Show Progress Of Utah H 0 BB Depends B On The Uintah Basin Holding Back the Vast Resources of This B Big g Area Retards State and is Unfair to Thousands Who Vho Have Settled This Inland Empire That leaders of Utah men in position to know realize that developing developing developing de de- de- de the Uintah Basin is imperative im im- im- im if Utah shall progress be beyond I yond a slow and gradual rate is of record In fact It is an old sub sub- sub sub- For a long time it has been given prominence by leades in industry in industry industry in- in and business and then the subject has lapsed back into a state of inactivity In February 1928 then State Senator Herbert HerbertS Herbert Her Her- bert bertS S. S Auerbach in an address before before before be be- fore the Utah Manufacturers said The future development of Utah will depend very largely upon upon upon up up- on the development of that part of our state which is drained by bythe bythe I Ithe the Colorado river and its tributaries tributaries tribu tribu- taxies involving an area of about one-half one of this state Then note this paragraph of his address The development even on a moderate scale of the vast resources of eastern Utah should within a reasonable time provide us with an additional population greater than we now have in the entire state The resources of this vast vast undeveloped section of Utah are fabulously rich We cull at random from Mr Auerbach's address the following sentences That the soil is re remarkably remarkably remarkably re- re rich has been proved by bythe bythe the great productivity of the few irrigated sections dotted over the undeveloped desert You will readily see that this section of our state with its unparalleled resources re resources resources re- re sources promises increasing wealth and population for Utah as a whole We Ve must not ise the fulfillment of this promise Speaking of the Colorado and its tributaries he said Vast expanses of fertile land lie under these head headwaters headwaters headwaters waters sufficient when irrigated by abundant water of these tributaries tribu tribu- tanies to double the irrigated area of our state Of our 54 million acres of land in th this s state we have less than two million acres under cultivation Without water this small fraction cannot be ed Senator Ex-Senator Auerbach then warned Utah leaders of the federalization federalization federalization feder- feder of this water He was frank in statements to Salt Lake City business men in warning them thorn against the transfer of ot the control of the water from the state to national national national na na- na- na authority Of the agricultural wealth in Utah of this Colorado river watershed watershed watershed water water- shed the most of it is in Duchesne and Uintah counties It is good business to repeat such elementary data as this Utah has less than acres of Irrigated crops per year and of this 20 as a conservative estimate is NOW in inthe inthe inthe the basin We have acres reclaimed some needing tary water for late irrigation but all having been beneficially used I If we place our present acreage that Is tilled and cropped each year down to acres low enough to meet any critical examInation examination examination exam exam- we crop 16 of all an U the theland theland theland land that produces irrigated crops in our state But 1 if we reduce the total state stat acreage so tilled by the I area we handle with our reduced man power then it is evident that we now represent between 20 and 35 of Utah's Irrigated farming On the other hand if we consider consid consid- er the wealth of Utah from the viewpoint of the metal mining Industry in industry in- in as this paper recently stated In substance per their publication publication publication pub pub- In May 1931 then this Basin is more important than it appears on on first examination Tha Th surplus wealth that is in the wealth we may send out of our state to give us additional credit is here in large volume Aside from coal we have hydro carbons of many kinds that are well known in the worlds world's markets However this wealth largely lays dormant because a railroad Is essential to move it with fair profit We need people instead of to Just faily start development de- de development development de de- of this Basin Our big irrigation projects have not yet been tak taken n in hand but lay Jay in blanket withdrawals in federal control This is the lowest in elevation elevation elevation ele ele- ele- ele and the deepest soil |