie stood up under the discomforts discomforts dis dis- comforts comfort J of that trip ns as I never expected ex ex- pe peed ted he lie would A good experience ence that was for both of ot us |